Chapter Seven

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"Uh. What should we call you?" Elrohir asked looking at Maedhros. 

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Well we could call you Great-uncle or would you prefer us to call you something else," Elladan said. 

"Just call me Meadhros or Nelyo," Meadhros replied. 

"Alright," Both twins said and went back to their dinner. Right after Elrond finished showing Meadhros where he believed Maglor to be they all went to dinner. So far dinner was pleasant with a few questions. 

"Hey. What did happen on that hunting trip you were speaking about?" Elladan asked. Elrond looked up and at Meadhros who smirked a bit and said, "I do not think your father will want you two to hear that story." 

"What did he do?" Glorfindel asked. 

"Not you too," Elrond said looking at his friend. Glorfindel just smirked and said, "I am sorry but yes. I would like to hear this story." 

"Well, if Meadhros dose says this I think it will only be fair if I say over the story about when you tried archery for the first time," Fingon said. 

Glorfindel quickly turned to him in a look of shock and a bit of horror. He then looked quickly at Maedhros and said, "You know there are a lot of other things we can talk about. Like....the weather? Trees?" 

"Why? What happened when you first tried archery?" Asked the twins looking at the golden-haired elf. 

"Nothing happened," Glorfindel answered a bit too quickly. "I fired the arrow and hit the target." 

"I do not remember that happening," Fingon said with a smirk. 

"Oh. Be quiet you," He said. Fingon just smirked a bit more and took a sip of his drink. Maedhros just kept his head down and focused on eating. Elrond was just holding his head and Arwen was watching a bit amusedly. Aragorn just was doing what Maedhros was, just eat and ignore the others. 

"Okay. Now I really want to know what happened," Elladan said. 

"With both stories," his twin said. Elrond and Glorfindel shared a look and both of them sighed knowing those two will find out at some point. 

"Very well," Elrond said. "Just tell it," 

"You sure?" Maedhros asked. Elrond nodded and the other elf put down his fork and began the story. 


"Stop worrying. Those two will be fine," Maedhros said as he rode beside Maglor who was looking behind him. 

"What?" Maglor asked looking up clearly not hearing his older brother. 

Maedhros groaned and said, "Elros and Elrond. Stop looking behind up, they will be fine. Honestly, you are worrying as much Mamil did." 

Maglor glared at his older brother and said, "Well I am sorry if I am worried about them. They are my boys and I do not think it is a good idea to leave them like this." 

"If you are concerned that much you can go back," He replied. "I am going to continue on." 

"You do not have to be so rude," Maglor replied. "Just because I am worried about them dose mean I am going to rush back. I trust our guards will keep a close eye on them," 

"Right. So let's just focus on continuing on, we can stop by nightfall there should a good spot up ahead somewhere." Maedhros replied. 

So, the two brothers rode on and finally found a place to stop for the night. Maglor got a fire going and settled back. Maedhros sat there sharpening a knife struggling just a bit to keep the rock still. 

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