House Party

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Roy, Iggy, Ludwig, Bowser Jr., Wendy and Morton were going to a party a few cool kids in their class were throwing at one of the teacher's house. "Bully and Morton, this is the perfect opportunity for you to get a girlfriend!There will be tons of cute girls at the party! I mean I've got Kate and then you won't to be single and uncool like Luddy!" Iggy exclaimed. "Ugh, for the last time Iggy,  don't call me that! And I do have a girlfriend, Rosie remember?!" Ludwig retorted. "I know her friends are attending but I hope she shows up. She's the only reason I'm going to this party." Ludwig added, checking the time on his Rolex. "Yeah and I have Pwincess Apwicot!" Bowser Jr. yelled, though everyone knew they weren't actually a thing, but a boy can dream. 

"Oh please! No respectable girl would like a dumbass like Bully! He's got no manners and he's dumb as a rock!" Wendy interjected. "Says the girl who can't even get a boy to sit next to 'er fatass at lunch!" Roy joked and everyone except for Morton, Ludwig, and Wendy laughed their heads off. "Well maybe I don't want a dumb, smelly boy who'd just lie and cheat on me! I'm an independent woman and I don't need no man!" Wendy yelled back. Morton started to clap but then stopped when no one joined in.

After what seemed like forever, they finally arrived. "Oh Iggy your here! The party's just getting started!" Kate said, hugging and kissing Iggy then pulling him inside the building. "Ah, is this at a teacher's house?! Nobody told me we were breaking and entering!" Ludwig said, starting to sweat, his social anxiety kicking in.

"Kooky Von! You're here!" Rosie squealed, using her nickname for the blue haired boy, then they started rubbing noses and cuddling and whispering sweet nothings to each other. Bully aagged  but then the 2 lovebirds decided to go find a more private place to be lovey dovey. "Ugh, that's so gross." Bully grumbled. "M-Morton actually though it w-was kind of cute." Morton said, shyly. "C'mon Morton, let's see what kind of grub they've got around here!" Wendy said, and pulled Morton away. "See ya Buwwy. I'm gonna go find Apwicot. She's probabwy worried sick about me." Bowser Jr. said before runnin' off.

And just like that, Bully Koopa was alone. "Hey man, what's goin' on?" His 'brother-from-another mother' Derek asked him and they proceeded to do their best friend handshake. "Nothin'. I heard some cool cats at our school were throwin' a party here so I decided to check it out!" Bully replied as they walked inside Mr. Toadily's house. " Well, I'm gonna go take a shit on Toadily's laptop, see ya later!" Derek said, running up stairs. The lights were off but there were lights from phones and the refrigerator. There was loud music blasting from speakers and it was really crowded with people dancing. Bully knew some people would probably be doing the dirty in the bedrooms and others would be vomiting in the bathrooms so he went in the kitchen to get some drinks. 

When he got there, Bully saw a redhead girl sitting all alone at the bar. "Hey honeybuns, you look real lonely sittin' there by yourself." He said, flirting with her. She looked him up and down and then went back to drinking her apple juice. "Go away you bloke. Just because I'm alone doesn't mean I'm lonely." She said. He just blankly stared at her. That wasn't the usual reaction he got and he wanted to know what in the world was a bloke. "I bet you think your really cool with your sunglasses on in the dark. You don't even need them." She said. "Well actually, they make me look cool, sweetcakes." He replied. 

She just looked at him. "Well they aren't doing a very good job then, love." She replied flatly, sipping some of her juice. Bully just stared at her in shock, she was quite a challenge,  but he wasn't going to give up that easily! So he decided to give her a piece a his mind- "MR. TOADILY'S COMIN', that's what she said! FELLOW STUDENTS, RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!" Derek yelled, then he jumped out of one of the windows in an attempt to escape. Other kids started scrambling to get out and Bully escaped through the back door and ran into the woods to get farther away from the house.

He stopped to catch his breath. "You again! Are you following me?" The redhead girl asked. "Considerin' your behind me, I'm pretty sure you're the one who's doin' the followin'. I guess you just couldn't get enough." Bully teased, smoothing his hair back. "What's your name anyway babe?" He asked. "I am Princess Apple Pie of the Fruit Kingdom." She replied with a curtsey which explained her British accent.

"Apple huh, didja just come to our school? I think I'd remember a face like yours." He flirted, checking her out. "Yes I did. My cousin Apricot told me lots of brilliant things about your school so my parents said it would be a great opportunity for me to meet her and her mates." Apple replied. "Well I guess I'll be seein' ya around then." Bully laughed.

                                                    *~The Next Day~*

"Oh it's you again." Apple groaned as she walked up to her locker. "Well, bugaboo nice seein' you here." Bully replied. Apple sighed, she knew he was following her. Why in the world would he be at her locker? "You're neither cute nor charming you know." She said flatly. "Can you please get out of the way so I can get to my locker? I'm going to be late for Maths." She asked, getting impatient. "Make me." He answered nonchalantly, looking her straight in the eyes. Instead of doing anything, she just sat there and looked at him, waiting for him to move.

"All right, all right, you win." He said, moving out of the way. "Thank you very much. I'm glad we could come to an-" Apple started but was cut off by Roy grabbing her butt. "Excuse me?! Did you just grab my bum?! That's sexual assault!" You should be ashamed of yourself!" She fumed, her face turning red from anger and embarrassment. "Do I look like I care?" He asked, starting to walk off. "Come back here this instant! I'm telling the Principal on you!" She yelled.

"Sure you will, goody-two-shoes. See ya around!" He replied, waving at her and heading off to put a nerd in their locker.

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