18. Clance 'I'll be your knight in shining armor' Part 1

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Ship: Clay and Lance
Requested by: -AaronRocks-
Type: Fluff and (Little bit) angst. Clay gets mind controlled by his mother and Lance goes and saves him.
Warnings: Angst, Blood, and fuckin' screaming
Additional notes: After season 4

Clay's POV
I-I dont remember much.. I only remember go out for a walk then- Black. Right now I'm tied up to a chair, in like a little room, with a picture of me when I was little. But I think I heard a lady laugh after I was knocked out. I hear the being opened.. I gasped on who I saw. "Mom!?" "Montrox?!"

Aaron's POV
"WE NEED TO FIND HIM!" Lance states. Yah Um- Lance is freaking the fuck out because Clay has disappeared. And everyone but Clay knows Lance has a crush on him. We always tease him about that. But it is weird that Clay has just disappeared out of no where. He told us he's going on a walk and never came back.
Aaron: Lance, Clay is a strong person. He is probably fine.
Lance: *Grabs armor, Weapons,  and keys to his vehicle* Yah well, i'm going to try and find him. Call me if he returns.
'Oh my god he's over-reacting.' I thought.
Aaron: Lance- You are over-reacting.
Lance: I dont care. I have to make sure he's okay. Like I said, if he comes back, call me.
Aaron: Okayy, just be careful.
Then he drove off.

Lance's POV
I dont care how over-reactive i'm being. Clay is my best friend and crush. If he is in-trouble and in need of help, i'll be his knight in shining armor. Ugh.. If someone did something bad to Clay i'll fucking murder them.

Clay's POV
"Who is your master now?" I had blood all over me. They cut me, punched me, and kicked me. Then they mindcontrolled me. My outer-self now works for them. But my inner-mind, my inner mind doesn't. That's why I can think about this. But I cant control my outer-self. I can only see what my outer-self is doing. It's pretty bad. I hear what 'im' saying too. "You and Montrox our my masters." Evil Clay states. "Good boy." I heard my mother say. They untied 'me' and gave 'me' a sword bigger then my claymore was. They said they are going to be training 'me.' Like make my powers stronger, and help me with my sword skills. I pray that I can escape.. But, I-I dont think no one is gonna come for me.. I-I dont think i'm worth it.. But i'll depend on them. For now.. And hopefully I can get out of here. I'm just worried if my team does try and save me they dont like, get hurt or anything. *Sighs* I cant think right now.. My mind controlled me is trying to think. Later..

Lance's POV
I stopped my vehicle when I saw a old down warehouse in the middle of the woods. 'Weird' I thought. 'What if Clay's in there?' 'I have to check.' I hopped out of my vehicle and went up to the front entrance. I kicked down the door cause I know there is no point of knocking. When I looked inside, I saw weapons, tools, food, water, what I think is clothing, and some furniture. So someone could be hiding here, and probably kidnapped Clay if he did get kidnapped. I then heard footsteps come my way. So I looked up and jumped on a pipe I saw. It wasn't that steady, so hopefully it would do. I saw two people. One looked like, Wanda?! Clay's mom? Really? And.. M-Montrox?! I-I thought we destroyed him! Except he was somehow in his human form.. UGH HE NEVER DIES. NOW HE'S BACK TO HUMAN SOMEHOW. I listened carefully on what they were saying. "This is amazing, my son is finally and actually on my side!" Wait.. N-No it cant be. "Yeah, Moorington needs to learn to be verry bad." I want to just go down there and strangle them.. "Montrox.. I feel a presence here.." W-What? She can feel i'm here? I can also feel myself slipping off this pipe.. Ugh. I dont know if I can fight them, actually scratch that, I KNOW I cant fight them. They are to powerful for me right now. I'm to far from the Fortrex and I came alone, so, i'll literally be fighting a powerful stone creature and a evil wizard with great power by myself with no Nexo power. *Sighs* I'm dead.. I have failed Clay.. *Gets flashbacks of them* (Cries) No.. I cant stop now. Before I could try and find Clay I heard something slipping. The pipe was about to fall! I quickly moved to a different pipe and hid. They saw and looked up but couldn't find anything. "I know someone is here now, be careful Montrox." Rr.. They make me mad. I saw a door to what I assume is a basement, and ran inside it slowly. What I saw horrified me. It was Clay.. in a tied up chair with scars everywhere on his body. It made me sad and mad at the same time.
Clay: W-Who's there?
Lance: Its me, Lance.
Clay: A-Are you gonna hurt me? I wont let you!
Oh my god, what did they do to him?
Lance: No, i'm not going to hurt you. I'm here to save you.
Clay: How can I be so sure?
Lance: W-Well i'm a knight. And you're knight too.
*Clays Mind* Wow.. Lance came for me.. I wish I could actually speak to him then this outer-self.
Lance: So, no need to worry. I'll help you.
Clay: W-Well.. I dont wanna leave master.
I went pale. Oh no..
Lance: Who- Who is your master?
Clay: Um.. My mom and dad, I have to obey them.
My eyes widen. His mom and Dad..? I know his mom, but, dad?
Lance: Who's your dad?
Clay: Oh, my dad? Well, my mom is Wanda btw, and my dad's name is........

But I hope you liked it :D

Word count: 1046

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