Double Date

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"Mmm, this is so good! You don't know what you're missing out on Luddy!" Beethoven, Ludwig's beloved british shorthair cat and best friend, said as he munched away at his breakfast baked egg danish with kimchi and bacon.

"No thanks, I don't eat cat chow." Ludwig replied flatly from his desk. "I don't either, that slop is utterly disgusting! Us distinguished cats are lucky enough to not have to force that retchedness down our throats! Oh Luddy, I can't even bare to think about the poor felines that have to....oh Luddy I just can't...." Beethoven breathed dramatically.

Ludwig rolled his eyes at the little drama king. "Oh and don't even get me STARTED on VEGAN owners who feed their cats a vegan di--""LUDWIG! I went to ask Papa for some money and...he wasn't there! Now stinky Bowserella Sue is messing with MY toys!" Bowser Jr. whined, interrupting Beethoven's speech.

"Excuse me but I was tal-"" Shut up you dumb cat! This is important!" Jr. interrupted. "Excuse me, I hope I'm not interrupting anything but Mother has called for a castle meeting. It's even going to be broadcasted throughout the kingdom." Lidia said, peeping in her genderbend's room.

Ludwig sighed and got dressed, then proceeded to go to the main hall where hundreds of subjects had already gathered.

"I'm sure that some of you've realized that your beloved 'King' Bowser has vanished," Bowserella started, "There is a new order around here and I am your Queen now. You will obey me and do what I command without question." She ordered.

"What will become of us Koopalings?" Ludwig asked, pushing to the front of the crowd. Queen Bowserella look down upon him and smiled.

"Nothing, my dear. You Koopalings have never had a female figure in your lives and now I guess I'll be your new mother!" She replied.

"This drab castle could use a feminine touch. And to celebrate my rise to the throne, we are going to have a ball!" She announced happily. This got the subjects chattering excitedly about what they were going to wear and who they were going to take.

"That will be all." She finished and the citizens went back to doing their everyday business.


"Did you know about this? Was this your plan all along, to take over my kingdom?" Wendy asked Raya, accusing and backing her into a corner. "Now, now, I didn't know nothin' about this." Raya said.

"Of course she didn't, she's dumber than a box of rocks. It was I who proposed the idea to Mother. And it was a very successful, clever idea at that." Lidia admitted, laughing wickedly at the brilliance of her plan.

"What did you do with him?" Wendy growled aggressively, taking out her wand.

"Calm yourself, fighting will do you no good. I assure you that he hasn't passed, unless he committed suicide. And besides, Mother is your new queen now. Embrace her, do not fear her." Lidia replied calmly.

Wendy sneered at her, but put her wand away. "Well what did you intend to do with us?"

"Weren't you listening earlier? Nothing, we're only going to celebrate with a ball. You koopalings are so stupid. Anyway, Mother said that she wants you and Morton to come to the throne room, she has some people she'd like you to meet." Lidia replied, walking off.

Wendy scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"Older sisters, amirite?" Raya joked.

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