The paaaiiinnn

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Courtney sat up tiredly she groaned and looked around. She felt wet...too wet. She sat up and lifted the blanket up. To her horror she saw a small red spot on the sheet.


She quickly got and ran to the bathroom. She felt the cramps and it hurt like a bitch. She went straight to her cabinets that have pads and tampons. She was hoping she'd would still have some. She forgot to buy some last month.

She opened it and breathed out a sigh of relief. She has 5 pads and 6 tampons. But she knew it wasn't gonna be enough. He period was usually 5 days long. If was working out consistently it went to 4 instead.

I guess I gotta go get some more pads and tampons

She sighed, she would have to get them now she would be super busy this week. She honestly was hoping this would happen next week.

She felt a strong pain in her stomach.

Ugh and ibuprofen

Courtney hurried up and did her business and changed into black yoga pants and a tight black long sleeve shirt that went just above her belly button and some sneakers.

She usually wouldn't wear that shirt in public but it was the first thing she found, plus it was really comfortable and she really wanted to go back to sleep.

She got her car keys and looked at the time.

2:33 AM

She groaned wrote a note to her dad just in case he woke up. And got in her car and left to the nearest store that was still open.

15 minutes later she finally found a store called 'Fandy and Rence" she looked at it doubtfully but it looked pretty normal and they're cars and people inside

I think they need to switch the 'R' and the 'F'

She walked in the entrance and instantly had air woosh in her face, making her chest length hair fly around causing her to get agitated.

This is why she hated being on her period. things that usually wouldn't bother her would instantly piss her off.

She walked into the store looking for those things attached to the ceiling that told you what was in the aisle.

She looked and finally found it, aisle 17 feminine products. She mood changed from agitated to thankful and relief. Now she would leave faster.

She walked looked down the aisle to only see canned food and soft drink

What the fuck the sign literally said it was here.

She saw a guy in a tight black shirt with the name of the store putting cans of food up on the top shelf with a ladder.

She stormed over to him clearly pissed off.

"Excuse me " she said with annoyance clear in her tone. The guy just kept his back to her putting the cans up like wasn't even there.

"Excuse me sir" she said once more but rudely. Still nothing from him. She was getting furious. Then a a song she hated came on the speaker. Oh now she was hot.

The store's music sucked, their signs weren't even set up right, and now their employees were rude and didn't have any customer service.

She was about to yell at him when she noticed the guy had earphones in and you could hear faint screaming and heavy loud guitar playing.

She rudely poked him on his back hard. The guy winced and quickly turned around while taking his earphone out.

No fucking w- you have to be kidding me!

There in plain sight her class mate stood there. Duncan Foreman, juvenile hall delinquent,a guy who doesn't give no fucks about anything. Top 2 of the hottest boys in school.

"What the fu- Princess? Explains alot." He snickered. "What do you want." He said as a statement not as a question.

"Ugh never mind. I'll find it myself." She said clearly annoyed that she even has to deal with him at this hour.

She was walking off when he grabbed her shoulder "what are you looking for babe?" She aggressively moved his hand from her shoulder "None of your business pig. And my name is not babe"

Duncan looked up at the things that tell you what was in the aisle. "Well you definitely aren't looking for diapers, baby clothes or exercising equipment.."

Courtney started blushing. Even though she couldn't stand him she didn't want him knowing she was on her period.

"Are you looking for pads and tampons and crap?" He asked and he looked at her and her blush said it all.

"No wonder your so aggressive, c'mon Princess." He said grabbing her hand gently and pulling her to the the right aisle."

Courtney felt embarrassed she was gonna say something but when he grabbed her hand she felt butterflies and her heart beat sped up to 80x a second.

When he got her to the aisle he let go of her hand and left.

Must've been awkward for him

She grabbed some pads and tampons. When she turned around she walked into Duncan's chest. "Watch where the hell your going!" She snapped. He rolled his eyes "just thought you needed this."  He said holding up a bottle of ibuprofen. She grabbed it from his hand happy that she got everything she needed. " thanks" she said walking off to the cash registers.

When she got there all she saw was empty cash registers. She heard footsteps from behind her. When she turned around she saw a smug smile on Duncan's face and him walking to the cash register with keys.

He stood at a register and unlocked the register and waited for her to come. She sighed frustratedly and stormed to the cash register.

He swiped the ultra thin pads and the tampons and the ibuprofen. All together it was $23.92

She got the money outta he clutch when outta nowhere he dropped the price to $5.12. "Wait what are you doing?"  "I dropped your price down babe." He said looking amused at her reaction. She stood there shocked " Won't you get in trouble!?"  He shrugged "don't really care if I did, but no one is here for me to get in trouble ."

She stood there trying to process what he just did. "Okay th-thank you" she said a bit awkward.

She started going to her car as fast as she could. But Duncan caught up with her "let me walk you out there's... weirdos that walk around here" he said with a serious face.

He walked with her. When she got to her car she unlocked the door. But before she got in her car she turned around "you have my bags.."

"Oh sorry" he said giving her her bags. She put them in the passenger's seat. She paused before she got in, sighing she turned around  " sorry for acting like a asshole in there.."  Duncan smiled. A real smile. "No problem Courtney." She smiled at him and got in her car. She waved him a good bye and left home.

She lied on bed that morning smiling, with fresh sheets, dreaming about Duncan.

A/N:hoped you liked it.
This is for you @ayono_waffle


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