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WAVERLY SAT in her room, her laptop in front of her and her legs sprawled across her bed. She had Queen's 'Somebody To Love' playing quietly behind her as she typed away at her english essay. She was tired of writing about Romeo and Juliet, but she had to if she wanted to get a decent grade. 

Wyatt and his friends were in his room playing on his Playstation, making far too much noise. Every now and then, she'd hear one of them yell a rude remark at the other, and then the whole room would burst into 'oohs' and roars laughter. But after half an hour of them screaming at each other, she'd had enough. 

She saved her essay and slammed her laptop shut, storming out of her room; a pencil and a notebook still clutched in her arms. Wyatt's door swung open and the boys all looked up to face her.

"Could you losers be any louder?" She exclaimed, throwing her arms up. "I have a homeschool essay due tomorrow, and unless you keep your voices down, I won't be able to get it done." They all had blank expressions spread across their face, but Finn looked as though he was about to die of laughter. 

"Seriously, Finn!" She folded her arms. "If I were larger I would throw you out of the window." She huffed, turning on her heels and walking away. She could hear their low hum of chatter as she left.

"Geeze, Jaeden. Better keep the wife happy, eh?" Jack said sarcastically. They all laughed again, completely ignoring her previous wishes. She sighed and walked downstairs. 

The twins' mother was sat at the kitchen island, typing away at her laptop. She glanced upward to see Waverly and smiled, beckoning her over.

"Hey honey. I know it sucks having them over, but don't forget that you get to see the girls soon!" She beamed, pulling Waverly into a side-hug. 

"What time do we leave in the morning?" She asked, sitting herself down.

"Premier's at two. So we have to get there for one forty... We could leave around eleven and, if you want?" Answered Mrs. Oleff.

"Okay, sounds good." Waverly replied, about to stand herself up.

"Hey, honey." Mrs Oleff started, "I know that you and Jaeden are dating, but until you guys are happy and have been for a while, I think that it should be something private, rather than public." Waverly nodded at her mother's request.

"Jae and I talked it over, we think that's best too. Only Wy and I's close friends know." She stood up and wandered towards the fridge. 

"He's a great guy. I'm glad that you've found someone like him after what happened with Aiden." Her mother smiled but Waverly froze slightly. 

"Mom, we don't talk about that. Wyatt still doesn't know." She sighed through gritted teeth, turning back around to face her mother.

"You can't keep that a secret from him forever." She said, "Please, tell him. Now or never, Wave. I've asked you too many times." She looked over at her daughter who nodded reluctantly, closed her eyes for a few seconds, and walked off to finally talk to her brother about something she'd been wanting to get off of her chest for far too long.


"WYATT, CAN we talk?" Waverly asked her brother, who looked around at his friends, whose eyes were glued to the screen. She glanced at all of them awkwardly, sending a small smile towards Jaeden who smiled back.

"Sure, what's up?" He questioned. As he stood himself up, she coughed slightly. 

"Alone." She choked out, backing slowly out of the room. Wyatt shrugged when the boys gave him confused looks. 

They sat themselves down on Waverly's bed in silence for a few moments. Waverly knew that this was something she had to tell Wyatt soon, but she had been scared to do so for too long. 

"Is it Jaeden?" Wyatt asked sternly, "because I swear to God! I will rip his heart out-" He began shouting, standing himself up. 

"No! No!" Waverly exclaimed, pulling him back down. "It's just... you were away for two months, Wyatt, and something happened." She looked up at her brother, "I had a boyfriend." She whispered, only just loud enough for Wyatt to hear. 

"What?" He asked. His voice was weak. 

"But it's not what you think!" She stopped him from making assumptions, and wiped a tear from under his eyes. "I was forced into it. He threatened to ruin my career if I didn't date him, Wyatt. It was awful!" She looked over at her brother again with watery eyes.

"Why wouldn't you tell me?" He asked, voice breaking, refusing to look at her. "We tell each other everything." 

She frowned. "I wanted to tell you so, so badly... I have for a while now! I would never lie to you, Wyatt. But you were having so much fun. It would break you if I told you while you were away." 

"But you still should have told me!" He yelled. He didn't mean to raise his voice like that, he never had done before.

Waverly backed away from him in fright, hitting her back against her bedroom wall. "I'm sorry Wyatt. Please don't be mad. I was just scared." She sank down the door, a small tear rolling out of her eye. 

The twins sat in silence. This had been sprung on them so quickly. They'd never argued like this. But it was something they could push past. 

"I love you Waverly. But, please, if anything ever happens to you, tell me, ok?" He pulled her into a hug. "I want you to be ok." They sat in comfortable silence again until Waverly's phone started ringing. 

"Hermione is calling." She sniffed, "thanks, Wyatt." He stood himself up and walked away, the boys shouting about gaming again. 

"Wow. They really are loud." He laughed, wiping his teary eyes before closing the door.


 "WELL THAT was awkward." Hermione laughed over the phone, Waverly nodding on the other side. "I'm sorry Wave. You'll both forget about it before long." She glanced up at the camera and smiled. "But, on a more important note. WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON WITH YOU AND MARTELL!" Her sudden shout had startled Waverly... and possibly the entire neighbourhood. 

Hermione was in the car with her mom, driving God-knows where. She whispered a few 'sorry's' to her mother, who was driving, before she grinned again.

"Shhh!" Waverly exclaimed, packing a suitcase as she spoke with her friend. "We're dating but it's disclosed." She laughed as Hermione squealed from the other side of the phone. 

"Jaeverly? Waven? Fuck it, I'm the captain of this damn ship, and no ice burg is stopping me this time!" She giggled, both girls laughing hysterically as Waverly dangled herself off of the edge of the bed.

"Where are you off to, anyway?" Waverly asked.

Hermione rolled her eyes, "just the grocery store. We're at the store now though. I gotta go. I'll talk to you later, love you, Wave!"

A cough was heard from the doorway and Waverly snapped her head sideways to see who was there. "Hey we're going bowling if you wanted to come?" Jaeden asked, walking over to her. She sat herself up and nodded. 

"I'd love to!" She smiled, kissing her boyfriend on the cheek before running down the stairs as fast as she could, Jaeden following closely behind. 

"Lets go!" Finn called, swinging the front door open, as they all filed out, Chosen shouting a cheesy 'premier eve!' as they left.


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