SIX| some rescue mission...

Start from the beginning

Even though she was literally fearing for her life, Carter mustered a smirk. "Over my dead body,"

"That can be arranged," Murphy growled.

Clarke looked from Carter to Murphy. If looks could kill... She turned her attention back to Bellamy and snatched her arm back. "The only way the Ark is gonna think I'm dead, is if I'm actually dead. Got it?"

"Brave Princess..." Bellamy smirked, etching closer to her threateningly.

"Why don't you find you find your own nickname?" The familiarity of the voice sparked Carter's attention and she peeled her glare away from Murphy to Finn who emerged from the treeline. Both Clarke and Carter smiled for two very different reasons.

"You call this a rescue party?" He quirked an eyebrow. "You gotta split up, cover more ground. Clarke, Bambi with me." He didn't stop to wait for the girls. They both exchanged looks of relief and caught up with him.

"Better late than never," Clarke smirked.

"I like to think so," Finn retorted, looking back at the other three. He locked eyes with Murphy and resisted the urge to go back there and knock him on his ass.

"You, Finn Collins, are my hero." Carter grinned, nudging his shoulder playfully. She instantly regretted it when a painful sting enveloped the top of her arm as the scab across her cut ripped open, and it felt deeper than before. She hissed through her teeth and looked down at her arm. She didn't have to see the wound to know she had reopened it.

Finn slowed down and studied her with worry. "Are you okay?"

She came to a halt as she took off her sweater, leaving her in just her blank tank top. With narrowed eyes, Carter inspected the wound. It was a lot deeper than she thought and was seeping with blood more than it did when Murphy actually cut her. "I'm fine." She groaned.

Clarke nudged past Finn and picked up Carter's arm gingerly. "You need to put pressure on this. Keep it covered... Who did this to you?"

"Murphy, but it's no big deal, I deserved it."

Finn clenched his jaw. "Carter..."

Wanting to diffuse any tension, Clarke looked back down at Carter's wound and spoke with concern, "It's bleeding a lot. Maybe you should head back to camp?"

Carter pulled her arm away and shook her head. "And go back to fixing a roof that can't be fixed? No thanks," she looked between Finn and Clarke. They both had furrowed eyebrows, Carter sighed. "Honestly guys, I'm fine. I'll sort it out when we get back to camp."

Mournfully, she gazed down at her favorite sweater. "Sorry it had to be this way," Carter whispered to it as she ripped off the sleeve. Using the strip of fabric, she tied it firmly around her wound using her free hand and her teeth and tossed the remains of the sweater into a bush. She looked at Clarke and Finn, who had been watching intently, and quirked an eyebrow. "There, all better. Don't we have a dying kid to save?"


Carter trailed behind Finn and Clarke, zoning in and out of deep thought.

"Mom, dad!" Seven-year-old Carter ran into the room she shared with her parents, a giant childish smile on her face. She skidded to a halt as her parents looked at her expectantly. Her father stopped pacing to look at his daughter, and her mom looked up from the desk with a beautiful smile crossing her face and a loving glint in her eye.

"What is it, Carter?" Her father asked somewhat impatiently.

"I've made a friend!" Carter exclaimed happily. Both her father and mother looked at her with wide eyes. Carter was never one to make friends, she always claimed that the other kids in their zone were too annoying.

Troublesome ~ Bellamy Blake [1]Where stories live. Discover now