Coup D'état Ball

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"W-well, how do I look?" Rosie asked nervously. She exited the bathroom in a luxurious turquoise dress Ludwig ordered especially tailored for her.

Ludwig's face flushed as red as a tomato, "You look e-exquisite. I have something else for you." He said, placing a necklace around his girlfriend's neck.

"Oh Ludwig, it's gorgeous!" She gasped, examining it in the mirror. "Thank you so much!" She exclaimed, kissing Ludwig on his cheek.

"Shall we go?" Ludwig asked, holding out his arm. "We shall." She agreed.

"I'd like to welcome everyone to this celebration of my descending to the throne of the Koopa Kingdom. I promise to be a fair but firm ruler. Please continue enjoying the festivities, that will be all." Queen Bowserella announced.

After the Bowserella's announcement, a new song began to play. "May I have this dance?" Ludwig asked, placing a gentle kiss on Rosie's hand. She curtsied and they began to waltz.

Rosie was a bit nervous at the fact that she didn't really know what she was doing but she tried her best to follow Ludwig's lead.

"What seems to be troubling you?" Ludwig asked, noticing her discomfort.

"You know, you didn't have to kidnap me to the ball with you." She whispered.

Ludwig chuckled nervously, "Yes I suppose not, it seems Jr. talked me into it." He  replied, which wasn't the whole truth.

"And Ludwig, I don't really appreciate the way you treated my friend." She said, a bit more sternly.

He nodded, "I-I don't know what had gotten into me."

Though Rosie didn't really by his excuse, she didn't bring the subject up again.

After a while, the song ended and. "Come, let us get some refreshments." Ludwig suggested, escorting Rosie to the refreshments table.


"How are you enjoying this lovely evening, my lady?" Gha asked.

Lily gave him a disgusted look, "Who are you? And how do you know my dress size, you creep?" Lily asked aggressively.

"I am Prince Gha of the Purple Planet. My noble family has connections with the royal Koopa family, therefore, my siblings and I were invited to this prestigious event. I've heard many things about you, Princess Lily Flowers of Sarasaland." He explained.

She looked him up and down and took a sip of her drink. "Ya know, if you're trying to impress me with big, fancy lingo and talk of how 'noble' and 'prestigious' your family is, it isn't working. If you really knew anything about me and you actually cared about getting to know me, you'd know that I don't find kidnapping flattering at all. I find it against the law and an annoying act of desperation. What possibly made you want me anyway? I'm sure there are plenty of girls back home that would love to be with a prestigious 'gentleman' like you."

Gha looked at her in disbelief. She was pretty, but had a sharp tongue on her and she talked a lot. He was starting to rethink his life choices.

"" He stuttered, struggling to find a line or something suave to say that would send Lily fainting in his arms. She stepped really close to him so that their chests were touching.

"Did you perhaps, want me to cook for you? And clean for you?" She asked, gently stroking his face in her hands. He gave a lovestruck nod and she spilled her drink all over him.

"Oops." She apologized sarcastically.

"What was that for?!" He exclaimed, causing some of the guests to turn their heads in their direction.

She groaned, "I despise men like you! Men who think us women are only here to please them, that we're just property!" She proceeded to slap him, give a swift kick to his crotch again, and storm out of the ballroom, leaving him lying in the fetal position on the floor.



"How is Totoma enjoying the ball?" Morton asked.

Totoma was wearing a traditional dress of her kingdom while Morton was dressed in the classic tuxedo. They were sitting outside of the ballroom to get away from the noise.

"I saw that girl. The one that calls and texts you. She's here, you know." Totoma whispered, Morton had to restrain himself from saying, 'Ahh! She speaks!'

"Morton, I think you're cute and everything, and I want to get to know you better...but I know you have feelings for her, I can tell." She added, which was true.

Morton was starting to like Marsipan, a lot. She was quirky and Morton felt very comfortable around her, but despite his feelings, Morton and Totoma were already engaged and he couldn't do anything to change that.

He was starting to feel very guilty. He didn't know that his lack of attraction was so obvious. He had tried very hard to be nice and welcoming. He didn't want Totoma to feel like she wasn't loved.

He pulled Totoma closer to him and they sat in silence for a while.


"The sky is clear tonight, you can see the stars so clearly...." Rosie muttered as she and Ludwig sat outside on a balcony.

Ludwig nodded slowly in agreement, turning to look at her. He thought she looked especially captivating tonight.

"You know, Rosie, we've been dating for a while...since you were a sophomore....and now you're a senior. So, um...I was wondering...."He trailed off, fumbling with a small box.

"Rosie, will you make me the happiest man on the world and...marry me?" He asked, getting on one knee.

Rosie was astonished, as most females are when they get proposed to, she didn't know what to say.

"B-but, what about college?" She managed to stammer.

"School? You will not need anymore schooling. You will live with me in my palace in the Meringue Clouds and  you will bear my children and you all will make me very happy!" Ludwig replied enthusiastically.

Rosie thought there were awfully a lot of mes and mys in that statement. She had dreamed of becoming an astronomer or a historian, getting married and having kids wasn't really at the forefront of her life to-do list.

But Ludwig was still staring, anxiously awaiting her response. And she didn't want to break his heart like Kate did.

So, she accepted.

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