Chapter 7

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Once Liam gets over the shock he goes in full protection mode. He checks the store and looks around the entrance. Once he sees it's clear he turns and faces me.

"Hey babe we should hurry up here and find the boys so I can let them know who you saw." He says trying to sound like he's not worry.

I just nod my head and pick out a few vanilla and lavender scented bath bombs. Strawberry scented bubble bath and watermelon shampoo and conditioner.

Once I have everything Liam pays for everything and takes the bag. He puts me on his back and goes to the sporting store where we know the others will be.

Once we arrive we see the other immediately and I can already tell Louis senses the worry radiating off of Liam.

"Hey babe" louis says kissing me.

I giggle and kiss him back. "Why don't you go with Zayn and Niall while Liam and I talk okay love?" Louis says with a smile and I know he thinks I don't know but I just go along with it.

Zayn and Niall take me over to the shoes with them so they can look at the new air forces and other shoes that I don't care about. I try to make it seem like nothing is bothering me when really after seeing Hunter my mind is going 100000 miles a second.

[Liam's POV]

I really hate that Louis had Harry go with Zayn and Niall but that's only because he doesn't know that Harry knows. Afterall it was Harry who spotted him but of course when Louis goes into leader mode he tries to keep Harry in the dark. Which I understand.

"Okay Liam what happened why do you have the sense of protection worry and anger radiating off you?" Louis questions once we are outside.

"He-he-he saw Hunter." I stutter out.

"What? Where? When? How?" Louis questions and I can see the anger worry and protection in his eyes.

I tell Louis everything and how Harry was the one who noticed Hunter. Once I tell him I see the look of pure anger in his eyes. I can already tell he wants to hunt Hunter down. I grab his shoulders and make him look at me.

"Look we can't let him get to us like this otherwise he'll sense it as weakness. We need to stay cool calm collected in order to protect Harry. Why don't we just finish up and go home help Harry get his mind off of this." I say trying to calm him down as much as i can.

Louis just nods and we walk back to the others.

[Harry's POV]

While Zayn and Niall were looking at the shoes I was sitting on a bench and tried to seem enthused but Niall picked up on it and sat next to me.

I cuddle up to him. There's one thing I love about the Irish lad is his hugs and cuddles always makes me feel better.

"Hey love what do you want to do now?" I hear a familiar voice say.

"I just want to go home." I say nudging more into Niall.

Liam Louis and Zayn look at each other and nod.

"Come on love." Niall says picking me up. I rest my head on his shoulder as he carries me to the car. I can feel the tension radiating off my alphas and I feel like I ruined the day.

When we get in the car Niall craddles me and I just fall asleep in his lap.

When we arrive at the house I'm woken by Niall. "Come on love let's go to my room and you can lay in my bed and cuddle while the others make dinner." He says sitting me up so he can climb out.

"Louis is just going to watch right?" I question looking at Louis and giggling a bit.

"HEY I'm not that bad hazzabear." He says crossing his arms trying to sound mean and offended.

"I love you Lou but the last time you made me toast when I was sick I almost broke a tooth." I say causing the others to laugh.

"Okay granted I suck but what about that dinner I made for our date together the chicken stuffed with mozzarella wrapped in parma ham and a side of homemade mashed potatos?" He asks sounding like he won.

"Okay okay that was very good and I was in the kitchen in case you needed help but it came out really good." I admit.

"Ha told you I can cook something." He says kissing me.

I giggle and I must admit I do feel a little better but I still just want to cuddle with Niall.

"Come on love let's leave them alone and I can have you to myself." Niall says turning away from the guys.

"Hey Niall no fun without us." Zayn yells.

"No promises" Niall yells back. I can't help but blush and giggle at them. If There's one thing about my guys that makes me fall for them more is the fact that they always make me feel better no matter what type of mood I am.

We get to Nialls room and he gently lays me on his bed and hands me a pair of his shorts and t-shirt. Even though i love girly clothes wearing one of my mates clothes makes me feel even better.

I look at him with puppy eyes and he knows that I want him to help me change. He takes off my shirt and put his on then gently takes off my skinny jeans. "Damn haz as much as I love how you look in these jeans they are a bugger getting off." He says struggling to get them off.

Once he has them off he blushes because I'm wearing my black lace panties. "Damn, I didn't know you were wearing these. How did I not see them when you took them off when we decided to go wolf?" Niall questions licking his lips.

"None of you were paying attention plus I wear similar ones all the time." I say blushing.

"I know but I wasn't expecting these sexy see through ones." He says grabbing the basketball shorts.

He puts the basketball shorts on me and we cuddle. "What movie would you like to watch love?" He asks scrolling through our movies.

"Can we watch Moana?" I ask shyly.

"Of course love." He says scrolling to Moana.

I cuddle closer to him and within 10 minutes I find myself falling asleep. I sense that Niall notices because he's about to do the same. We're almost asleep when we hear Zayn voice. "Hey sweets dinners ready." He saying opening the door.

"Awe you two look so cute cuddle up together." He says adoring us.

I blush and snuggle closer to Niall. "Hey Zayn put a plate away for us we're going to take a nap." Niall says holding me closer.

Zayn gasps. "Wait Niall you're avoiding food to take a nap are you sick?" He says touching Nialls forehead.

I giggle "stop that." Niall says swatting his hand away. "No I'm not sick I just want to cuddle my Hazzabear." He says shooing Zayn away. "Okay okay sheesh it's just odd of you but now I understand by the way he's OUR Hazzabear." Zayn says closing the door.

I look at Niall and smile and kiss him. He deepens it and soon we are having a 5 minute make out session before finally taking our nap.

[AN::Hey peeps I'm super sorry it took so long to update but at least it wasnt a month long wait. I know i promised it will be updated sooner and I apologize. I'll have another chapter update soon just don't know when as I'm going through some personal stuff again. Anyways I love you guys and thanks again for your support. I promise more updates are to come. Also please check out my other stories and let me know what you all think. Also what do you guys think of Harry seeing Hunter? Just to let you all know more drama is to come]

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