12. Sacrifice

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The last thing I saw before knocking out was Cronus rising from the ground of the city. I don't think  we can beat that. There's no point in trying. We are all going to die. As I blacked out I saw my father Zeus in what seemed like a vision. 

"Blaine, my son! You need to wake up!" I can't, might as well lay here and wait for Cronus to kill me. "You three must band together to defeat Cronus!" 

"Father I can't I'm too weak!" Zeus brought forth his hand and touched my forehead with his fingers. I felt a surge of energy flow through me. I felt...better. Powerful. 

"You will be granted with the armor of the Gods and wield the Blade of Olympus. It has the power to kill both Gods and Titans. The Blade has ended the Great War with the Titans before, it shall prevail again. Stab Cronus in his heart with the Blade and  he will be sent back to Tartarus!" I felt myself awaken in Alex's arms.

"Blaine! Thank God!" I stood up a little and felt myself float in the air while the Heavens rumbled.  "Blaine? What's happening?!" I saw a bolt of lightning crash down from Mount Olympus and strike me. The power surged through me, I screamed out and when everything stopped a flash blinded everyone around me. I stood there as my eyes were electrifying and hands were charged. My wardrobe changed a lot too. It was a lot brighter too. This must be the Armor of the Gods. This chrome looking armor was almost a whole set. Chest piece, gauntlets, and boots. The Heavens were rumbling yet again and descending down was another bolt. When the smoke cleared there 'Sword in the Stone' like: The Blade of Olympus.  This thing was huge. It consist of the power of Zeus, an electrifying blade with a gold handle and trim, with some lion heads there for it to look cool. I picked it up surprisingly with ease and put it behind my back. "Blaine?" I turned around and saw Alex in shock.

"Yeah...Um..hi?" The power feels...amazing. I think there might be a chance.

"Looking good." Alex smiled and we I walked up to hug her.

"We need to stop Cronus...Together."

"Together? It's just us two..." I heard faint groaning and low growling. Tommy wasn't dead. I was surprised he survived after what I did to him. We ran over to him and saw how he was doing.

"B-Blaine? W-why? Why didn't you kill me?" I felt some kind of pity..

"After everything that has happened. After everything we did to each other....You're still my friend....You're still my brother." I looked down at the mangled body of Tommy and knelt down. I put my hand on his shoulder, he groaned louder and his wounds healed. I slowly got to his feet and grabbed me by the throat.

"Why? Why? Why would you do that?!" His grip tightened but he pulled away before anything could happen. Tommy clenched his hand and moved away from me.

"I did that cause I need your help. Look out there. Cronus is here and he's gonna kill us all. Just please help me...." It took a minute for Tommy to come up with an answer...C'mon bud..Help us!

"Alright...What do you need me to do?" Good, the three are back together.

"I need you two to distract him, I need to get this into his heart." I pointed to the Blade and the two just listened.

"That's suicide Blaine!" Yeah it might be but, this is the world we're talking about here.

"If that's the plan then, I'm in."

"Good. Get your weapons ready!" Tommy pulled out his scepter of Hades and Alex got her trident of Poseidon. "Well I guess we start by putting our powers together?" 

"Is that a question?" Tommy is back...

"Let's see where that takes us." We all flew closer to Cronus and shot a beam of water, fire and lightning at him. 

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