Broken hearts part 2

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Courtney finally merged companies after lots and lots of research and patience. After a few weeks of getting the processes completed so that the 2 companies can conjoint and immediately started moving into the building that Courtney was waiting for a year now to finish was completed and worked out. The employees have been working to get all their belongings and add stuff to their new and bigger offices.

Courtney could be working or at home relaxing right now but instead, she was on another blind date thanks to Heather. Heather felt like Courtney always drowned herself in work and needed to get back out there. Courtney always disagreed always on replying with " I don't need a man to get in the way of my career." But Heather wasn't going to let her best friend be lonely no matter how much of a workaholic she was.

Courtney sat in a fancy restaurant waiting for her date to come. She dressed for the occasion not missing the looks of envy and jealousy other women would send her.

Courtney chuckled she loved being the best at everything no matter if it was winning or being best dressed. She had to keep her image. As a person that owns a big business, she always had to look nice even in public.

Courtney wore a purple tight dress with a slight down the left leg and a plunging neckline with matching purple high heels. Her hair was in a bun with ringlets framing her face. She also had silver long dangling earrings and a silver necklace.

She pursed her red matte-covered lips as she looked at her watch. The guy was 15 minutes late. She sighed as she drank another glass of pineapple juice. She wasn't trying to get drunk with a stranger she didn't know.

Courtney rolled her eyes and stood up, he's obviously not coming. She was about to leave when a tall guy with cocoa brown skin and grey eyes came to the table with a grey suit. There was no doubt he was attractive but he was more than 15 minutes late.

"Are you the one I'm supposed to have for the blind date? Set up by Heather?" The got asked with a smile
Courtney just nodded

"Hi I'm William but you can call me Will," he said voice deep and velvety.

"Nice to meet you I'm Courtney." She said with a fake smile.

"Likewise. I apologize for my tardiness I had a hold back at work." He said smiling warmly.

"No, no problem at all. So what's your profession?" Courtney asked.

" I'm a lawyer actually I've been one for nearly 6 years now." He said proudly beaming.

Courtney nodded in slight approval.

"And your profession?" He asked.

"Let's just say I'm in the high end of customer service," Courtney said before drinking her juice.

30 minutes into the date and Courtney was annoyed more than she was when she was waiting on William.  Apparently, William was a vegan and wasn't too pleased that she ordered seafood.  And went on a rant about how she's killing animals and how she should be a vegan instead.

"People eat fish and crab and even squid when they're important to the sea environment!" He said before rambling on about more vegan crap.

Courtney sighed. He was also one of those people who liked to hear themselves talk. She sighed rudely and loudly but he didn't notice he just kept talking about vegan substitutes.

Courtney was about to interrupt him and make an excuse to leave when someone tapped her shoulder.

Courtney turned around to see a face she hasn't seen in a long time. Since she left for college out of state. Bridgette ambers.

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