Costume Picking Stress(Part 2)

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Courtney and Duncan are currently, upstairs in her room. They just came back from an exhausting hunt for costumes.

Courtney was sitting on the bed back against the head board, While Duncan was laying in between her legs watching The Bachelor staring Colton Underwood on her 75" flat screen TV. Courtney was watching The bachelor with Duncan while playing with Duncan's faux Mohawk.

"This show is so pointless" Duncan states bluntly. Courtney rolled her eyes at Duncan's statement. "That's because you have have no taste in in TV shows. All you watch is the horror movie channels... " She said trailing of distracted by the show, watching the scene where Demi and Courtney were arguing about what they said about one another. Duncan sat there staring at the screen confused and annoyed "The girls on here Is annoying. It's called a competition for a reason. Who ever that chick in the red dress is really giving me a headache." Duncan says rubbing his temples

" I know right! She's dramatic for absolutely no reason!" " Isn't that familiar" Duncan says sarcastically.  Courtney shot him a dirty look but continued "Anyways the fact that her name is Courtney is an embarrassment to everyone named Courtney."

" Well that makes sense" Duncan Snickers. " Ha Ha Haa" Courtney said sarcastically. Just to get on her nerves even more he started laughing even more. Courtney lightly smacked him on his forehead.


   "Okay" Courtney declared walking back in the room with a bag of Burger King. Duncan grumpily got up from under the bed. When he saw the bag from Burger King he rolled his eyes and started adjusting his clothes.

"I told you it was just a Uber with our food" he said with a annoyed tone. " Well excuse me for not wanting to get in trouble. If my parents especially if my dad catches you here I will be in big trouble." She told him probably for the millionth time this week. " Baby I know" He chuckled.  "If they see you here who knows what thought will go their heads" Courtney said cringing at her possible parents thoughts. "Something we do all the time when they're not here" Duncan says smirking. Courtney started blushing and threw his Whopper at him, making sure to aim to his face. Unfortunately for Courtney he caught it and got his cheese sticks and his Hi-C.

Courtney walked to the closet and took out near 15 bags of costumes and set them on the floor by the bed, where Duncan was eating.

"Princess?" Duncan said looking at her confused. "What?" "Aremf you gonna eath tourf food?" He said with his mouth full. " Ew Duncan stop talking with your mouth full! Your gonna make your food fly all over me!" Courtney said with disgust clear in her tone. Once Duncan swallowed the rest of his food, he asked her again without food in his mouth, much to her felief.

"Dunkie I'm not hungry right now." She said nonchalantly. But Duncan wasn't fooled and Courtney saw it and before he could say anything she quickly added "Annnnndd besides I really want see what costumes we're picking." She said looking around the room for something. " Looking for this." Duncan said thrusting a Spicy Chicken Sandwich in her direction, trying to get her to eat her food.

"Um no. Where is the rest of the bags we got from the mall?" "I-umm damn..." He said trying to think where the rest of the bags were. " Oh they're in the car. Don't worry babe I'll get it."

" Duncan you can't go out there what if my parents come home." "Princess they won't even be here for another four hours." Duncan said waving it off, walking to the door. "Bu-"  "Princess if your so worried then come with me." Duncan called going down the stairs. " Ugh fine."


Once they got down stairs Courtney looked outside to make sure the coast was clear before letting Duncan out.

Thanks for the memories Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora