"That being said, I want everyone here to bring their A game. I wish you all the best of luck. Yuta." the coach nods in Yuta's direction. He steps forward and clears his throat. "Let's begin."


I can't breathe. I'm panting heavily as I look at the score board. We're so far behind. The score is currently 2-5 with our seniors taking the lead.

"This scrimmage is killing me." Jeno says, the exhaustion on his face obvious. Hendery jogs over to us looking tired. We nod at him, unable to catch our breathes and give an actual verbal greeting. The scrimmage against our sunbaes has been going for what seems like a really long time.

"Don't give up yet guys, we can still win this!" Hendery yells words of encouragement to me, Jeno, and the other two boys on our team of five. The other team, our sunbaes, look over at us with smirks.

"Aren't they tired yet?" one of the boys who's names I don't remember whines.

"They should be," the other one jumps in, "they've already played three games!"

The way tryouts are going this year is that the coach has split the boys into 3 different teams consisting of 5 members each. Each team plays against 5 members of the sunbae team, and my team is the last to play.

"I will be observing each team and member throughout the game. I will be watching for individual skill and also team work. I want you all to do your best out there and remember: individual skill isn't everything."

The words Coach Choi spoke before the games began come back to me. Not one of the teams before us won against them, the sunbaes they chose for this are almost impossible to beat.

Yuta, Jaehyun, Sicheng, Kun, and Jungwoo don't show any signs of slowing down soon, and I can tell this is affecting the atmosphere of my team. How can Coach say that individual skill isn't everything but choose those five for the tryouts! They're practically built off individual skills!

"Come on guys," Hendery looks to the other team before making a fist, "let's finish this."

"Let's win!" Jeno yells out. I smirk, my teammates boost of energy giving me drive to win.


We lost.


But that's to be expected considering who we were up against.

All of the boys trying out we're sitting across the field, completely exhausted. A student passes around water bottles to each of us, giving words of encouragement such as "hey good job out there" and "you guys played well."

"Who is that guy?" I hear one of the students whisper to his friends. "Probably the water boy haha." I hear another respond.

Fools, I think to myself, taking a sip of water.

Coach Choi blows his whistle, getting everyone's attention. "Alright everyone. I will be reviewing everything tonight with the two team captains and we will then decided which ten candidates will be joining us for the team. There are fifteen of you here today, meaning five of you will be dismissed at the least. Please look forward to the list of members by tomorrow afternoon. Thank you all for your hard work today. Dismissed."

"Coach Choi?" my friend Renjun raises his hand, "I have a question."

"Yes Renjun, what is it?" The coach replies, a little surprised that he is getting questions after already explaining everything.

"You said there would be ten candidates chosen, but there are normally eleven members that make up a team. Also you said you would discuss the results with both captains. Does that mean you already chose a captain for the junior team?"

"Ah, yes. I forgot to mention. The captain for the senior team is Nakamoto Yuta, as I'm sure most of you already know. He is also one of the players you all played against today," he gives a head nod to where Yuta stands at his side. "Now for the captain of the junior team," everyone anticipates his next words, probably hoping they'll be picked. Absolute fools, I roll my eyes.

"The captain for the junior team has already been chosen. And you've all met him already."


i'm back hoes.

lol do you guys think y'all can guys which kpop idol is coach choi? 3 gold stars if you get it

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