chapter 14

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^^^^Ashley's outfit for the party^^^^

Ashley P.O.V.

So Alex left and she's been gone for quite a while, so to pass tht time, I met Luke at the music hall and he taught me how to play electric guitar, even tho I already know how.... Lol! But when he told me to try it myself, I showed him what I could do, n I swear his jaw hit the floor!! It was hilarious!!! But I showed him I could play the electric, bass and acoustic guitars n the drums, he fell even more in love with me haha!! But tht was like our 2nd date or something....
When we finished showing off our talents n shit, we went to the mall for a bit.
We hit up several little shops, i went to the salin n got my greeninsh hair dyed bleach blonde then it was dyed hot pink, then we went to the little tattoo parlor again n I got lyrics of a song tht I've been writing on my right arm, (A/N: plz don't hate me for putting tht, I just heard the song for the first time last night n I'm madly in love with it!!) "I've Got A JET BLACK HEART & There's A Hurricane Underneath It" then I decided to get gauges, which I never even thought of doing it but since I'm 19 n in college I'm gonna do it. (A/N: Luke is 19 1/2, Ashley is 19)
After our mall date, we went back to my dorm n chilled, well we unpacked the bags n put my stuff away n we cuddled on my bed, it was 5:30 in the afternoon n we were bored AF!!!! But we cured that boredness by making out.
Bout an hour into our make out session, Alex walks in n yells "get a fucking room" then goes to the mini fridge grabs a bottle of vodka n goes out to the balcony. Luke n I were a bit confused on what's going on right now but we went to go check on Alex.
-time skip-
Alex leaves looking completely insane n wow Im not gonna talk bout my friend tht way but I hate how she's turning into a total bitch!! I mean she's yelling at us for no reason, dressing up all slutty n shit n I don't like how Calum us making her turn into a monster!! "I'm tired of this shit!" I say throwing my hands in the air n walking to the mini fridge to get luke n I a coke. "Ik me too babe. Thx" "NP n she's going fucking insane cuz of tht boy! U need to talk to him n tell him what the fuck is going on!" I told him sitting down on his lap n taking a drink of my coke. "Maybe later babe. Hey u wanna stay at my plc again?" "Uhh sure" I said taking another drink. Time passes n I pack a little bag with a super cute yet fucking sexy outfit for the next day n I didn't pack any PJs, oops.... *wink wink*. So we hoped back in his car n drove to the frat house, during tht ride, I txtd Alex telling her what's going on,
Me: yo staying at Luke's for the night
Her: idgaf do what u want!!
Me: damn srry!! Just letting u know I'm not gonna b there tonite when u come home
Her: srry I'm just really fusterated rn n I just wanna enjoy the rest of my night.. Srry I yelled at u guts earlier BTW...
Me: yo it cool bae... Just don't do it again... K?!
Her: k I'll try...
Me: k have fun ttyl
Her: k later
Than we need the chat. We got to the house n we walked in. "Damn this place looks nicer than what it did at the party" "yah. It kinda does but tonire we r having another party" n I just got excited yet a bit mad. " o I was hoping to have a peaceful nite with my boyfriend, but I guess not" "babe it'll b fun! I promise u tomorrow we can have a u n I day. Just us n no one else" "mkay fine" I finally gave in. We went up to his room passing by a couple of the frat boys. We walked in his room, I went to sit on his bed while he closed the door, put my bag on the floor in front of the dresser n came up to me. I scooted back on the bed to where the back of my knees were touching the edge of the bed. He sat on my legs n put his hands on my waist. We were about to start kissing when the door flew open, "LUKE ROBERT HEMMINGS!!" it was fucking Michael!! "Dude wth!! How many fucking times do I have to tell u to knock on the fucking door?!!" I just put my face on his chest, my hair covering up my face. "Srry bro its just tht Joe said u came in with a hot girl n brought her to ur room" "yah tht hot girl is my fucKING GIRLFRIEND!!" okay now I'm a bit scared. he got up n started walking to the door, I layed down, my hair fanning out. "Girlfriend?! Wat about Ariyia?! Don't u think shell b like super pissed bout this??!!" What? "Who the fuck cares bout her!! It was one time Michael! N she's still trying to get me back!!" "Dude u know shell b here tonite" o hell no!! Looks like I'm putting good use to my new sexy outfit..... "Idgafs! Just keep her away from Ashley n I!" "K... Wait.. Who's ashley....??" "My girlfriend" "o u mean tht one hot chick with the green hair with tht crazy friend of hers that during cal completely insane??" "Yup" "o wow k I'll try my best Man!" "Thx" then Mikey left. Luke closed the door n turned around right when I started taking off my cardigan all sexy like. He came over n sat down in front of me. "O yah I can get used to this" he said smiling like a fucking idiot. I rolled my eyes "yah k" I just sat down on his lap throwing the sweater on the bed n putting my arms around his neck. "So where were we?" He asked smiling. I smiled back. We leaned in n started kissing. We ended up half naked n under the sheets, cuddling. "So who's Ariyia?" I asked curiosity getting the best of me. "Just some crazy bitch tht goes to every party in Sydney, maybe other cities but she's trying to hook back up with me" "o OK" "trust me babe, it's u I want! Nobody else but u!" My heart just melted!! "Awww me too lukey" then we started kissing again. Since we r half naked, in bed, n in the moment, we just went for it. (A/N: srry babes, not going in detail with this...... Sowwy )': ) after what felt like forever, we just played there, cuddling and catching our breathe. Man I sure hope I don't end up pregnant on my first year of college.
There u go babes! Alex is going insane, ashley n luke r getting somewhat serious n yah. So hope y'all enjoy this chapter!!!!

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