1. Before They Were Gods

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"Blaine! Over here!" I saw Tommy and Alexis sitting at a lunch table already. Fuck....The first day of school and they already found an empty lunch table. Everywhere else was full except this one.. "Hey, bud how was your summer?" I wasn't bad...

"Good, I saw Machine Head, Slayer, Protest the Hero and some bands called Plead Insanity and Asylum live so that was awesome." Alex's eyes widened to the mention of Slayer.

"You saw Slayer and you didn't invite me?!" She put on a pouty face and I just laughed.

"Well it was me and my uncle ok. He wanted me to go out and have some fun this summer at least." 

"We had some fun this summer, What are you talking about?" I know we did Tommy but seeing live bands is my fun.

"Dude, the barbecues and bonfires I went to with you guys were awesome too. I just love live music. That's my thing." Tommy smirked and continued eating his lunch.

"Oh that reminds me! Rise Against, Thirty Seconds to Mars, and Linkin Park are playing Tinley in January. You guys want to go?" I had no problem with that I love all of those bands, with my taste in music I'll see anything. Tommy's widened to the mentioned of Linkin Park

"No way! LP is coming to Chicago? Blaine if you could give me a ride to that, that would be awesome." 

"Sure no problem." I looked back at Alex... "How much are the tickets?" 

"From what I saw they're twenty bucks!" Damn...That's a good deal for three big bands in the alternative world.

"Well I'll be there, I already know this one is going to go. So count us both in." Alex smiled and we all finished our lunch. I didn't feel like going to class but I had to. eh whatever I like history class. I think we're on Greek mythology. I loved that kind of thing. My teacher Mr. Freyer was teaching the class. He was an old fashioned teacher, take notes or you fucking fail. But he was entertaining none the less.

"Zeus is the God of the sky, lightning and thunder. Also he is the ruler of the Olympian Gods. Son of the Titan Cronus along with his brothers Poseidon; God of the sea and storms and Hades; God of Dead, and King of Tatarus or the underworld....But back to the big daddy Zeus. His weapon is very famous it's the thunder bolt which some say he hurls at those who displease him. So if you get struck by lightning you pissed Zeus off." That's why I love Mr. Freyer, he makes sure we understand what he's talking about. "He is also know for punishing those who lie or break oaths. Remember those things it'll be on your test Friday." I walked out of class and met up with Alex and Tommy.

"Hey how was class?" 

"Good man, I already know I'm gonna ace Freyer's test Friday." Tommy rolled his eyes.

"Every time you say that, you get a bad grade. You jinx yourself man."

"No this time I got this. I know it." Alex put her input on it.

""Just don't get too cocky there Blaine." 

"Not cocky. Confident." We went to our lockers and I took Alex home like every other day. My car was nothing special, a 2004 Honda Civic in maroon. Not purple! Maroon. She sat down, buckled up and I put on some tunes. The drive only took a few minutes, about ten-fifteen. I parked in front of her house and noticed her parents weren't home....again. I unlocked the door and walked her to the front of her house. Alex was fumbling with her keys but managed to open the door.

"You can come in." She went inside and I followed.

"Bang. Bang. I got you!" It was her little brother Leo with one of his plastic revolvers. I made the kid feel good by dropping to the ground, playing dead.

"Hey Leo, what's up bud?" I laid my hand out and he gave me a high five.

"Hi Blaine! I'm good." The little kids smile was adorable, reminds me of myself when I was his age. "Alright don't let me bother you, go ahead run along." He sat up and ran up to his room. "Hey why don't we all hangout Friday night." It's the weekend after all.

"Sure what are we going to do?" I had a few things in mind but one thing I know we all love.

"We'll have a bonfire int the woods. Some where different at least."

"Ok that sounds good." Great, I have to tell Tommy. He has to come too...

"Alright, I'll see what Tommy is doing and we'll go from there. I'll see you tomorrow." She gave me a hug and I went out the door. Now I have to go deal with my dad...It's what three o'clock...? Yep he should be home by now....I got in my car and started driving. Thought were racing through my head. What's he going to do tonight? Is he going to ask me to clean after him? Or is he just going to pass out on the couch? I hope he just passes out on the couch and doesn't bother me at all. With my luck I probably jinxed myself.  I parked the car in the driveway and saw his pick up there. Here we go....I opened up the door and he was sitting at the table cutting up some onions...

"We're have you been?" Fuck....Me...I set my backpack on the stairs and answered.

"I was stuck in traffic..." That should get me out of this.

"Sure you were.....I been home since two....It's three thirty. So where were you?" Shit...My little lie didn't work.

"Alright fine I was taking my friend Alex home ok? I was just being nice..." I went to walk up stairs when I heard him slam the knife on the table.

"You expect me to believe that!? Huh?!" It was the truth..."Get your ass upstairs and do your homework before I break my foot up in your ass!" I know I'm not coming back down tonight. Fucking asshole!

"Fine..." I walked upstairs and slammed my door, I knew he heard it. I'm done with this shithole I just want to leave right now. But if I came back my dad would probably kick the shit outta me. I laid on my bed listening to music and was texting Tommy.

To Tommy

Hey, let's all have a bonfire in the woods Friday night! Come on I really need to get out of this house!

From Tommy 

Friday is cool. I've been waiting for you ask that lol!

To Tommy

Awesome. We'll go at around seven or something.

From Tommy

Alright man ttyl.

It's official we're all going out Friday night, I can get away from my drunk of a father and hang out with my friends. It's my last year of high school I want this one to be good.

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