Chapter 26

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Ashley pov

It's been a couple weeks since alex and i's fight. Yes we actually got in a fight about it. She wasn't very happy that we were trying to help her but then she calmed down enough that we were or i was able to help her. She is still with my brother Taylor but its a major long distance relationship. Cameron and i decided to just stay as friends. Im currently very single. Yah it didn't work out with Luke, again. I feel like all he wants me for is just for sex. I mean doing it with him is amazing but its too much. We did do it one last time a couple days ago at another party they threw. We were wasted beyond wasted. We thought it was a good time to get our frustrations out. Boy didnt we ever. It was great but we forgot the condom. So 2 days later, im hiding from the world in my bathroom and decided to take a couple tests. Im sitting on the floor terrified of what the result would be. My phone keeps ringing, when i check it, its Alex. Shes been trying to call me and text me. Even Taylor. They probably think im gonna kill myself. I mean ive thought about it but i have so much to live for. Time was up and i checked it. I dropped it and started crying. I never asked for this. Soon my door was kicked open and Dylan was standing there. He saw me on the floor and came over to me and wrapped me in his arms. "Shh shh its okay Ash. What's wrong?" He asked trying to calm me down. Then he saw the test on the floor. He grabbed it. "Is this yours?" He asked. He sounded like he wanted to cry. I nodded my head. He acted like he was mad. "Whos is it?" He asked stern. I didn't say anything. He asked again but raising his voice this time. I flentched at the tone of his voice. He got up and threw th test on the counter. He leaned on the counter for a bit trying to calm down but failed. He stormed out of the bathroom and into the main room. I was terrified so i followed him to try and stop him. Next i hear yelling. And heard lukes voice. What is he doing here? I walked around the corner and saw everyone trying to pull dylan off of luke. I gasped and they stopped. They all looked at me glad im ok. "Ashley! Youre okay! Ive been trying to get ahold of you!" Alex said walking over to me. Once she was close enough i pulled her into my bathroom. I told her everything that happened. "Dude you need to tell him. Right now. Cuz dylan is wanting to kill him right now." She said trying to get me to go talk to him. I begged her not to tell anybody, not even Taylor.

I eventually calmed down cuz i was panicking. But it was much later and i basically took a nap. I woke up in my bed and it was already dark. I got up and walked into the main room and i saw Luke standing out on our balcony smoking. I decided i needed to just talk to him.

I walked out there and stood by him. He saw me through the corner of his eye. "Nice night yah?" I asked breaking the silence. He replied with a quiet yah. Then he turned and faced me, "so why is your what ever he his trying to kill me?" I was quiet for a second then spoke up not even looking ar him, "he saw a test that i threw on the floor. Hes not very happy bout it and im sure you wont be happy about it either." He seemed very anxious now. I cut him off before he spoke, "i took 2 pregnancy tests and the both came out positive. I think we both know whos it is judging by the events that happened today." He was silent for awhile and this scared me. He finally spoke after awhile, "are you sure you are? I mean if its true im happy but we are too young." I rolled my eyes. "Alex is gonna get me an appointment to go in and make sure its true. But i agree, we're too young. Im not ready." I said sitting down he came over and kneeled beside me. "Please let me know what happens." I nodded my head. He was holding my hand. Man i missed the old days. But shit happens. He spoke after a bit, "so you guys together or just friends or whats going on between y'all?" I sighed. "I honestly don't know. I like Dylan. Like a lot. And i know he likes me too. Its just i think hes worried if we dated, the paparazzi will be all over us. And i think hes even more worried about the long distance." He nodded his head agreeing. I cant believe im talking about this to my ex boyfriend. After a bit we went back in and went to tge kitchen. "So if you did had the chance, would you date him?" Luke asked while making us drinks. "I mean yah. Ive been dying to date him. But at the same time i wanna wait." I said holding my drink. He nodded. Soon we were interrupted by someone walking in, and it was Dylan. Oh god, i really hope they wont fight or anything. "Hey ash, you feeling ok?" He asked standing next to me with his hand on my back. " yah just a bit tired." I said taking a drink. "C'mon lets get you back to bed." He said moving out of the way so i could get up. I looked over at Luke and thanked him for the talk and the drink.

Dylan walked me into my room and closed my door. I climbed in my bed and sat there and he joined me. We sat there for a bit but he broke the awkwardness a tad by grabbing my hands. I looked at our hands and smiled then looked up at him. "So uhm, i kinda wanna talk to you about something.." He said. "So i know weve been waiting forever for this to happen and i really do want to be with you but im just worried that the fame and everything would mess it all up." He said worried. We are playing with each others hands. "Yah i know but weve been waiting for this forever D. We should give it a try. And we dont even have to tell anyone, itll be our lil secret." I said trying to convince him. He thought about it for a bit then spoke, "yah i think thatll work but you know my sister will find out immediately." "Yah well ive been hiding shit from alex for years. Like she doesn't know that i was the one that ratted her out a couple years ago, or that i lied about luke being my first-" he cut me off by laughing and said, "wait i thought she knew? You really told her you were a virgin?" "Yah kinda. I even told Luke that." He tried to be quite from laughing, "wow i didnt know you were such a rebel." He smirked. "Yah well he kinda caused this. Also i doubt im pregnant cuz im on birth control. Ive been on it since that summer we had time together." I grabbed his hand just twiddling with his fingers. "Yah i know but sometimes it doesn't work." "No im on a new one, its been working the whole year ive been banging that asshole." He chuckled, "maybe its the side effects? But honestly if you are, i doubt he would even help you out." He said. I shrugged my shoulders then suggested we go to sleep. We cuddled and laid in my bed for awhile until he spoke softly, "well aside of everything, you wanna try this couple thing? I think we could pull it off cuz we are so close anyways." He asked. I smiled in his chest and looked up, "yah i think we can pull it off. But what if you know who asks me out again?" "Just say you're not ready." He suggested. I nodded in agreement. "So is that a yes we'll be together?" He asked hopeful. "Yes." I smiled. He smiled and leaned in and we kissed. But one thing lead to another and we ended up having sex again. It was amazing.
Hey guys heres an update. We haven't given up yet. Hope yall enjoy this chapter. 😁 enjoy lovelies!

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