~Part 22~

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•Malia's P.O.V•

For the past two days the twins and I have been figuring out what to do. We still need evidence against my mother. Cameron and our mom also flew in for the trial

After a few hours of thinking and the twins talking to a lawyer, I decided to tell Ella and Josh what was going on. Just in case we lose the trial.

I got my phone and called Ella.

"Hey Ella."

"Malia! Where have you been?"

"Well...something happened with my mother and the twins and I are trying to figure out what to do. There is a trial tomorrow."

"What?! Are you okay?"

"Yea I'm fine I just wanted to tell you and Josh just in case we lose and I have to go back to my mother.."

"Oh my gosh! You are for sure going to win though. Your mother was horrible to you."

"Yea, but we have no evidence or pictures to prove that...I gotta go I'll keep you posted."

"Alright. Don't worry you'll win!"

"Bye Ella"


The call ended and I went back to the twins.

"Did you find anything?" I ask.

"No not yet." Grayson said while looking down.

There was a moment of silence, then I just thought of something.

"Grayson!" I gasped.

"What?!" He yelled.

"Remember the day you found me and brought me to the hospital?" I ask.

"Yea, why?" He asked confused.

"The hospital must have some sort of history that I was there. And I should have a file describing the injuries I had." I explain.

"Would that be enough evidence?" Grayson said turning to our lawyer.

"Yes! If we could get those records we can use it against Ms. O'Conelle." The lawyer said.

"Alright Let's go to the hospital!" Ethan said.

The twins and our lawyer left to go to the hospital while I stayed with Cameron and our mom.

•Grayson's P.O.V•

We all arrived at the hospital and rushed in. Our lawyer got some type of warrant so we can get my file.

"Excuse me ma'am." The lawyer said to the lady at the front desk.

"Yes, how may I help you?" She said.

"Could I please get Malia O'Conelle's file please?" The lawyer said.

"I can't give out patient files. I'm sorry." She said.

Our lawyer pulled out a paper and the lady read it and typed my name into her computer then went to the back and came out with a file.

Our lawyer took it and we went back home. Once we arrived we looked through the file and saw a description of Malia's injuries.

Name: Malia O'Conelle

Gender: Female

Age: 13

Condition: Severe

Description: Multiple bruises and cuts. Not self inflicted. One black eye, a busted lip, and some head trauma. One broken rib.

•Malia's P.O.V•

As our lawyer read the description out loud I looked down and had a flash back to that day. I took a deep breath and continued to listen to our lawyer.

"This is plenty of evidence. Malia you will have to go up to the stand. Do you feel comfortable with that?" Our lawyer asked.

"You don't have to if you don't want to." Grayson said to me.

I took a moment and thought about how my mother ruined my childhood and all the beatings.

"Yes I want to go up." I said.

"Okay, each of you will have to go up and share your side of the situation." The lawyer explained.

"Alright I'll see you all tomorrow morning." Our lawyer said as he walked out the door.

After he left the twins and I decided to watch a movie to calm our minds, but I couldn't focus on the movie. What if we lose? I won't ever see the twins again. I won't see my mom or Cameron. I'll never see my friends again. I'll never see Emma again.

I started to have a panic attack and every thing turned blurry. I could hear Grayson and Ethan's voice trying to calm me down, but I couldn't concentrate.

•Grayson's P.O.V•

As Malia was having a panic attack I tried to calm her down, but nothing was working. I looked at Ethan and he didn't know what to do either. We kept on trying to calm her down. My mom and sister came to the living room wondering what was going on.

They tried to calm her down too.

After about 5 minutes she started to calm down and her breath was becoming steady.

After awhile she fell asleep in my arms.

"What are we going to do if we lose?" I ask.

"We aren't going to Gray we have evidence against her Mother." He said.

"I know but what if something goes wrong and we lose Malia?" I say.

"We can't think like that." Cam said.

"We WILL win Alright?" My mom said.

I just nodded. I picked up Malia and took her to her room, then we all went to bed.

The next morning I woke up first and went to the kitchen. I saw my mom, she was making coffee.

"Do you want one?" She asked.

"Sure." I say.

"Are you doing okay?" She asked.

"Yea I'm fine.." I say.

"It's gonna be alright. We will win and Malia will be with us." She reassured me.

I nodded.

After a few more hours everyone was ready to go. Emma was meeting us at the court house.

We all left. Then we arrived at the courthouse. Emma arrived shortly after us and she went to hug all of us.

We all enter the courthouse and the trial began.

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