Chapter Seventeen

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Maglor blinked and held his hand out as light shown through the curtain. He slowly sat up and held his head. It took him a few moments to remember what happened...right. He was healing in Gondor. He settled back down his head sinking into the pillow a bit. He had been here a few days and he was starting to feel a bit more like his old self...just a very bit.

He heard a knock on the door and sat up again as Elrond poked his head in. "Atar?"

"Elrond," Maglor said. "Come in,"

Elrond smiled and walked in closing the door. He walked over to the bed and sat down on it "How are you feeling today?" He asked gently.

"Better," Maglor replied.

"That's good," Elrond said. "You are looking healthier."

Elrond then moved closer and checked his pulse and a few more things. Maglor just watched Elrond with a soft smile. Elrond looked up after a few moments and asked, "What?"

"'s just. You haven't changed since you were small," Maglor said. "You grew up but you're still you." Maglor put his hand on top of Elrond's head and smiled sadly.

"Atar?" Elrond asked with a frown. "What's wrong?"

Maglor wiped a tear away and said, "You grew up, and I-" He stopped and looked away though. He was not able to meet his son's eyes.

"Atar?" He asked sounding worried. It took Maglor a few moments to turn his head and look at him. Elrond looked at him with a worried expression. "Are you alright?"

"Fine. Just lost in a memory," Maglor replied waving his hand slightly. Elrond frowned a bit and watched it. "I'm worried about you." He said.

"I know," Maglor said softly as Elrond moved over and gave Maglor a hug. Maglor smiled softly and wrapped his arms around Elrond. "What did I do to deserve you? Onya?" He asked softly. 

"Being an amazing father?" Offered Elrond as he moved back from Maglor. Who then wore a sad expression. 

"If I am such an amazing father...why did I leave you?" He asked looking at him. 

Elrond just sighed and moved so he was sitting right next to Maglor. He was quiet thinking it over before he said, "Elros and I never were angry that you and Uncle Nelyo left. We were upset for a time but we understood that it was not your choice. That it was that oath that drove you and you wanted to keep us safe. So please, Atar, do not be upset with yourself over this. We never had a father since our birth father left us when we were young. You showed us what it was like to have one. You are our Atar and that will never change." 

Maglor looked at Elrond and put his arm around him and pulled him close into a hug. He placed a soft kiss on his forehead. "Hanta-l, ninya titta min. Ninya maurënë i." Maglor said as he hugged him close. 

"Illumë, Atar," Elrond said with a smile. Maglor smiled and nodded, he then looked up as the door opened and two heads poked in. "Atar? Grandpa Kano?" Elladan and Elrohir asked. 

"Yes?" Elrond answered looking at his sons. 

"Are you two up for a visitor?" They asked. Elrond looked to Maglor who nodded slightly. Elrond then turned to the twins and said, "Yes." 

They moved away and opened the door fully and let Eldarion come running in. "Grandpa!" He said happily as Elrond moved down and swept him up so he could sit by him.

Eldarion grinned at Elrond but turned then turned to look at Maglor. He studied him slightly and said, "You look sad. Being sad is not fun." 

Maglor could help but smile softly as he said, "No. It's not." 

"Whenever I am Mamma always makes me hot cocoa." Eldarion said. 

Maglor kept his soft smile and asked, "Does she?" 

Eldarion nodded happily and then looked back at Maglor and asked, "Are you sick? Is that why Grandpa is with you?" 

"Yes. He has been a bit weak," Elrond said. "I am also spending so much time with him since he is my Atar." 

Eldarion eyes widen a bit as he looked up at Elrond. He then turned to Maglor and said, "You're my great-grandpa?" 

Maglor smiled some more and said, "I guess so." 

Eldarion moved over and looked up at him and then hugged him. Maglor was a bit suprised as he was hugged by the small child. Elrond chuckled a bit and looked to the door slightly and saw a quick glimpse of his twin sons standing by the door before moving down the hall. 


Maedhros and Fingon looked up as the door opened and the twins walked in. "It worked," Elladan said sitting down by Fingon.

"I thought it would," Fingon said with a nod." 

"How did you know it would work though?" Elrohir asked. Maedhros and Fingon just exchanged a look without saying a thing. 

Elladan sighed but moved on and asked, "Do you think he'll agree to go with you?" 

"He will," Maedhros said. "I am sure Elrond will think of something after Maglor gets back on his feet." 

"I hope so," Elrohir said.

Maedhros nodded and rubbed his left arm a bit. Fingon looked over at him and asked, "Are you in pain?" 

"'s just a bit sore. I am fine," Maedhros said. Fingon nodded and settled back in his chair. Maedhros then looked at the twins and said, "Do you mind giving us a little bit?" 

"Sure," they replied and stood up leaving the room. One they were gone Fingon looked at his friend and tilted his head a bit. "What?" 

Maedhros was quiet before he said, "You were right. I did have a lot of time to think about what happened and a long talk with someone about it. I did come to a few conclusions about it but-" 

He stopped speaking trying to figure out the right words before he continued, "-But I am worried what people will think if I forgive myself. I did so I have any right to forgive myself?" 

"Nelyo," Fingon said. "I do not think people will think of much if you forgive yourself. Most have listened to the Valar that you were pardon and accepted that." 

Maedhros just nodded and sighed. Fingon thought for a moment then said, "Nelyo. You are the best diplomate I know. Perhaps when we get back you can work on furthering making peace with the other elves."

"Perhaps," he said.  

"I think it could help after all the twins have been helping other elves settle in and showing a lot of them around Valinor. Even Caranthir has been helping Lady Nienna and Lord Melkor." He replied. 

Maedhros looked up and asked, "How did you-" 

Fingon held up a hand and smirked, "You should know by now that I have ways of finding out things." 

Maedhros nodded and said, "Right...I will think about it." 

"Good," Fingon said with a smile. Maedhros smirked a bit and stood up walking to the window. He suddenly smiled more and waved Fingon over. His friend stood up and walked over and chuckled.  

"I think. Maglor is going to be fine," Maedhros said with a light laugh as he watched his brother being dragged along by Eldarion with Elrond following behind the two with an amused expression. Maedhros laughed a bit more as he watched Eldarion trip from most likely be over-excited and both Maglor and Elrond going into panic mode to see if they were alright. 

Maedhros smiled a bit more and looked a bit skyward. He smiled softly and turned to Fingon and said, "I do think I am going to be okay as well." 

Fingon looked up at him slightly puzzled but smiled softly. "That's good." He said. 

Maedhros nodded a little and said, "We'll leave in a few weeks. Maglor should be ready then." 

"You sure?" He asked. 

"I am," Maedhros said with a nod.

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