2. The Gift

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I've been waiting all week for tonight. Tonight I'm hanging with my best friends, just chilling in the woods by a warm fire. Seems like a god night. But first I have to deal with school...Like Mr. Freyer's test on the Greek mythology. I took it and felt confident, I knew I have it down. The day was over for us but I wanted to go home and change out of my school clothes and get into something more comfortable. I went home and noticed my dad's truck wasn't in the driveway. Perfect...I can leave without him asking questions. I went to my room but on a pair of jeans, my dark blue plaid long sleeve and put on my leather jacket. It's gonna be cold out especially in the middle of September. I left the house and made sure everything was locked. I made my way to Tommy's. going there was like going to my second home. Mrs. Oliver was like a mother to me ever since my mom passed away, and Mr. Oliver was like a father to me....A better one. I pulled up and knocked on the door and Mrs. Oliver answered it.

"Blaine! Good to see you. Oh please come in." I went inside the house and Mrs. Oliver closed the door. "Can I get you something to drink..?"

"Uh no I'm fine, thank you." Mr. Oliver came up to me and shoo my hand.

"How are you Blaine?"

"I'm fine sir. Just waiting for your boy to come down." I chuckled and he did too. I heard Tommy coming down the stairs from his room. He had on his dark red dress shirt and dark blue jeans. "Looking spiffy there Tommy." I  put up an "Ok" sign and winked sarcastically. He laughed at that.

"Shut up man. alright pop I'll be back." 

"Say goodbye to your mother." Tommy hugged his mom and proceeded with me to my car.

"Alright so what, we get Alex and just head for the nearby woods?" Yeah that's pretty much what the plan was.

"Yep! That's the plan." Tommy nodded and we started making our way to Alex's house. While we were going I just had to ask why Tommy is so dressed up tonight. "So buddy I just have to ask....What's with the nice clothes and shit? What you got a date to this or something?" Tommy just laughed and looked down. He took a deep breath and spilled it.

"Alright man, I'll tell you the truth....You ever just meet someone and you have that feeling to just ask them to be yours?" What's he talking...But I do know what he is talking about though.

"Yeah...So what are you trying to say bud?" He took another deep breath and looked back up at me.

"I think I'm going to ask Alexis out....I just all of a sudden have that feeling to...I know she's our friend but I don't know..." That's cool man, I personally think it's easier to be friends first.

"Good for you my man. She's a good catch." I was proud of him for actually asking a girl out and for actually beating me to the punch. why not though he's known her longer. We kept driving and we made that turn to Alex's house. I had Tommy knock on her door. If he wants to ask her out tonight he's got to pull out all the stops. She opened the door and she came out with her bag. She had on a black Black Sabbath t-shirt with black jeans and black boots. Holy blackout! And I thought I liked black.

"Hi guys! We ready?!" I nudged Tommy in the shoulder.

"Um y-yeah. We're all riding in the same car." Smooth...We went to my car and Tommy let Alexis sit in shotgun. We blasted some tunes on our way to the woods. We pulled into a parking lot of a forest preserve and made our way into the woods.

"Alright, let the good times roll." I walked ahead of Alex and Tommy just so they could get closer.

"So how are we going to start the fire Blaine?" Tommy you should be talking to Alexis and actually ask her out...C'mon bud!

"I'll start it. My cousin taught me don't worry about that. Isn't it nice to be out here with each other. Very romantic don't y'all think." Get the hint brother...

"What are you talking about?" Shit..... Alexis is catching on...Abort mission...We have been compromised...

"Uh nothing I'm just talking..."

"Soooo. How did you do on Freyer's test Blaine?" Thanks for breaking the ice Tommy...

"You know that is a good question. I killed it."

"You sure?" Of course I'm sure...

"When I get my hundred I'll put it on your locker so you can see." We all started laughing. The sun was setting and it was time to build the fire. I picked up certain pieces of wood and began rubbing the wood to ignite the flame. After a few rubs I made the fire. Goddamn it was warm. If only I had some ability to make fire without all that hassle...Night was falling faster than I expected I stared at the moon while Alex and Tommy were talking. I noticed something cool was happening... "Hey guys, don't mean to interrupt but look...I  pointed at the moon and noticed that it was an eclipse. Holy shit I never seen one before. Wait a sec....What the fuck? Why is there lightning, and fire coming out of it. "Guys do you see that?!"  I had no idea what was going on the next thing I know I was struck by lightning, I felt my entire body go into shock and felt the electricity flow through my veins. I felt Tommy and Alex check on me but at the corner of my eye I saw Tommy get set on fire. No! What the fuck is happening?! It began to rain now. I saw Alex fall and she disappeared turning into a puddle of water..? I blacked out after that. It was like I was having a dream. Some old guy was talking to me.

"Blaine. You and your friends have been chosen to be the vessels of the Gods. I grant you Zeus' thunderbolt, the most powerful of all the weapons of the Gods. Use this power wisely...If you do not it will destroy you." What in the flying fuck is going on. I came to and I saw Tommy and Alexis both passed out. The fire was gone too. Did I imagine the entire thing? Did Tommy not burst into flame? Did Alexis not turn into water? I sat up holding my head and still thought about all of that. I heard some faint groaning from Alexis and checked on her.

"Hey, hey you ok there kid?" I lifted up her head and she started coughing. It was like she was underwater for a long time. She spat out water from her mouth and held on tight to me.

"Blaine? It was so weird! I-it was l-like a dream and this guy had a trident and he said his name was Poseidon and he said that I was chosen to be his vessel. He was giving me the power of the sea and the trident of the sea or whatever.....H-he told m-me to use it wisely or i-it'll destroy me! What the fuck is going on!?" She's freaked out and so was I. I had no idea what the hell is happening....I need to check on Tommy. I saw steam rising from his body. I shook him to see if he was even still alive. Thankfully he moved and I smelled burnt skin. He looked at me with this confused look.

"Tommy? Are you ok?" He was shook his head and I swear I saw soot coming out of his hair.

"No....I was told I was chosen to be the vessel of Hephaestus and received a hammer....I don't know what the hell that means." So all of us got the same exact message by three different people or Gods. And we're vessels.....So what we're possessed? I stood up just to get my sea legs back and stretched and a bolt of lightning came out of my hand.

"What! The! Fuck!!!!" I was freaking out! A fucking lightning bolt just came out of my motherfucking hand! Why is this happening to us? Tommy saw what I did and he looked at his hands then pointed them at the wood that used to be on fire and fire came out of his hands. The fire got out of control and it spread to the rest of the forest.

"Shit!" Alexis also put up her hands and shot water from hers, putting out the fire.

"Ok this is too weird. Each on of us has something coming out of our hands." No shit Tommy....

"Ok this might be hard to process but I'm just putting it together: Zeus, Poseidon and Hephaestus have chosen us to be their vessels. They each have given us their power. Why? I don't know but they did....So we have to keep it a secret. No one must know about this..."

"I agree....But, what do they mean use it wisely?" I don't know Tommy!

"Maybe to us it for good reasons? Like helping people?" Alex that is a good assumption but I doubt it.

"Maybe I could use it on the people who bullied me my entire life." I walked up to Tommy and tried to reason with him.

"Tommy don't even think about that!" Tommy's eyes widened and he pulled back from me.

"D-dude your eyes....T-they're sparking!"  I saw his eyes turn to fire and Alex's turn to water. Then they just disappeared...Our eyes went back to normal. What the hell was that? 

"I think it's best we all go home...." I don't have another plan, maybe I'll wake up and this will all be a dream...I drove the two to there home I took Tommy home first and then Alex. While driving me and Alex were talking not about the whole God thing...

"What a weird night huh?" That's an understatement.

"Yeah....Lightning, fire, water....Crazy." I really didn't want to talk about that, it raises way to many questions. "So what were you and Tommy talking before everything went down?"

"Oh....Well he was talking to me about going out...." But...there's got to be a but....

"Did you accept the offer?" I tried to hide my smile, Tommy's first....So proud of him..

"Uh I didn't get the chance to. I mean Tommy is nice and all but I've had my eyes on someone that'll shock you." Who she talking about now?

"Oh yeah, whose that?" 

"You." Oh shit, I flattered but Tommy really like her, I do to know that I got to know her...I made the turn and pulled up to her house.

"Uh I'll see you Monday...?" She nodded and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I drove off after she entered the house. It was about eleven, dad is probably passed out with a few beers around him. I pulled up to the house and slowly entered my house. Sure enough there he was passed out watching the Bears game. I turned it off and made my way upstairs. I'm going to need some sleep after what happened tonight.

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