The battle of star court version 3

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Hopper walk over, squishing the tiny Mind Flayer with his foot.

*time skip*
Your POV

"The Mind Flayer, he built this monster in Hawkins to stop el and y/n, to kill them and pave a way into our world" Mike says
"And it almost did. That was just one tiny piece of it"
"How big is this thing?" Hopper asks
"It's big" Jonathan reply's "thirty feet, at least"
"Yeah" lucas agrees "it sorta destroyed your cabin. Sorry"
"Okay,so,just to be clear, this big fleshy spider thing that hurt y/n and el it's some kind of gigantic...weapon?"
"Yes" Nancy states while I snuggle further into my girlfriends chest trying to ignore the pain in my leg
"But instead of, like, scores and metal, the Mind Flayer made its weapon...with melted people"
"Yeah,okay, yeah, I- yeah, I'm just making sure"
"Are we sure this thing is still out there, still alive?"
"El beat the living shit out of it, but, yeah, it's still alive" Max speaks while running her fingers through my messy hair before kissing my forehead
"But if we close the gate again-"
"We cut the the brain off from the body"
"And kill it, theoretically"
"Yoo-hoo!" Someone yells from behind us making us turn to see
Paper rustles and someone comes running towards us "yoo-hoo!"
"Yoo-hoo (big summer blow out, I'm not even sorry😂)" I mock to Max who laughs

Hopper, Joyce and the weird Man with the funny hair cut start to talk while I concentrate on trying to wrap my leg
"What, you're just gonna waltz is there like it's commie Disneyland or something?" I hear Erica say making me snort
"I'm sorry, who are you?" The man speaks
"Erica Sinclair, who are you?"
"Listen mr. bunman, I'm not trying to tell you how to do things, but I've been down in that shithole for 24 hours. And with all due respect you do what this man tells you, you're all gonna die"
"I'm sorry, why is four-year-old speaking to me?"
"I'm, I'm ten, you bald bastard!" She says making me laugh out loud again
"Erica" lucas looks over at me laughing "y/n! You're not helping! Shut your ugly mouth up!"
"Aye!" Max yells standing up from where she was sitting beside me and walking towards him. She grabs the collar of his shirt and looks into his eyes "call her that again and I'll do much worse then wrinkling your stupid shirt got it dickface?!" She yells, making Lucas nod
Max walks back over to me, takes a seat beside me and gives me a small smile while batting her eyelashes making her so adorable. I giggle and lean forwards to kiss her.

*time skip cause again I'm tired*

"I'll be back okay?" Steve ask while pulling me into his arms
"Okay, Steve, got it. You can go. I'll be fine with max okay?"
"Okay,Okay, one more hug though" he pulls me into another that last longer
"Steve, you need to go" my muffled voice sounds out
"Okay,okay,I'm going, I'm-" he kisses my forehead and ruffles my hair "I'm going now, yeah" he says before starting to walk away just to run back over to me and pull me into another hug
"Steve, go!" I laugh while Dustin pulls him away.Max Walks over to me before letting out a sigh. I pat my lap and she sits down making me wrap my arms around her waist tightly.  She leans into my touch before turning around in my arms and wrapping her arms around my neck.
"Hey,we should probably go" mike speaks pulling Max off me. Max groans before helping me up
"Okay,okay Mike" I say shrugging out of his grip when he puts his hand on my shoulder
I watch as Eleven hugs hopper tightly. I point and max helps me walk over and give hopper a hug too. She wraps her arm around me again as well as Eleven and helps me walk towards the rest of the party
"Mike!" Hopper calls out making him walk over

As we walk out of the mall I grunt in pain when I put to much pressure on my leg
"Y/n/n you're bleeding" Mike says making me look at him
"No shit" I take a shakeup breath and look over at my girlfriend who asks
"Are you okay?" Making me nod
"Here" Max says opening the book of the car for me. I groan as she helps me into the car so I'm laying down
Nancy try's to to start the car but it doesn't work
"Didn't your mom just buy this car?"
"Yes. I'm sure it's fine."
"Did you leave the lights on?"
"Do we have gas?"
"Stop!" I yell when she turns the keg again
"Let me have a look" I say moving to open the boot and get out of the car. Max helps me out and I go to the front of the car and tell Nancy to pop the hood. She does and I take take a quick looks around
"What is it?"
"The ignition cables gone"
"How do we fix that?"
"Unless you have a spare one on you, I can't"
A car engine roars making us turn our head towards it
"Shit" I look towards Billy's car before looking at Max who's beside me. She looks scared "Hey,hey,it's okay. We just need to get inside. Nancy. Get everyone out of the car. Right now" I say before Max helps me limp towards the mall
"Go! Go! Go!" I yell as everyone starts to run into the mall
"We-were not gonna-gonna g-g-get o-out" Max starts to breath heavily
"Max calm down" I say before sitting her down on a bench "Max...Max" put my thumb and pointer finger under her chin making her look at me "Hey. need to breath...come on baby breath. In...." I inhale as I watch her do the same "and out" I exhale as I continue to watch "in...and out"
She starts to breath and I kiss her forehead lightly "we're gonna be okay...he won't hurt you. I'll make sure of it" I kiss her lips gently before grabbing a hold of her hand and running my thumb over her knuckles 
"thanks" she whispers
"I'm always here" I kiss her temple gently before looking around the mall

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