Between a Rockman and a hard place (Part 1)

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The phrase "that wasn't supposed to happen yet" did nothing to reassure me. Neither did the fact that my best friend didn't seem upset or surprised by what had just happened. If anything, he looked annoyed.

"Yet?!" I screeched. "You mean it was supposed to happen at some point?"

"Not for another couple of years." Said as if that was going to make everything better.

I took a step toward him, not even aware that my hands were outstretched. "You knew about this?"

Theo lunged at me, grabbing my wrists and lowering my arms. "You may think you want to kill me," he began.

"Not 'think,'" I growled, "know."

"Killing me is not going to get you answers. The Rockman-Bloom alliance must hold." He searched my face intently.

I gave a tight nod and he released my wrists. "Are you even really my friend?"

He gave a derisive laugh. "Sophie, I've walked through Hell for you. I'm your best friend. Give a boy a chance to explain."

I crossed my arms. "Fine. Go ahead."

He shook his head. "Not here. We have to get you back inside school grounds." Theo took a quick glance around and motioned for me to follow, running back through the woods to the fence.

"Why?" I questioned, trotting after him.

We could hear fire truck sirens approaching. They must have seen the smoke from the attacks. Small brush fires dotted the woods and my eyes were tearing up.

"The school is protected ground. The only place you're truly safe."

"You know this how?" I panted.

"Who do you think protected it?" he retorted, not even slowing.

"Fairies?" I muttered sarcastically, painfully dragging myself back over the fence.

"No such thing."

"Typical. Sparkly winged beings, sorry. Fire throwing ghost, no problem," I said in a slightly higher tone of voice than normal.

"Not a ghost. Though I can see how the flying might have confused ..." He peered at me as I emitted a strangled laugh. "You're acting hysterical. You're in shock, right?"

You think? That was such an enormous "d'uh" after what I'd just experienced that I couldn't even dignify it. I stood there, my mouth gaping open and closed like a fish as Theo nodded.

"Yeah," he said, assessing me. "Definitely shock."

I punched him. Hard. It may not have done anything for the shock but it felt good. I spun on my heel and continued through the back field to the school.

"If you're gonna hear me out, you'll have to keep an open mind," he said, jogging after me.

"How could I possibly have to get more open after," I waved my hand back toward the woods, "those things?"

"That's only one small part of it." He held the door open for me and we slipped inside through one of the many sets of heavy glass doors that led into the school.

"Fine. But I want Hannah."

He looked at me, confused. "You sure?"

I shrugged. "Anything you have to tell me, you can say in front of her."

You may be wondering why, given all I was about to hear, I would want Hannah to discover exactly how freaky I was. The answer was simple, boys and girls. Denial ain't just a river in Egypt.

My Ex From Hell (The Blooming Goddess Trilogy, #1)Where stories live. Discover now