Chapter 10

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[Louis's POV]
After Zayn told me what he found out I've been on edge. Of course I'm still calm so Harry doesn't sense too much. He knows about my moderate everyday stress so I just make this apart of it so it's not suspicious to him. Ever since we found out what Hunter did to him in the past we've always made it our mission to protect him. He is such an angel with a heart of gold. He will believe anything you say just to make sure that you are happy. In Harry's eyes ones happiness is more important than his own.

Laying in bed watching Netflix Harry laying in arms, I couldn't ask for a better moment with my love. Looking at his beautiful as he sleeps just makes me want to protect him even more. He is so sweet and innocent. "I love you so much Haz" I whisper in his ear as he sleeps. I really hope the guys can figure out what's going on. We will go to the ends of earth for our Hazza.

[Harry's dream]
I'm sitting by my desk applying make up to my swollen eye. It's the first time Hunter has ever hit me. We were sitting in his car and he wanted to do more than just kissing but I'm not ready for that yet. After the third time saying no he slapped me making me cover my face and eye. He apologizes and I accept. I know he didn't mean to but that really hurt. "Baby I'm so sorry I didn't mean to do that I don't know what came over me are you okay?" He asks checking the damage he caused. I can't help but melt in his touch. His hands are rough but the way he touches me is so caring and loving. I know what he did was an accident and I forgive him. This happens all the time to couples who are in love right? I mean it's not like he's beating me on a daily basis.

Anyways we say our goodbyes and I'm happy no one is home so I can go upstairs and take care of my wound. I grab an ice pack and a towel and head for my room. I close my door and lock it and sit at my desk. I remove the towel and ice and my eye is red and I can see it starting to bruise. I keep the ice pack on it for about 15-20 minutes. After I remove it I start to apply makeup so no one will notice. If anything I can always say I walked into a wall or got a dodgeball to the face at gym because hey that happens.

After applying my makeup I lay in bed and put on Netflix and decide to watch the notebook. I'm about 15 minutes into the movie when I hear my doorbell. I pause the movie and head downstairs. I noticed that it got darker and there's a storm outside. I go to see whose at the door when I'm grabbed and a hand is placed over my mouth. "I'm back princess" the voice whispers. I go to scream but the hand is keeping me from doing so.

Finally the voice kicks in and I realize who it is. I managed to rip his hand from my mouth. "HUNTER!!" I yell but before anything I'm slammed on the ground and him on top of me. "You're mine now princess. You thought your pathetic alphas can keep you from me. But I think you forgot that NOTHING and NOONE can keep you from me." He says holding me in place. I feel him start to grind on me and lick my neck. "You know I've been wanting this from you for a long time, so why don't you be a nice little twink and give it up to me?" He says lifting my shirt up. I finally find the strength to scream and push him off me. That's when I start to hear a voice I came to love.

I'm laying here sleeping when I feel harry toss and turn and I am woken up by his screams. I get up and wrap my arms around him and hold him close. "Dont worry baby I'm here wake up now hazz" I whisper trying to wake him up. I feel him stir awake and his beautiful green eyes meet my blue ones. "Louis is that you?" He asks his voice raspy from his nightmare. "Yes love it's me. I'm right here. I got you baby." I say reassuring him. He moves closer to me and just cuddles me. I want to ask him about his dream but right now I know this is what he needs. I just hope Zayn and the boys hurry back.

[Liams POV]
Niall Zayn and I have been out for about an hour trying to see if we can find anything. After much searching we realize we should head back and just make sure that everything is on lock down. We know from the surveillance cameras that there were two people here. Were pretty sure one was Hunter but were not sure about the other one or if one was really Hunter because it's dark and they were disguised good. We head back to the house Zayn double checks the security gates. We head inside and each secure the doors. We lock down the house and head upstairs.

We knock on Louis door and enter. Zayn gives him the signal that everything is clear and whoever it was ran off before we can get them. We notice Harry is shaking and cuddling closer with Lou. Niall Zayn and I look at each other and we know that he had a nightmare. "Hazzabear are you okay?" I ask him rubbing his back. He nods his head but we all know it takes him time to recover from his nightmares. We decide that we all should stay together tonight so Zayn gets behind Louis niall is in the middle with harry and I'm behind niall. "Thank God we decided to get California sized king beds" I think to myself.

We all lay in bed and I must say that I'm so happy that the 5 of us can be so much in love. I just hope that we find whoever it is that's missing with us because protecting Harry is our main mission.

After a couple movies and some kisses here and there we all decide it's time for bed. After the day we had hopefully a good night's sleep is what we need.

[A/N::Hey my lovely peepsicles I know it's been months since I've updated. I've been working on this chapter for some time and I kept getting writers block but hopefully my creative juices are finally flowing. I missed you guys soo much and I'm sooo sorry I haven't updated. Also with my new job I've just been so tired because I've been doing over time and working my butt off because I'm trying to save up to get a new place. Anyways guys now that I have an even better phone I'll update more often (as long as I dont get writers block again) anyways I love you guys and I'm soo happy to see this story almost at 20,000 views I never expected 500 views let alone almost 20000. You guys have been super supportive and I love you guys and I really am sorry that I kept you waiting soo long. Anyways I'll probably update again later as it's almost 4am and I'm tired. Well thanks again for getting this book to almost 20000 and I promise updates maybe slow but I'll never go this long again without updating if I do you guys have all my permission to blow up my messages and curse me out lol. Anyways more updates to come ONCE AGAIN I LOVE YOU GUYS AND THANK YOU AGAIN FOR KEEPING MY STORIES ALIVE]

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