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THE KIDS had been walking through the endless sheet of trees for a few minutes. Wyatt and Finn had been laughing their heads off at something funny that Jack had said, while Jack, Chosen and Jeremy had attempted climbing a few trees. Waverly and Jaeden had been chatting away at the back of the group, attempting to get to know each other.

The cold air hung around the teens, and it had began raining slightly as soon as they'd entered the forest. Finn had come across a sewer entrance - rather ironically - and had been debating whether or not to go in for a few minutes. 

After a long contemplation, they decided that it was mandatory that they rein-acted the 'Sewer Scene' from It (2017.)  Luckily, Chosen had service, and so he could search their lines, as none of them really remembered what they were.

Waverly, rather reluctantly, was forced to film, but the boys had to restart multiple times, as she burst out laughing every time Jack would say, 'Have you ever heard of a Staph Infection?'

They finished filming and began attempting to get Waverly to go into the sewer. She, of course, refused and had to be practically dragged in by Chosen and Jeremy. 

"Stop!" She laughed nervously, "You know that 'It'  scared me half to death!" She stood in the sewer entrance, looking into the darkness. Little did she know, Wyatt had hidden at the end of the sewer, ready to scare her at any moment. 

'The perfect way to get her to leap into Jaeden's arms' was what the others, minus Finn, had come up with, but Wyatt and Jaeden simply thought that it was a prank.

"Hey, Hey. Chill out. Pennywise isn't real, and sewers are NOT slaughter houses." Jaeden calmed her slightly, walking beside her into the sewer. 

"Okay, but I swear to god if ANYTHING touches me I'm running like the wind, Bullseye." She let out a breathless chuckle before taking a few steps further. 

The entrance started to appear darker behind her as she reached her hand out to feel for the walls around her. "Jaeden?" She asked quietly, attempting to reach out for him. When he didn't answer, she turned around, slightly panicked, and took a step closer to the entrance again. 

That was when her breath hitched. A hand was placed onto her shoulder, "Jaeden?" She asked again, quite snappily this time, before realising that he was at the opening, and that some one - no, some thing - was behind her. 

"Hello, Waverly." The voice whispered, "Oh how much I've wanted to meet you." The voice was raspy, but she couldn't make out whose it was, so she took a step away from the hand, and turned around to see two bright eyes staring back at her. 

She screamed rather loudly before sprinting as quickly as she could towards the light and leaping into whoever was closest's arms, practically whimpering in fear. And therefore, rather cliché-ly, Waverly was left bunched in Jaeden's arms, as the others held back 'Awws.'

"Score" Jeremy whispered, pumping his fist into the air.

After standing in each other's arms for a few moments, Waverly pulled away wiping her eyes, before turning around to see Wyatt exiting the sewer. She burst out laughing and shoved her brother playfully, beginning laughing into his embrace. 

"Seriously?" She exclaimed, "Were you all in on this?" She punched Finn's arm rather hardly as he awkwardly smiled, not happy with the outcome of the others' scheme. She jumped onto Chosen's back as they all ran around chasing each other. 

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