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"No one else is dealing with your demons
Meaning maybe defeating them
Could be the beginning of your meaning, friend,"

-Tyler Joseph, Kitchen Sink

We know you're out there. We know you have your inner demons. We have them too. We have a golden chance every time, anytime to hunt them down. We just don't take that chance. We don't look at the big picture. Because once we begin to feel the blood rushing to our fingers we start to know what the pain feels like and let it take over. What consumes your mind controls your life.

"All wrong-doing arises because of mind. If mind is transformed can wrong-doing remain?" -Buddha

So why are you ready to bring to pull the trigger. Isn't that the answer.

It's all up to you.

But what you're looking for isn't there.

If you say goodbye it's forever.







The only one who sees you how you want to be seen is you. So let yourself be seen. Stuck inside is a fallen angel. Waiting to be loved. Someone loves you. Wanting to love themselves. Or herself. Or himself. You gotta love the way you are.


In the morning I wake up stuck inside of a different body. The tell me who I am. But i know it's not right. I can't be who you want me to be. I'm not who you think I am. But you make me feel so bad. And because of you no one can hear me.

Dysphoria is hard to explain. Is it even there? Is it? Be yourself. Study yourself. Then forget yourself, and purge your mind of all the bad thoughts. Stay quiet and listen to the music.

Why the labels, huh.

When you put a name to something, you forget what it means.

Only you know who you are. So be it.

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