~Part 15~

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🚨Contains some violence🚨

I look up and see a girl.

"Well look who we have here Malia 'Dolan' the orphan girl." She said then kicked me in the stomach.

I grabbed my stomach and held it the. I felt another kick, it was on my back I fell over.

"S-Stop P-Please!" I yelled out of breathe.

"Or What! You gonna go cry to your mommy. Oh wait she didn't want you. Probably because you are pathetic and worthless." She said while laughing.

"Oh and do you actually believe that the Dolan Twins love you. I bet you they only took you in for publicity and will throw you out after they are done with you. How pathetic!" She said them punched me in my face.

I can see that Ella and Josh pulled the girl off of me. But she got out of their grasp so she ran back to me and punched me one more time and then held my hair and she whispered in my ear 'stay away from Liam or I'll do much worse.' And with that she walked away. At this point a whole crowd was around me and Ella and Josh helped me up.

As I stood up I can see a familiar face in the crowd... it was Liam. As soon as I saw him I ran to the bathroom and locked the door. I sunk to the floor and started to sob. Why me? What did I do? I hear Ella and Josh telling me to come out or to open the door, but I couldn't hear I was numb. The girl's words repeated in my head.


That girl is right I am pathetic and worthless. What if the twins were using me for publicity? NO they can't be. I don't know.

I sat there silently with my thoughts and I kept hearing my phone, but I didn't want to answer.

•Emma's P.O.V•

I have been calling Malia for a few minutes because she isn't here at the pick up area. After a while I got worried and went into the school. The halls were pretty much empty but I saw a girl and a guy which I realized were Malia's friends, Ella and Josh. Josh was sitting near the girls bathroom and Ella was talking and her ear was to the door.

I started to go down the hallway and when Ella saw me she waved me down, so I started to run over.

"What's going on? Where is Malia?" I ask concerned.

"She's in here. Something bad happened and I've been trying to get her to come out, but she won't." She said.

I was worried and shocked I started to bang on the door and I say her name. There was no answer. Suddenly, I got a phone call it was Ethan.

"Keep trying the door and try to find a key." I tell Ella. She nods.

I go to answer the phone and explain what is going on.

-Phone Call-


"Hey Em. Where are you guys?"

"We are still at the school. Something happened and Malia locked herself into the bathroom."

"Oh my god is she okay? What happened?"

"I don't know, but I just got the keys to the door I'll be there in five minutes."

"Okay bye."


-End of Phone Call-

Ella handed me the keys and I opened the door. I went in and I saw Malia on the floor. She looked up and when she did my heart broke. Her face was red and she had a black eye and a busted lip.

She ran up and hugged me and started to cry. I just hugged her tightly and said it was okay and that I'm here. I told Ella and Josh that they could go and I also thanked them for staying. I took Malia to the car and the car ride was silent.

"Malia what happened?" I ask in a gentle voice.

"I'll tell you when we get home." She says in a whisper.

•Ethan's P.O.V•

After the phone call I got so worried and went to go tell Grayson.

"Gray...Emma just called something happened to Malia and she locked herself in the bathroom." I say as I rush into his room.

"What!?" Gray says.

"Emma said that she got the keys and is bringing Malia home now." I say.

We spend the next few minutes pacing around the living room then I hear the door open. Gray and I run to the door and see Emma and then Malia. My heart broke because when I saw Malia she had a black eye and a busted lip.

•Grayson's P.O.V•

Once I saw Malia I was taken right back to when I found her and it broke my heart. I was sad that Malia got hurt and angry because somebody did this to her.

Once she saw us she ran to us and hugged us. She started to cry and Ethan and I also Emma started to comfort her.

We all went to the living room and sat down.

"Malia? Can you please tell us what happened." I asked in a soft tone.

This chapter was intense...

Hope ||Dolan Twins|| Completed||Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant