6. Brother's Betrayal

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Blaine's POV

I woke up and Alexis was still in my arms with her head still on my chest. I did't get up right away, I just let her sleep. I started rubbing her head. I was still trying to get over killing my dad. I lost control of myself and used my power for the wrong reason. I heard Alexis groan and could tell that she was waking up. She was half awake but she looked up at me.

"Morning..." She smiled at me and shifted closer to me. She managed to pull herself up to my lips and kissed me. I could't help but smile.

"Morning to you too." Alex got up and started stretching. I sat up too, cracking my neck and my back.

"Jesus Christ..." What? My neck and back?

"That hurt but it felt good at the same time." I just laughed and stood up from the couch. I heard Leo coming down the stairs. 

"Blaine! Hey!" He ran up to me and I lifted him up.

"Hey buddy how are you? You're getting big." The last time I lifted him up he was like ninety pounds. He gained a little bit.

"I'm good. What are you doing here?" Uh think of something Blaine....

"I'm here hanging out with your sis for a bit." I put him down and he looked up at me.

"Why don't you guys go to the mall or something." What? Was he telling me where to go with his sister?

"That's not a bad idea." Really Alex? We're just going to leave your brother here?

"What about him?

"I'm eleven Blaine, I think I can handle the house for a few hours." Sounds like me....

"He's right, he's done it before." Alright looks like we're going to the mall. We both left the house and Leo closed the door behind us. "So last night was interesting...." 

"Yeah it was..." I mean I just killed my dad but other than that....We made it to the mall and just started walking around.

"I'm glad you want to take it slow. None of my past boyfriends took it slow. It was like week two we had to have sex or the relationship wan't going anywhere." Damn...

"Well I'm different."

"I know. I like different." What about Tommy? Did't he ask her...?

"Do you think Tommy would mind this? I mean did't he ask you out...?" I raised an eyebrow and waited for an answer.

"Uh I don't know. I mean he's really nice but...He dozen't seem like the kind of guy I don't think I would have fun with. But you, you go to concerts, bonfires, and just make any simple thing fun. That's why I like you." I mean I try to make everything enjoyable for everyone but that's just me if no one is having fun I'll make it fun. Whether it's singing country songs around a bonfire, moshing at a concert or making fun of a movie we are watching. We both continued walking but we felt something weird. Everyone around us stopped moving, it was like they were frozen. What the hell is going on? I heard the thunder rumbling. Oh shit...

"Blaine! Alexis! We must speak with you." It was Zeus and Poseidon. Shit....Zeus found out about what I did.

"Father..? Uncle?" What do they both want..?

"I saw what you did to your father. I saw the fury build inside of you, I am not disappointed in. You sent him to Tartar us where he belongs, he's down there with our father Cronus." Wow....That's comforting.

"This USN't the reason you came to us. So spill it why are you both here?" 

"He is just like you brother." How? I ask a lot of questions? Or just have common sense?

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