~Part 5~

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-Malia's P.O.V-

As I lay in bed I think about what will happen now. I wasn't sure if I can trust these people, but they have been very nice so far. I'm afraid, but they can't be any worse than my mother.

After a few minutes the guy who found me came in to the room. He came and sat on the edge of the bed as he did this I moved farther from him, still unsure of his intentions.

"It's ok I won't hurt you." He said in a calm gentle tone.

"What is your name?" He asked

I looked at him for a moment then answered.

"M-My name is Malia O'Conelle." I said.

"That's a beautiful name." He said with a smile.

"My name is Grayson." He said.

Soon another guy entered the room.

"And this is my twin brother Ethan." He said while looking at the other guy.

"Where am I?" I asked

"You are at our house, we took you here after you were released from the hospital."Ethan explained.

As I adjust to my surroundings I start to panic. What if my mother goes after me? I notice that the twins were looking at me. Then they exchanged looks.

"Don't worry no one will hurt you here." He reassured.

I sigh in relief. They started to ask me questions about my mother and about what happened to me the day that they found me. I was hesitant at first, but they are really easy to talk to. I think I felt...safe.

-Ethan's P.O.V-

After we asked Malia a few questions we decided to let her rest. I was horrified at what she told us she has been through so much. I think it was time to figure out what to do.

"Gray what do we do? Should we take her to an orphanage?"I asked.

"No we can't do that you saw how shy and scared she is with us. Imagine how she would be like with a whole bunch of strangers." Gray said.

I sigh and sit down on the purple couch. I start to think about what we should do because Gray is right we can't just leave her.

  -Grayson's P.O.V-

I don't feel comfortable with just leaving Malia in a place full of strangers. To be quite honest I grew attached to her. Like a little sister.

"What about we let her stay here" I blurt out.

Ethan looked at me confused.

"What? Are you crazy?" He said raising his voice a little.

"Think about it we can get her to open up to us and she would be comfortable here than an orphanage." I explained.

"I don't know Gray she is only 13 years old. Are you saying that we adopt her or something?"E asked.

"Yes. She can be our little sister." I said excited.

"How about we let her stay here a few days and see if we can do this. Okay?" E said.

"Okay." I said.

I walk into the room that Malia is in. I tell her that she is going to stay here a few days, but I don't tell her we might adopt her. I don't want to overwhelm her. Her reaction was calm and she looked a little bit worried, but I reassured her that no one can hurt her here.  I left and sat on my bed thinking on how unbelievably crazy this whole situation is, but I knew for sure that I want Malia to be with us.

-Ethan's P.O.V-

This situation is crazy. I don't know what to think. Is Grayson and I really about to have a little sister? I agree with Grayson that she can't go to an orphanage, but are we really ready to take care of another person. I mean I really do like Malia she is very sweet. And I'm not going to lie I can't see her with anyone else but us.

A few minutes later I get a call from Emma. I told her what had happened today and offered to come over and she wanted to meet Malia, but I told her in a few days because we don't want to overwhelm her. She understood. I get ready for bed. -What a crazy day.-

-Malia's P.O.V-

I wake up to the smell of bacon and eggs. I quietly walk to the door and crack it open to see what was going on. I see Grayson...or Ethan I don't know I am still trying to tell them apart. I hesitantly walk out of the room and sat down at the table.

"Hello" I say in a soft voice.

"Oh hey Malia." Grayson..or Ethan said as he gave me a plate full of eggs and bacon.

"Thank you" I say.

"You're welcome." He said

Soon after the other twin came and greeted me then sat down across from me. Then the twin that was cooking sat down. I look at each of them and see that the one on the left had a mark on his chin and the one on the right didn't. Okay now I just need to figure out what his name is. Then I'll know which is which.

They soon notice that I have been looking at them. I quickly look down and eat my food.

"What's wrong Malia?" He asked

"Oh nothing I'm trying to tell who is who." I say with a small smile.

"Ohhhh I'm Grayson. You can tell by the mark on my chin." He said while pointing to the mark.

"And I'm Ethan. You can tell by how better looking I am than Grayson." He said with a big smile.

We all start to laugh. They have been so nice to me. And I don't think they will hurt me. Maybe everything will be just fine.

Okay, tbh I don't know where I'm taking this...I'm just going with the flow.. anyway hope you enjoyed this part.

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