First Restaurant Rendezvous

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"Okay uhh Lashawna or Heather?" Geoff questions holding in his laugher. Duncan scrunched up his face "aw man you couldn't give different people man those chicks creases me. And not in a good way"

"Come on you gotta pick man" Geoff says laughing. Duncan groans and rolls his eyes " smash Heather and pass Lashawna " Duncan says begrudgingly. Geoff burst out laughing ."yeah real funny". He said sarcastically.

Geoff continues driving his car to a restaurant called Balenfontès palace (tried to make it sound fancy lmao). After many smashes and passes later they made it to the restaurant.

As Duncan gets out the car and checks the time 4:30 PM. Geoff and Duncan had just got out of school not that long ago, so they thought why not try to get some grub at this 5 star restaurant.

Duncan and Geoff walked into the restaurant and Duncan felt undressed. He was wearing a tight black shirt with sleeves that ended half way to his biceps. And some jeans with black and red converse. But he shook it off.

They went up to the server to get their table. Duncan looked at the server, she had red straight hair and fair skin. She had a nice body but it was more on the skinny side. When the server looked up and the two boys coming she instantly straightened and pulled her skirt higher to show off more of her legs.

"Hello gentlemen welcome to Balenfontès. Number of people?" She said in a seductive manner. "Hey dudette and two please." Geoff said tipping his hat. She smiled a sultry smile and led them to their table.

She smiled that smile again "enjoy your evening sir" she said leaning forward to give them their menus, but she leaned extra so they can see her cleavage.

Once she left Geoff smirked "she must really be in the mood" "hell yeah man to bad she's not our waitress". Duncan says thinking about the things she'd be willing to do.

After a couple of minutes them looking over at the menu a waitress came up to there table.

"Hello gentlemen how are you today?" Said a female voice

Duncan and Geoff stopped their conversation and glanced up from the menus and Geoff smiled and tipped his hat "Hey dudette! Were doing good brah."

When he female was gonna reply he immediately cut her off "Better now that your here sweetheart" Duncan drawled smirking.

He noticed a crack in her professional facade but she she quickly regained her composure. She ignored him and continued "I'm Courtney and I'll be your waitress for the evening. Do you know what you'll be having yet?"

Duncan smirked amused hes definitely gonna have fun with this one and the bonus, she was smoking hot. He could already tell she had a temper.

"Uhhh.... I don't know man what do you suggest dudette? " Geoff says looking at the waitress.

"Well the best dishes that I've tried is the lasagna, the sea food in general, and the-"

"Princess I'll be having some King crab legs,fried calimari some macaroni and cheese . (AN: I dont know I tried Lmao)

Once again he saw her facade crack. She breathed in and asked him If he wanted anything else. Duncan smirked "I'd take your number to" he said raising an eyebrow. He could tell she was gonna loose her temper if he kept this up.

"Sorry but that's not on the menu." She said through her gritted teeth. "Well I'll take the...lasagna and garlic fries ." Geoff said finally deciding what looked appealing to him.

She wrote Their orders on her note pad, "Anything to drink?" Geoff shrugged "how about a water- wait no that's to boring uhhh how abou-no" Courtney quickly cut him off " how about a Pepsi?" "Yeah I'll take that, thanks brah." She sighed in relief, Duncan chuckled at that.

She turned to him unwillingly. Duncan's smirk got bigger "how about a margarita." "Sir if your not over the age of 21 you aren't allowed to have any alcoholic beverages of any kind" she said to him loosing her patience. "Fine how about a vitamin water." He said rolling his eyes.
She wrote that down. "I'll be back with your meal and your drinks soon." And with that she turned and walked off into the kitchen.

She went to the kitchen where she put up their order. Then she went to the drink station in the kitchen. Which her bestfriend Bridgette was stationing. "Hey Bridge I need a vitamin water and a freaking Pepsi." she said rolling her eyes.

Her blonde friend looked her up and down "what's wrong with you? Customer bit off your energy bar?" Bridgette said getting cups out the drawer and filling them up.

" ugh yes and no. There's these two guys I'm waiting and one of them Is being such a barbaric pig." She said annoyed

Bridgette put the cups on a tray to serve it on and said it on a counter that was standing between them. "Was he a hot barbarian pig?" She asked "what no he was revolting bridge he looked like he escaped out of prison!" She exclaimed.

Bridge had a sly smile "uh huh then why are you blushing. You totally think he's hot"

"Wh-what no I don't! " she said trying to hide her blush.  "Yes you doooo" Bridgette said knowingly. Courtney rolled her eyes "Fine he's attractive but he's still an asshole" she said rolling her eyes.
"Okay but you said there's another is he cute to?" She asked excitedly. Courtney laughed at that." Why don't you look"


Courtney and Bridgette brought a cart with Duncan's and Geoffs food and drinks. Duncan saw the girls and smirked. Geoff saw this and turned to look just to have his mouth dropped. He didn't know who was with Mocha but she is fineee.

Once they got to they're table Courtney started serving Duncan's food, thanks to Bridgette taking Geoffs plate first. She gave him his food and drink when he said " thanks, you didn't spit in my food right princess?" He said jokingly. She glared "no but I should've maybe you would've left"
Duncan smirked " actually I wouldn't mind your mouth is gonna be kissing me soon anyways"

Remember Courtney professional remain professional

All she did was shoot daggers at him with her eyes". 
Duncan could tell she was on the brink of loosing it. He noticed that Geoff was making a fool of himself with the other waitress. He could tell he liked her.

When they finally left It was the nearly the end of Courtney and Bridgett's shift and they went to go clean their table before they clocked out.
Courtney got there and saw a note on the table, her and bridgette exchanged looks befor she grabbed it and opened it.

Call me princess😉
Courtney blushed as Bridgette squealed.
"You have to call him" Bridgette said Courtney got inside of Bridgette car "why should I" she scrunched her nose in disgust. "Because for one you obviously like him,and don't say you don't cause it's obvious you do"  she said starting the car
Courtney rolled her eyes and put her seatbelt on.
"And I need you to get Geoffs number for me " she said half jokingly. Courtney rolled her eyes and giggled. She got the note out her pocket and looked at it.

Well maybe I will
She thought smiling.

Sorry for this LAME thing I was trying to update this cause I haven't updated this story in such a long time but you ready for Christmas?  But I hoped you liked it at least a little and sorry that's it's all over the place lmao


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