I didn't realize I was staring until I saw Axel's hand waving in front of my face.

"Sorry, I zoned out. What'd you say?" I say, embarrassed he caught me staring.

"I was saying that we should head out" He says and nods his head in the direction of the guy who was flirting with Axel earlier. He looked pissed as he glared at me with his arms crossed.

I smirked, "Yeah, let's go"

I sling an arm over Axel's shoulders as we we walked towards the cashier. I gave the guy a look and smirked at him. I swear you could see smoke coming out of his ears.

After a lot of convincing, I paid and left the cafe with a pouty Axel in tow. I laughed at his behaviour and he sent me playful glare.

"You didn't have to pay, you know"

"I know, I just wanted to" I say, and smile at him as I get into the driver's seat. He gets into the passenger seat and closes the door.

"Still up for ice cream?" I ask, not wanting to leave him yet.

"I'm really full right now, but you could come over? I have ice cream in the fridge, and we could watch a movie?" I smile at his suggestion, happy that he doesn't seem to want me to leave yet either.

"Sounds great" I say, as I drive out of the parking lot and towards his house. We made small talk as we drove, and soon I was pulling up on his driveway.

We get out and Axel goes to unlock his door. We enter his house and he immediately goes into the kitchen after taking off his shoes, with me following suit. He goes over to his freezer and opens it, motioning me over.

"Take whichever you want, I'll go turn on the TV" he says as he walks out of the kitchen into -what I assume is- the living room.

I take the cookies and cream flavoured ice cream and close the freezer. I walk out of the kitchen and spot Axel sitting on the couch in the living room. I sit down beside him, our thighs touching. I smile to myself as I see that he doesn't make a move to get up or seem uncomfortable, so I stay like that.

"Is there anything you want to watch?" I look down, since Axel is quite a bit smaller than me.

"I don't know, anything you recommend?" He looks back to the screen flipping through the movies.

"How about this one?" I turn away from him to look at the screen. To All The Boys I've Loved Before.

"Looks good" I say and lean back, getting comfy.

He nods, selecting the movie and sits back onto the couch.

I watch the movie whilst eating the ice cream, when I felt an arm sling over my torso. I look to my right and see Axel sleeping, cuddling into me. He might as well be on top of me, with his head rested in the crook of my neck and his arm and leg over my torso. I smile, and wrap my arm around his waist and keep it there. I rest my head on Axel's, and nuzzle my face into his fluffy hair.

I smile, I don't mind doing this more often. In fact, I'd love to do this more often.

I think I know why I reacted that way in the restaurant when the waiter was flirting with Axel.

I didn't like the way the guy was acting with Axel because he looked dangerous. I didn't want Axel around someone like that. I didn't want Axel to get hurt. I have an urge to protect him.

I guess I see him as a brother, although we're the same age.

That's gotta be it, right? What other reason could there be? Why else would I feel jealous when I saw the guy making Axel blush like that?

Wait, jealous? I've never felt jealous before. Even with my ex-girlfriend. Whenever a guy flirted with her, I was never jealous. I honestly found it kind of funny. Why would I feel jealous when a guy flirts with a boy I met recently, when I didn't feel jealous when a guy was flirting with my girlfriend?

No, it can't be... I turn and look down at the boy snuggled into my side. He was letting out light snores, and I cooed at the sight. I felt my heart swell and I wanted to kiss his forehead and snuggle with him all night.

Hold on... kiss?

I know I'm not gay. I know I'm attracted to girls, and I've never found a guy attractive, let alone cute.

I look down at Axel once again and sigh. Oh who am I kidding? When I first saw him in the halls, freshmen year, I knew.

I am, undeniably, crushing on the small brown-haired boy sleeping in my arms.


A/N: Hey guys! Happy Thanksgiving, and I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Please vote for this story, and have a nice day! :)

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