10. Water and Fire

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Tommy's POV

"Hercules: Dead! Ares: Captured! What the hell Hades? I thought these two were the best!" How could two kids take down gods.

"Watch your tongue boy! Let me remind you that I can still take your soul." Shit, I forgot about that. I'll just keep my mouth shut.

"I'm sorry. But what the hell happened?!" I want some answers.

"Obviously your former friends have found their true power. Hercules never had a chance against Blaine and Alexis. Especially with their powers combined. Hercules is a demi-god, he can be killed. Ares is now imprisoned in Olympus. He will slowly be punished by my brothers Zeus and Poseidon." I already knew that. But what are we going to do? "But if one of them were to come to our side and help us....Maybe the odds will be in our favor." 

"So you mean Alex? You want me to bring her here? Is that what you are implying?" I mean it sounds like a plan.

"You won't have to try that hard Thomas." Hades showed me what had happened what was going on in the "enemy's camp"

"I'm not looking for praise. I just killed my own brother! Your son! And you're praising me like I did an act of justice!"

"Yes. Hercules was my son, but he betrayed me and your other brothers and sisters. Betraying your family is punishable by death." 

"Then why am I not dead?! I killed my own dad!" Alex flinched at how loud Blaine was.

"That parasite was not your real father. I am. You are my son and you didn't betray us. Your brothers did." She walked up to Blaine and rubbed his shoulders trying to calm him down. It didn't seem to work. They are falling apart.

"I didn't ask for this! I didn't ask for your power!" Alex looked scared of Blaine, his anger is taking him over. It's his weakness.

"Brother please relax. Don't let your anger control you." Perseus stepped in. Alex turned Blaine to her and stared into his eyes.

"Blaine. Stop it. Right now." 

"Why?!"  She walked out of her house into the pouring rain and let herself evaporate. Where will she go?

"Alex! Hey where you going!?" What the fuck just happened? Perseus grabbed him and Blaine began to fight him off. Good, break down some more.

"Blaine calm down!" Blaine elbowed his brother in the head. Zeus stepped in and he just swung, hitting him in the jaw. 

"I may be old, but I'm not fragile." 

"Where is she going Zeus? Tell me!"

"That is for you to find out. Your anger is slowly taking you my son." Yes it is. And when he comes looking for Alex I will see to it that his anger comes out. That will be his downfall. Once I have him beaten on the ground I will kill him. "

Hades I'll be back, I'll find our new guest." I walked past Hephaestus, still chained up. Looking older than he did.

"You....I can't believe you stooped so low Thomas. Killing your parents, aligning with Hades, and for what? Because your best friend bestowed his love for Alexis? That is pathetic!" I slapped Hephaestus across the face.

"It doesn't matter why I'm doing this! They both betrayed me! Used me! They will die by my hand and I will take their souls!"

"Hades will turn on you. Like he did to his own brothers...." I'm done listening to him.

"You're going to die here Hephaestus and the last thing you see will be my face!" I walked out of the pits Tartarus, I was in the carnage of downtown Chicago. Streets turned into rubble. Cars smashed. As I walked I stood near the lake. I should put on a display so at least one of them comes out. If Blaine comes, Alex will be here. If Alex does, Blaine will follow. Either way I win, I get both of them in the same place at the same time. I felt my hands burn and began terrorizing what was left of Wacker Drive. I burned down the cars until they were back to liquid metal. I walked up to a man who was trying run away and burned him alive. Making a human statue  out of him. I pulled out a blue orb out of his mouth and consumed it. He won't be needing his soul anymore. After I devoured that man's soul I felt stronger than before. I wonder how many souls I can harvest. I saw a building and saw people hiding for their lives. I put my hands up and burned it to the ground. All I heard were the screams of dozens of people. Sinners and cheaters. Thieves and hypocrites. Some if not all have done something where others got hurt and for that they are punished. I saw as blue orbs circled around me. I opened my mouth and devoured all of them. I feel stronger than ever. The more souls the better. Before I could set another building on fire the one I did set was put out. What a waste of good heat...It was put out by water....

"Tommy stop!" Alex...

"Alex...Nice of you to join me here. Where's Blaine?" She walked up to me slowly.

"He's.....I don't know...He just lost it." Trouble at home eh..

"I know, he really should've joined me. Both of you should have. Imagine it Alex..." I walked around her in a circle. I saw as she tensed up a bit. "Us three..being the ones that these parasites pray to. That's where we get our power from them. We could live as kings. We have the hands of the Gods. It would be stupid for us not to use it."

"You're insane Tommy. Those people were innocent." No...They weren't. I backhanded her and she fell to the ground.

"Innocent is a strong word to throw around here! All of them have hurt someone in their lives! They killed someone, betrayed a best friend, used someone!"

"Is that how you feel Tommy We betrayed you?" I felt my hands grow hot.

"Yes! Both of you! I told Blaine that I was starting to fall for you! I told you how I felt when we turned! But the minute Blaine needed help you were all over him!" 

"Tommy please, don't do this! I'm sorry. You're like a brother to me!" I don't want to be a brother to you!

"Sorry the time for forgiveness has passed." I put my hand up and was about to fire. I shot a line of flame at Alex but she used her fire to put it out. Fucking bitch! "So  you're going to fight against me?! I'm stronger than you Alex!" I threw a fireball at her but she rolled out of the way. Another fireball was thrown, but this one she put out. Alex threw a wave at me and I was caught. The water was too much. I feel myself drowning until I found a way out. I was on the ground coughing trying to catch my breath.

"You're not as strong as you think Tommy! I didn't even need Blaine's help with you." You should...I began to laugh as I slowly stood up. "What is so funny!"

"This!" I raised my hands and a huge flame shot into the sky. It formed the shape of a snake. Very cliche I know...It slithered down at Alex. She put up a force field like thing. As the snake went down, I saw Alex struggle. I pushed it down more. the force field broke. "Where's Blaine now Alex! Where is he!" I felt a spark hit me.

"I'm right here Tommy! " I was struck by lightning and was sent flying. I hit the wall of some office space. This is it. He dies now!

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