"You know...I think I like the first song." he said after a while, looking up and giving her a crooked smile. She smiled down at her feet.

"Yeah....Everything Has Changed by Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran..." he trailed off and started to hum the tune.

God, if only he knew. Sure, the playlist was a mix of some of her favourite songs, but the songs had a much deeper meaning. Sort of like a message Webster was trying to tell Alex, but he had to decode it through the lyrics.

For example, track one, 'Everything Has Changed' was about Webster's first feelings when she met Alex and how she started to look at her world a little differently, and then you had track seven, 'Patient Love' By Passenger that discreetly implied that Webster was willing to wait for Alex, even though he was called for.

But the question was, would he everfigure it out? His songs were random, completely picked merrily because they were his favourite, whereas Webster wanted to tell Alex how she felt about him through music and lyrics, since she couldn't say it herself.

But as she looked at him now, so happy and content listening to 'Give Me Love' By Ed Sheeran, maybe it was best that he didn't know about the meaning of each song.

Maybe it was just best to let him figure it out eventually, or never at all.

"Are you okay? You're staring into space and your face is all worried looking." his concerned voice shook her out of her thoughts. She smiled feebly at him.


He nodded and stared down at his hands, his eyebrows furrowed like he was debating something in his head.

"Are you doing anything tonight?" he blurted out suddenly, making Webster jump.

She laughed softly and shook her head.

He scratched the back of his head and smiled at her nervously.

"Uhmmm...Jack's having a party tonight and...it would be really awesome if you could come...." he trailed off, his eyes waiting for her reaction.

She didn't know what to say, she had never been to a party in her whole life. People always made excuses as to why she couldn't go to their party.

"Oh yeah! Webster I'd love to invite you to my party...but it's a pool party and well...you know because of your legs...."

"Sorry! You can't come to our party because we don't think you'd be able to handle it!"

Memories of rejection flooded her mind, she felt like she was going to be sick. Her anxiety was starting to kick in as she thought of all the things that could go wrong at the party. Alex seemed to notice her unenthusiastic expression and he took her hand in his.

"Please come....I promise I'll drive you home if you don't like it." he said, his eyes pleading.

She fidgeted with her bracelets nervously.



Alex was a pretty confident guy most of the time, but why shouldn't he be? Every girl had either heard of or slept with Alex Gaskarth, he was kind of like the dream boat of the town. This only boosted his confidence, and sometimes made him a little arrogant amd cocky, but Lorraine didn't really mind most of the time.

But for some reason that Alex Gaskarthconfidence wasn't quite working at the moment, and his palms were sweating as Webster's mom answered the door to him.

"Ahh....Mister Gaskarth." the woman said as she smiled warmly at him. Her accent was irish, and Alex wondered if Webster's voice sounded like that too.

"Uhhh...hi." he said, his voice an octave higher than usual.

"Webster's just in the kitchen getting her hair straightened by your friend Brianna. Come in." she waved him inside and he shuffled inside awkwardly.

The house was nice, rose wallpaper on the walls, framed pictures of Webster and her family in various different places, it made him smile at how much her family cared about her.

He stepped into the kitchen and saw Webster, her face buried in a sketch pad and Brianna sliding a straightener through her hair.

"Ooooh look it's Alex Gaskarth, the town's biggest man whore." teased Brianna as she saw him.

Webster snapped her head up at the mention of his name and she blushed as he winked at her.

"Looking good Webster." he said cheekily, but yelped as something hit him over his head.

"No flirting with my daughter while I'm around." said Webster's mom as she gave him a serious look. He felt mortified, and Brianna was laughing hysterically while Webster looked uncomfortable.

"Alright, we're ready to go." said Brianna as she smiled happily at Webster's hair.

"You look pretty." she added and Webster turned even more red.

"I'll wheel you out." said Alex smoothly, and she sent him an anxious look.

For a second, he forgot about Lorraine and stared at Webster in a way that he wasn't really supposed to. You guys are just friends. She's disabled. It wouldn't work. Saidhis subconscious said in the back of his mind. But for the first time ever, Alex really looked at Webster properly.

She had really long eyelashes, but they were natural, unlike the spider legs that Lorraine wore that made Alex feel uncomfortable when they brushed off his face while they were kissing. Her glasses hid her eyes a little, but there was no mistaking the cute fleck of gold mixed in with her green eyes. She had a couple of freckles too, and they made her look a bit like her mom.

The thing was, Webster wasn't stunning. She wasn't someone who he would see on the dance floor and would want to have sex right there and then.

But there was something about Webster that made him...feel different.

He just wasn't sure what it was about her.

For example, the other night while they were listening to one of his old mixtapes on his old cassette player, he had some sort of urge to lean in and kiss her.

And the thought didn't pass all night.

"YO ALEX! ARE YOU GONNA WHEEL ME OUT TO YOUR CAR, OR DO I HAVE TO DO IT MYSELF?" her computer voice snapped him out of his thoughts, and his mind switched back to reality. His mind switched back to being friends with Webster, and the moment of seeing her as someone who he'd like to kiss passed.

He smiled at her.

"Don't push it." he said and to his surprise she laughed.

That was the second time he had made her laugh since he met her.

He made a mental note to try and get her to laugh more.

A/N I really love writing this story hehehe. Question, what do you think of the characters so far?

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