Chapter 2. Thoughts transposed to text

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As I tossed and turned in bed, my thoughts were all over the place.

How was he, as in my dreamboat (better known as Peter) be able to respond to my thoughts, his slabs of text arriving within my story.... and yet I wasn't responsible for putting them there?

I rolled from my right side to my left side with a huff - and noticed my mobile phone screen was lit up.

"Could it be...?" I muttered to myself.

My phone screen lit up for a second time indicating a new notification. My eyes sidled slightly to the left, where my old-school radio alarm clock showed me it was 2 am.

My arm was reaching out for my phone before I could question myself and only once it was in my hand did I notice the slight tremor in my hand.

I unlocked my phone with my thumbprint and saw that it was what I had been thinking of.


I logged into Wattpad and saw that what I had been up to thus far had been written already.

"Whoa! That's cool! Like, so cool!" Sonia said once she saw a text was now being written as it was occurring.
"Peter! Have you got something to do with this? Or is my phone suddenly possessed?" Sonia spoke at her phone.
And then promptly blushed, because she felt like an idiot.

"That's RU-"
Sonia's text was cut off by:

"I'm here Sonia! Has what got to do with me? I was asleep till you started hollering! Haha! What's all the noise for?"

Sonia read this text, and then noticed her heart had picked up speed, and a small collection of butterflies had gotten together for a social gathering in her stoma-

"Cut that out!" Sonia snapped at her phone. "Stupid phone" she mumbled and she shuffled her weary body into the kitchen to boil the kettle.
Caffeine is a must at this point.

While waiting for the kettle to boil, Sonia contemplated. "What was getting to Peter considering each and every thought, action, reaction - in other words, everything - is turning up in the book, but how much of that does Peter get?

Once a hot coffee was settled in front of her in her breakfast nook, Sonia finally spoke to Peter again. "Peter, I'm sorry to have disturbed you. I have a few questions for you if that's ok?"

Almost immediately, Sonia's phone lit up with a notification.
Again, using her thumbprint to unlock it reopened at Wattpad, and Sonia's story had grown by 200 odd words, and Peters response was on there.

"Sure thing babe! And you didn't disturb me, just... threw me off for a second. Hahaha! Fire away, hun! What's up?"

Sonia audibly sighed and pondered how she could ask this question without straight-up sounding like she required a straitjacket.

"Just ask. Straight up. Ask. I'm a laid back bloke with an open mind. So go on! Hit me with your best shot!"

Peter's next slab of text arrived without any audible prompt but her sigh. That's when Sonia took stock, squared her shoulders and prepared for the worst. "How do you hear me? Audibly - as in with your ears?" This part of the question was asked with her voice. The next line she asked only in her mind. "Or in your head?"

"Woah! How did you do that? That was cool! First, you sounded like a narrator talking over a movie or play. Then? You sounded like that voice in my head... only sexier! So cool!"

Sonia read this and blushed again, but also felt a pull of heat towards her lower stomach, being a new sensation for her - she pondered it for a moment.

"🎼🎤Do you like me? Do you want to hug me? Do you want to kiss me? Do you want to touch me? 🎼🎤 Mwah! Mwah!"

Sonia read this and said "Oh shush you!" as she went the shade of a tomato. "If only he was real," she thought to herself.

(If only Sonia knew how close to correct she was.)

Peter's next slab of text, the subsequent notification and screen lighting up Sonia's head snapped up out of her reverie towards where her phone was left.

Sonia's now shaking hand slowly reached out for her phone, and while using her thumbprint to unlock her phone, she took a deep breath and prepared to read what Peter had said.

"Sonia! Are you OK? Are you even there?!? Oh man oh, man!! I really was only joking! Please don't be upset or hurt or angry!! GOSH darn it, I never meant to hurt you! I'm so very sorry! Please forgive me!"

Sonia almost smiled.
But the entire situation was starting to fritz her brain.

She spoke at her phone.

"Peter, I'm fine. I'm here, I'm ok. Just tired and stressed. I'm going to go to bed. Please, try and get some rest at the same time."

Then, without even trying to think about anything or anyone, Sonia laid back in her bed and fell into a dreamless sleep.


I have been thinking about this story a LOT over the past few weeks. I have at least 5 different paths in which this story can go.

Thank you again to TimberWoolf for the idea!!
~Sonia Rose 🥀

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