Chapter 27

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Sana pov
As we made are way around New York it was honestly a lot of fun even though I couldn't go with dahyun I was still having a blast with the guys.jungkook would make stupid jokes which would make me crack up and he was honestly being really cute trying to get my attention the whole time.he made sure that he was always right beside me and when someone tried to approach me he would throw his arms around me and call himself "the savior" while being laughed at by the rest of the guys.Eventually we ended up in a restaurant because we all were hungry and needed something to eat and of course jungkook took the seat right next to me,followed by jimin so we were all smooshed in a booth together leaving little room for distance between one another.while we were all waiting for are meals to come most of the guys were just chatting and talking about there days and girls but jungkook kept whispering and talking in my ear asking me if I was okay which was kind of cute. A few times he would place his hand lightly on my thigh.i knew that I didn't really feel anything from him whispering to me and touching me but it didn't mean that if he kissed me I wouldn't kiss him back even though I know I shouldn't be saying this because of Dahyun cause I made a promise but I guess she wouldn't know if I actually broke it or not. After we finished eating and left the restaurant it was time that we needed to head back to the hotel because I had to get ready for my concert.the ride back was pretty short and pretty quiet with limited talking from my bodyguards.right when we pulled in all of my bodyguards dispersed besides jungkook leaving me alone in the parking lot with him.i opened the trunk of the car grabbing my bag out untill I heard my phone go off which caused me to place my bag down  and lean against the back of the truck.i read the messaged that happened to be from Dahyun letting me know I was suppose to be back.i felt the car dip down for a second as I notice jungkook also lean against the side of the car next to me as I put my phone back in my pocket
"I had a great time out with you today"she said looking down at me
"Yeah me to, it was actually a lot of fun"
"I'm glad we should defiantly do it some other time before I'm not your bodyguard anymore"
"Yeah that would be great, but at the moment I have to go and get ready for my show which you are helping at"
"Oh cool yeah you should probably go do that"he said getting a little closer to me
"Ok I'll see you around"I said getting off the car and grabbing my bag turning towards the hotel but before I could go he grabbed my wrist
"Wait before you go do you mind if I give you a hug"he asked
"No of course not"I said pulling him towards me into a hug
After a few seconds he pulled away slightly into so that we had room to look at each other.
I saw his eyes travel down to my lip and then he began leaning in.i knew this was not the right thing to be doing but honestly at this point there was no way of stopping it so I just let it happen. His lips fell on to mine for a brief second and then we both pulled away when we heard a clicking sound coming from beside us and it just happened to be the this is just great
"We need to go"he said grabbing my hand while closing the trunk of the car and pulling me into he hotel
"Oh my god I'm gonna be in so much trouble when the photo are put out"I said shacking my head as we got into the building
"No I'm sure it's okay it was probably just dispatch"
"No it's not I have a boyfriend"
"I have to go"I continued as I ran onto the elevator letting the door close behind me.
Ugh I need to calm down before my manger or even Dahyun notices something is wrong.
When the elevator arrives at the floor I needed I noticed that my manager was waiting for my arrival
"Sana you are kind of late so could you please hurry a little" my manager yelled at me pushing me into my hotel room
When I got in I already noticed Dahyun sitting on the bed in the corner which I thought was weird cause she wasn't even suppose to be back yet.she also didn't even pay attention to me as I walked in she just kept looking at her phone pretending as if I wasn't even there.after I was fitted and got my make up done most of my make up team was out of my room so I walked over and sat next to Dahyun.
"How was your day out"I ask to which I got no reply
"Hey I'm talking to you"I said pushing Dahyuns arm.
"Yeah it was great but I'm sure your day was better at least from what I saw"she said coldly looking over at the window which leads directly to the parking lot
"No it's not what you saw"I said quickly trying to defend myself
"Then what was it"she said trying to whisper and yell at the same time
"You made me a promise"she continued
"I'm telling you it's not what it looks like"
"Then tell me what it actually was"Dahyun said finally standing up as everyone but us two were out of the room
"We were just talking"I said as Dahyun scoffs
"Yeah talking with his tongue down your throat"she said moving back to were she was sitting on the bed
"Ok"I said quickly
"He did kiss me but I didn't kiss back"I finished
"I'm sure"she said going back on her phone
"Why won't you believe me seriously look at me" i said hitting her phone out of her hand to which it landed on the floor
"You better hope that didn't break"she said looking at me very seriously
"And what would you do if it did"
"Well I guess you'll just have to wait and see"she said as she walked over to her phone picking it up very slowly only to flip it over to a completely shattered phone screen
"That just great, meet me at my room after your concert"she said walking out of my hotel room slamming the door behind her
This should be fun

Here is your guys update
I'm gonna try and put another update out tomorrow but idk yet
I had a off day from school today so if I can't put a update out tomorrow it's cause of school so I'll probably update on the weekend

Thanks for being so patient
Also btw if you guys have any cool fanart you want me to feature in my story
Follow and dm me on insta
@kyndall_yeager.2 for the chance to be featured

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