First Day of Kindergarten

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Lemmy Koopa looked at his new kindergarten with an unimpressed look. His father, King Bowser, had decided that going to a school with other kids would be beneficial for him, rather than being homeschooled.

"All right Prince Lemmy, have a good first day of Kindergarten!" His chauffeur exclaimed cheerfully before getting back in the limousine and driving away.

Lemmy stood in the doorway, warily looking into the facility. He gulped and slowly walked into the classroom and put his belongings in his new cubby hole.

The other children were eating their morning snack. He noticed there was a little girl sitting by herself. He didn't really want to sit by her, there was probably a reason she was sitting alone. She could've been a bully or perhaps someone who didn't share at snack time. Nonetheless, he sat by her and he took out his favorite snack,  grapes.

She was a squirrel girl with a big bushy tail and small little ears atop her head. She also had red hair with darker red streaks and fair skin. Her eyes were sad and dark and she wore a locket around her neck.

"Um...hi?" Lemmy tried, attempting a genuine smile. The squirrel girl looked at him, but didn't respond as she ate one of her chestnuts.

Lemmy assumed she was shy and tried again," Hi! My name is Lemmy, what's yours?"

She looked at him and quietly mumbled, "Sally. Da name's Sally."

When she spoke, her Irish accent surprised Lemmy. "Are you a foreigner?" He asked.

She nodded, "Yes, I-I'm from da Acorn Plains."

Little Lemmy was familiar with that country, it was his future kingdom he would reign over when he turned 18.
"Really? That's kind of far away. Why did you move?" He asked

She fumbled with her locket, "To escape the constant war. My Father is servin' in the military, he's fightin' against the groun' squirrels." She explained.

"Before he left, he gave me dis locket with a picture of him inside, for me to remember him by whenever I get sad or scared or lonely. He wears one just like it with a picture of me and Mother inside under his uniform." She added, opening the locket to show Lemmy his picture.

He had red hair like hers but his hair had white streaks. He also wore an eye patch.

"That's so cool! I bet you miss him a lot..." Lemmy replied. "More dan anythin'. "She replied.

"Why are you sitting here all by yourself?" Lemmy asked her.

"Well....," She started, pointing at a boy at another table "Brick told everyone that I have cooties, now no one wants to talk to me."

Lemmy looked over at Brick's table. Typical bullies. No way around them, he thought.


Lemmy and Sally were playing catch with his ball outside. They had gotten up to 99 passes without dropping it. Lemmy threw the ball to make the 100th catch but it didn't make it to Sally.

Brick had caught their ball and popped it with his sharp teeth. "So you're the new boy, huh?" He growled.

Lemmy rolled his eyes-which looked very odd considering how his pupils were already- and ignored Brick, not wanting to start a meaningless fight.

"C'mon Sally, let's go and play on the swings." He suggested but Brick stood in their way.

"Oy Travis, it looks like the new kid's got a bit of spunk." He teased. "And he's got cooties from hangin' out Stupid Sally."

Lemmy cringed at the uncreative nickname and kept his head held high, despite Brick being larger than him.

"What's wrong with your eyes? Are you looking at the ground or at the sky or both? It's real creepy if ya ask me." Brick told him.

"Wew I didn't ask you so if you wiw excuse me, we're going to the swings." Lemmy said.

Brick was shocked at the back talk and pushed Lemmy into a mud puddle. Lemmy spit out some mud that had gotten in his mouth.

"You're not such a know-it-all now, aren't ya?" Brick taunted him. Sally gave him a concerned look and help him out of the mud, getting mud on her dress.

"Are you okay?" She asked him. He nodded, "Yeah, but dese buwwies need to be taught a wesson." Lemmy replied, pulling out his wand.

"What're ya gonna go with dat ding?" Sally asked, nervous as the wand started to glow. "Just a simple spell." He replied.

He conjured up a spell that pelted the bullies with dodgeballs. They screamed and squealed, not able to dodge the blows.

They eventually fled and Sally and Lemmy high-fived and spent the rest of recess playing in the mud.


"Prince Lemmy, that was utterly unacceptable. You shouldn't use magic against the other children. Look at what you've done, now you've been suspended from Kindergarten!" I didn't even know such a thing was possible! And look at yourself, you're covered in mud!" The chauffeur scolded as he drove Lemmy home.

He didn't know the whole story, but Lemmy didn't care. Though he was a bit bummed out that he wouldn't be able to play with his new friend.


Lemmy was playing Mario Kart 8 Deluxe on his switch when he heard a knock at his door.

"Hi Lemmy, I came to play!" Sally greeted him when he opened the door. "It was really brave of you to stand up to dose bullies like that. I missed you at school so Mother said we could have a play date!" She exclaimed.

She was more cheerful than she had been at school, which made Lemmy happy that he made her happy.

"I'm pwaying Mario Kart, wanna pway?" He asked.

She nodded cheerfully.

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