The docters assistant

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Duncan opened his eyes, wincing slightly at the sudden bright light. Once his eyes adjusted to the light he looked around the room.

Am am i- what the fuck am I in a hospital for!?

Duncan tried to sit up just to feel a sharp pain shot up his left rib. He looked at himself to see his leg in a cast, his right arm in a his and his left side of his rib wrapped up in the  bandage wrap thingie( lmao I forgot what it was called dont judge😂).

He was trying to think what the hell happened that made him this fucked up  and how long was he gonna be here for.

Duncan was trying his hardest to think of any reason he would be here. The last thing Duncan remembers is...

Him in the car... a little girl... a loud noise... loud lights....yelling...crying

Ugh this is making my head hurt

Then the door opened and walked in a tall with black hair. She walked over to him while looking at her clipboard.

Duncan sighed and the lady's head snapped up in his direction. "Your awake!" She exclaimed happily

Duncan was confused "what's that supposed to mean?" " You've been inna coma for a week and a half " she said pressing a button on the wall.

"Do you remember anything that happened at all?" She said looking at him with hope. "Not really just glimpses, when can I get outta here?"

She looked sad a little " you'll be here for a while Mr.Foreman. But I'm going to go get the other doctors and I'm gonna call your parent's." She said leaving

Duncan sighed as he felt a dull pain shoot through out his body.

Duncan's parents busted through the door and anxiously looked at him. Duncan studied the way his parents looked.  His mom's bright baby blue eyes had deep bags, and was puffy like she had been crying for years and she looked very tired.  And his Dad looked worried and had bags under his eyes as well.

"Oh Duncan your alright "his mom cried out in relief while rushing to him. Duncan's Dad gave him a small smile "glad to see your okay son"

Duncan's parents and him were talking about everything that happened. But when he asked a question he they froze up.

"What happend to me ?" Duncan's Mom and Dad looked at each other with a face and suddenly Duncan felt tension in the room.

"We can't tell you honey... the doctors feel like it would be better if you remember it on your own." 

"That makes no sense if I'm gonna be here I should know" "look son I know but we can't go against Docters orders"

Duncan just rolled his eyes and he noticed a curtain drape on something.
"What is that" Duncan said motioning over to the unknown object.

Duncan's mom's brightend up and went over to the blankets. "you had visitors since you got here and they all left you things." She said with a big smile. It looked like she barely smiled anymore.

She took off the curtain to reveal pictures, candles, candy, skulls, cards, baskets, flowers,gift cards, clothes, and food.  Duncan smirked at the stuff he got "wow yall must love me alot" he said sarcastically/amused.

" your a hero Duncan" she said happily. Duncan looked confused and looked at his dad which he just looked at him with an unreadable face. "Yeah right" He said shaking it off.

His mom was going to respond but his Doctor came in. He smiled at his parents and turned back to him " hello Mr.Foreman I'm Docter.brycman  im here to give you your dose of pain medicine. Its gonna make you tired like it really knocks you out."

"Okay sweetie well were gonna let you rest and next time I'll bring Amber okay" "Get better son"

Duncan nodded as they left.

His Doctor put the medicine on a table next to him. "Okay one of these are pills then another in liquid form then you have to get a shot."

Duncan sighed as he thought of doing this every day for who knows how long and how many times. "Whatever"

Once the doctor was done Duncan sat there on his phone seeing all his social media's blow up with messages and post about him being in the hospital.

Duncan was on there for 5 mins before the medicine started working and he fell asleep...

AN: yeah I know where's Courtney she'll be in the next chapter. Maybe not BWAHAHAHAA just playing but who's Amber? Why is Duncan in the hospital?  And what happened? And will he ever meet Courtney?! Okay let me stop lmao

-Courtney M

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