No, no, no.

Niall's POV

We walk into the small office, and I instantly regret coming. 

What is he doing here?

"Come in, take a seat." A doctor greets us. I take my seat farthest away from Harry, and watch my mother sit beside me. 

I don't want to be here. 

"Hello, I'm Dr. Trevon and this is my sidekick, Professor Douche-Bag." I chuckle, and watch the other doctor's reaction. 

"No, I'm Dr. Ashton and this is Dr. Wife." He mocks the other doctor's last name. 

"Okay, it's not my fault that my father had this last name." He defends himself. 

"I know, but it's still funny." Dr. Ashton snickers at him. 

"Excuse me, but are you going to tell us why we are here." My mother says from beside me. The two doctors stop laughing, and quickly calm down. 

"We assumed that Mr. Styles had Pseudocyesis, but the tests show otherwise." Dr. Ashton trails off. 

"What is...That?" My mother asks with a disgusted look on her face.

"False pregnancy." He explains. "But like I said, the tests show otherwise." 


"Harry's a boy." I defend him. "He can't get pregnant." 

"Yes, but false pregnancy can happen to anyone.The man gets all the symptoms of pregnancy, but is never pregnant." Dr. Trevon explains. "But real pregnancy with a man rarely ever happens, there was only one reported case of it-"

"I hate to be a bother, but what does this have to do with my son?" My mother interrupts the doctor. 

"Well, if you would let me speak-"

"We're leaving, Niall. This is just a big waste of time." My mother gets up from the chair, and begins to walk away. 

"Harry is pregnant." The doctor says, letting out a big sigh. 


"He said that Niall was the last person he had intercourse with, we thought you wanted to be here to hear the news." I stare at the doctor completely shocked. 

"There is no way my son got a man pregnant." My mother shouts at the doctor. I look over at Liam, and make eye-contact with him. To my surprise, he isn't as shocked as I am. 


"Phoebe, just call me Phoebe." She complains. 

"Phoebe, it's not impossible-"

"No, my son couldn't have gotten Harry pregnant, he's a virgin." My mother interrupts the doctor. "Right, NIall?" She calls me out. 

Lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie. 

I nod my head in agreement, looking down. "My son did not get that man pregnant. Whatever he did is his fault, not my son's." My mother defends me for all the wrong reasons. 

"What if it is, what if he's lying?" Liam asks her, turning everything on me. 

No, Liam, fuck you.

"My son would never lie to me. If your, whatever the hell he is to you, is pregnant, it's not my son's fault." My mother shouts at Liam. I watch as Liam stands up from his seat, and walks up to my mother. 

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