"What!? I should be with her! She needs me the most!" Her mate's yowl echoed in the black she cats ears. But his complaint mews fainted away, farther and farther. Twilightspeckle didn't know if he was just going farther, or her ears were not working properly.

Blossomberry looked concerned as she made the black she cat eat few herbs. They didn't have any flavor, the black she cat's pain overthrew their taste. 

"Am, am I going to live?" Twilightspeckle asked hopelessly. Ice again, the medicine cat did not answer. Suddenly, more shock of pain like thunder hit her stabbed in her belly. She felt a small thing coming out.

"It's a tom..." Blossomberry mewed weakly not excited at all. It's just that the pain is overthrowing my hearings. The queen comforted herself. But no cat was ordered to lick fiercely like the normal kitting will process. Another pain jabbed through as a thing popped into the the world.

"A she cat...and that's it." The medicine cat had sorrow pain eyes, Why wasn't she welcoming her newborns? Twilightspeckle turned and looked at her silent kits. One of the kit, The she kit was a small brown she cat with small white patches while her brother was a very dark tom with thick fur. But what really mattered was that they didn't move.

"No. Are they dead?" Twilightspeckle stared in horror looking at the unconscious kits. They did nit move a slight paw, and she couldn't see their chest puffing up and down.

Blossomberry seemed troubled, but later decided to tell the truth. She nodded, as Twilightspeckle's world turned black. "Why haven't you tried to save them!" She croaked as she licked the kits fiercely with her tongue. Move! Please! 

"I couldn't, they were born dead." The medicine cat meowed. "That's why you couldn't feel them moving when your kitting. That's why your kits didn't move that much when they were in there." The she cat explained not meeting the queen's eyes. Thunderclaw came in and met the dead kits.

"No," The brown tabby said. "This couldn't be happening! Please, StarClan!" He began to pray as he licked fiercely on the dead kits. The mate's brushed and twine did their tails together as they licked until the kits were soaked.

"It's hopeless." Blossomberry finally stated. While the mate's grieved, the medicine cat went out of her den. 

Rumors began to spread through camp but the two mate's did not hear a word. No cat came in except for Blossomberry who went in and out to her her herbs. The world was dark, it was a shadow.

"If I wasn't the daughter of StarClan..they, they would have lived!" Twilightspeckle cried blaming herself. The dark tabby brushed his fur even closer.

"Nonsense!" Thunderclaw hissed. "It's not your fault. It was just, they,—," The tom lost his words as he touched his muzzle each to the small body's.

At night, two cats came in. Dovesong, and Thunderclaw's best friend, Weaselwhisker. Dovesong spoke gently, "We should all sit a vigil for them. They deserve to be known." 

The two grieving mate's nodded as they each carried each kits in the scruff. They were light as feather, and never complained or wiggled free. Because they're dead.

Clan mates began to crowd around the unconscious kits that never had the opportunity to seek the world. Twilightspeckle announced, "My kits were born dead, but I believe they have an right to have their own names. I name this she kit, Fawnkit." She croaked her kits name.

"And I name this tom Fatekit." Thunderclaw whispered in the dead tom kit's wars as if speaking to him. MorningClan nodded an agreement as they all said one by one that these two kits deserved to see the world.

Twilightspeckle, Thunderclaw, Dovesong, and Weaselwhsiker sat the whole night, as the Stars glimmered, and the moon began to set. It was sunrise once more, while the two mate's grieved ignoring their hunger.

"It's time to burry them." Brackenleap, and a new elder, Deerfur meowed. It was time to let go of their kits. 

Twilightspeckle and Thunderclaw went with them as they carried the two small bodies. They dug their grave a place the mate's has an memory of. A place where the sun sets beautifully. 

"I think the kits would love it. Deerfur meowed kindly as he placed his tail on the fluffy black fur. Twilightspeckle only nodded, the pain in her heart too deep to speak.

"You could see the kits too if you come. It's processing." A familiar voice, Whalepaw's voice echoed in her ear. But other than her no cat seems to hear the voice. She thought it was just dizziness but Dustypaw's voice rang now,

"You will be there in few moment. Imagine, you, Whalepaw, Fawnkit, Fatekit, and you. It would be great!" She exclaimed. But in the deep oh Twilightspeckle's heart, her heart aches as if wondering what to do.

Suddenly, her weight began to be light. Her fur shimmered as she blinked. Strange warm scent wafted in her nose. Twilightspeckle didn't feel her weight anymore.

"Where's Twilightspeckle?" Her mate's worries. 

"I'm right here Thunderclaw." She responded confused. But the dark tabby wasn't relaxed, his eyes wondered around the grave searching for something. Her.

"Twilightspeckle? Twilightspeckle!" Thunderclaw yowled as he looked around trying to find his mate. Brackenleap and Deerfur started looking around, as if she doesn't exist.

Why can't they see me? Twilightspeckle looked down. She, she saw her paws shimmer like star speckles. Her fur was even star speckle; like StarClan. Before the black she cat could say anymore, she faded away. 

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