Make someone else happy excluding sam and parents before you die.

I wonder if my mom stored that list, I wrote it but as soon as I was fine and given a second shot at life I discarded it and never thought about it ever again, until now of course.

"John do you know that your Geordie accent is quite hard to understand," he smiles but never once makes direct eye contact with me. He was good at his job.

"I know and I am surprised that you've understood every single word Ive spoken. Good  Job Ma'am," he was so good at his job, the way he talked was so boring I was holding back a yawn because that would  have sounded disrespectful.

"Is everyone at the castle formal?"

"Quite certainly! More formal than me actually," I hold back yet another yawn.

"Do you guys like dance when the King and Queen isn't looking?"

"Well the Queen lets us be informal whenever she is present."

"What do you mean?" I noticed his back was completely straight and wasn't touching the drivers seat at all. If that was being 'formal' that was definitely torture. It made me squirm in my seat as I felt embarrassed with how I was seated compared to John.

"Well we get to slouch sometimes," he winks at me and my cheeks overheat at the embarrassment of him knowing I was rudely staring.

"Well you can slouch with me you know, it's not like Im going to snitch," He laughs and I notice his back relaxing just a little bit.

"Thats better," I smile at him and turn to look out at the window and my smile grows even bigger when I see the sunflowers we were dashing past.

"Beautiful," I whisper and lay back in my seat when a yawn indicated that I was in need of yet more sleep.


"Sunflower," I smile.

"You haven't called me that in so long Mama," I turn in my seat when she places a kiss on my cheek.

"Mama let me sleep please!" I whine.

"Wake up its time to go to school," wait dad?

"Dad! Let me be, Sam will come pick me up," I hear a laugh which was most certainly not my dads. My eyes immediately snap open and I found myself staring at blue orbs that lingered above me.

"Max?" I jolt from my seat and look at my surroundings, I was in a car and it was dark and Max was here.

"We've reached already?" I ask.

"No we haven't even left," I roll my eyes and gently nudge his chest so that he left some room for me to drop out of the car.

"Are you still mad?" I put my hands around him and lay my head on his chest. I liked hugging him because he was way taller than me and I could always hear his heartbeat when I placed my head on his chest and I liked it.

"Are you trying to convince me to forgive you by hugging me?" I look up towards him and smile, "maybe..."

He chuckles and places another small kiss on my forehead, "You are forgiven peasant now shu shu," he waves his arms around in a gesture to tell me to move but I still stood there in his arms laughing at his attempt of being authoritative.

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