Chapter 29

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Ashley pov

I texted Taylor on the way to the house.
we got to the frat house and i decided to turn off my phone and just enjoy the night. We walked in the house and for once it was actually clean.we walked through the house and i was showing Dylan around. We were upstairs and we heard a loud and excited "hey". We turned around and it was Ashton. "Oh hey ash." I said playing it cool. He came closer and hugged me, of course i hugged him back. But during that hug he whispered in my ear, "i hope to get you tonight." Then nibbled my ear and backed away and bro hugged Dylan. We chatted a bit then went downstairs to get drinks and went to the backyard. I saw Luke and Alex out there talking with Calum. I stopped in my tracks and Dylan noticed something was up, even Ashton noticed. We went back in the house and went to a quiet corner in the kitchen. "Babe whats going on?" Dylan asked. Ashton gave him a weird look and shook it off. "I saw them out there. How the hell did they get her so fast? I don't think i can handle going out there." I started having a small panic attack. "Wait whats going on?" Ashton asked. "Luke and i made up last night and we decided on being friends but that didn't end well cuz i caught him and Alex kissing in her room before we left." I said. Ashton started to get pissed then calmed down a bit, "fucker" is all he said. He started to storm off but i pushed past Dylan and grabbed his arm stopping him. "Ashton stop. You dont need to ruin everybody's night. Its ok." I said. He stopped and calmed down more, "lets go enjoy the night ok?" I nodded and all 3 of us walked to the backyard again. They talked me into going over to them and talking. I finally agreed. We joined them and i just stood there not talking. Everyone else was doing the talking.

A couple hours later, usally im hammered by now but im just not feeling it. Ashton wanted me to cheer up a bit and took Dylan and i down to the basement to play beer pong. I got talked into showing my moves and i won several games and now im drunk. Soon Luke came down and he tried to get me to stop playing and i tried ignoring him but hes like a buzzer in my ear, hard to get rid of. Dylan stepped in and was backing me up. I kept playing trying to ignore them. They eventually started physically fighting. Everyone pulled them apart and i stepped between them, "STOP! Im tired of this! If neither of you are gonna grow the help up and act your own age then im done." "What do you mean your done?" Luke asked. "I mean im giving up and not dating either of you. Im tired of the fighting, the heart aches, the feelings. Im done." I took my last drink of the beer and strutted up the stairs and walked outside and sat on the front porch and started crying. I turned my phone back on and saw 9 missed calls from taylor and 20 texts. I called him back walking to the car.
T: Ashley whats going on?
A: lots of shit Taylor. Lots.
T: tell me.
A: *sobbing* alex kissed luke and luke and Dylan were fighting and i broke up with dylan.
T: im so sorry A- wait what?!
A: im sorry Taylor. I walked in on them and it broke my heart.
T: i have to call her.
A: shes still at the party probably now getting it down with the guys.
T: your at a party?
A: i was at a party. Now im leaving. Im not wanting to be a part of anything there.
T: Ash please don't drive.
A: bye Taylor.
T: Ashley stop! Your drunk and in pain. Your not stable enough to drive-
I hung up on him. I got in the car and drove off. I started to cry again hating everything. I started heading out of town, the same way Alex goes to her fights. My phone kept ringing. I started getting mad. Trust tears, anger, rain and booze dont mix very well. I ended up screaming and crying harder and once i looked up, it was too late. I ended running off the road, hitting the wall of dirt then spinning and flipped over a few times and hitting trees. The car landed on the passenger side. I soon came too and i was in the hospital.

Plot twist. I bout cried writing this chapter, and i might do the same in the next. The next few chapters will be pov's of everyone. Tbh i couldn't decide if i wanted the crash of for her to go fight but i chose the crash cuz it matched well with what she was going through. Welp hope you enjoy lovelies.

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