7. Clance 'My only hope' Part 1.

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Ship: Protective! Clay X Depressed! Lance.
Requested by: weuuii
Type: Depression/Suicidal thoughts
Warnings: Cutting,cussing,depression, suicidal thoughts, and anxiety.
Any additional notes: This is before they have graduated the academy, so they are school bois still.

Lance's POV
Everyone thinks I have such a good school life, or just a easy life in general. My parents are really rich, i'm famous, and pretty good looking. But.. They are all wrong. My parents may be rich, but are mean ones. They abuse me everyday I wake up and get back from school. I'm not aloud to tell anyone or they'll kill me. They also abuse my little sister, Izzy. But i'd rather be abused than her being abused too. You must think that school is my only escape, right? Wrong. People call me 'Spoiled brat' 'Lazy bitch' 'dumb' 'pig' 'bitch' 'Mother-fucker' 'Fag' And I honestly dont blame them. I'm such a mistake. ... A gay mistake. People also bully me because they figured out I was gay. How? Well, I told a old friend about it, but he was fake. And told everyone. Than my parents found out. "YOU MISTAKE! YOU NEED TO MARRY A PRINCESS, NOT A PRINCE YOU MISTAKE!" My parents told me. Now, you might think I have no friends, which is surprisingly wrong. This one guy.. Who acceptes me for being gay, and doesn't bully me. His name is Clay Moorington. A.K.A. The most popular kid in school, the most hard-working and amazing knight. Everyone tells him 'Why are you friends with such a loser?' but Clay would just say 'Well, he has a kind-heart, unlike you cunts.' My others friends are, Jestro. Jestro also gets bullied alot. So thats why we are friends. I'm also friends with 3 others people. Aaron Fox, Axel, and Macy Halbert. And its weird because Macy is a amazing princess and nice girl, unlike me. I'm just a spoiled gay boy that cant do anything. But a problem is, that um, I have a crush on Clay. He is just so nice, cute, hard-working, and other all a amazing person. But I can never tell him my feelings. I dont want him to hate me too. Anyway, i'm almost home. I fucking just cant wait to be abused again.
I got off the bus and looked at my house. And than looked at my sister right beside me.
Lance: *sighs* Here we go.
Izzy: Big brother, I dont to go inside. 😖
Lance: I know Izzy. But, I feel it would be worst if we dont.
Izzy: O-okay.
We went inside to see my parents waiting for us.
(I only know Lance's dad name, Cuthbert, so i'm just gonna call Lance's mom LM lmao)
Cuthbert: Heh, the two mistakes are back, hey gay bitch, go to your room and do your homework, and small fucker, do the same. After do your chores or me and your mom will fucking smack you.
LM: Yah you better listen to your father or you'll get a big fucking smacking.
Lance: Yes mother.
LM: The fuck you call me?
Lance: I-I mean yes ma'am.
LM: Good, now go do what your father said.
Lance: Yes Ma'am.

Clay's POV
I was in my dorm, (since I dont have a home) really bored. I didn't know what to do. I did all my homework, and there is just nothing to do. But I got the idea to go to Lance's house. Even though he is pretty lazy, I think he is done with his homework by now. I put on my clothes and went out. His house wasn't to far away from my dorm, so it shouldn't take more than five minutes to get there.
*Five minutes later*
Alright, i'm here. Guess I should knock on the door. *Knocks* What I heard from the inside was 'Lance can you get the damn door!' Which sounded like his mom.
Lance: *Opens door*
Lance: *Eyes widen* W-What are you doing here Clay?
Clay: Eh, I was bored. So I came here to see if you could hang out?
Lance: I-
Lance: N-No one-
LM: *Comes up* Who the- Who the fuck is this?
Clay: I'm one of Lance's friends, asking if we could hang out for a while?
LM: Oh um.. No sorry, heh. Lance has choies to do.
Clay: Aw that sucks, see at school tomorrow! Baii!
Lance: Y-you too. Bai.
I left bored as ever. But I swear his mom had a fake smile.

Lance's POV
Welp, here comes the lecture.
Lance: N-no. He is my best friend.
LM: I fucking feel bad for him. You're a fucking gay mistake that doesn't deserve any friends. You deserve to D.I.E.
That word rang though my ears..
Lance: Y-Yes ma'am..
LM: Heh. Now go to your room bitch!
I ran to my room, and grabbed my trusty razor. I usally not cut as much.. But they did it this time. I started cutting deep in my arms. 'I should just die' I told my self. 'No one likes you' 'You're usless' 'Gay mother-fucker' 'Stupid hoe' 'dumb cunt' 'fucking twat' 'slut' 'The world would be a better place without you' I got done cutting. 'I can barely feel it anymore' I said to myself. I put a hoodie on so no one could see it. Then I just went to sleep because I was tired. Goodnight world..

Clay's POV
*Alarm goes off* *Turns it off* Ugh. Gotta go to the academy. Well atleast I get to see Lance today! Thats pretty exciting in my book. I took a shower, brushed my hair and teeth, got dressed, and packed my stuff up for school. The academy was only 2 minutes away from my dorm so I always walked there. When I got there I saw Aaron,Macy, and Axel. But no Lance. 'Hmm, probably late' I thought.
Clay: Hey guys!
Aaron: Oh hey Clay!
Macy: Heya! Do you know were Lance is?
Clay: No, actually. I was wondering that too. I just think he's running late.
Axel: Hmm, Probably.
After about a minute we saw Lance walking here from a small distance.
Clay: Hey buddy! Why are you walking to school?
Lance: Hey bro! Um.. I-I missed my bus. Yah.
Clay: Oh, Okay! Why didn't your parents just take you?
Lance: Um.. Their car needs fixing. Yah..
Clay: Oh okay! Lets get to class!
'He's so cute' Lance thought.

Lance's POV
School is actually doing okay today. Not alot of bulling, (because Clay is on my side) and class isn't that bad. But when it was free period.. *sighs* I swear I hate myself.. My arms started hurting like hell. Probably because I cut them to deep.
Clay: Lance? Are you okay? Why are you holding your arm?
Lance: I-I'm fine. It nothin- AH OUCH-
Clay: Here let me check-
Lance: N-NO! Its fine I swear.
Clay: Look i'm your friend. Let me check them.
Lance: N-NO-
Before I could say anymore he rolled up my arms and frozed. He looked at my cut arms.
Clay: Lance..
I cant take this anymore.. People were looking at me.. Some laughing, some gasped in shock.
All the things that ran through my mind.. 'Die' 'Hoe' 'Slut' 'Gay fag' 'The world would be better without you' Tears formed in my eyes.. I ran.
I didn't care. I ran to the roof of the building. All my friends and classmates following me.
I looked down.. Long drop. Enough to kill me probably.
Clay started to cry. I hate to see it. But..
Lance: You'll be fine without me.. Probably better without me.
Lance: Bye Clay Moorington.. Just letting you know..
I love you. Than I jumped. But smiling. Knowing all the pain will be gone. Bye cruel world.. Than everything went black.

I- I'm crying at my own story. Holy shit- I- There will be a part 2. Idc. This is good and i'll make a part 2 to this. Thank you weuuii for suggestioning this. 🥺❤️

Word Count: 1389  (Holy shit)

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