|| CHAPTER - 23 ||

Beginne am Anfang

zach couldn't help but break out into a cold sweat hearing his boss.....why is his boss always so scary...he couldn't help but pity those three....they din't know that they were going to be doomed real soon.......

nandini looked at him and spoke " i need you to........................................................................."

zach nodded.......and after giving akash oberoi's report stating that there weren't any unusual moments he bowed his head and then turned to leave when he heard his boss......

" zach before you take care of this matter i want you to bring Mr.malhotra's luggage from his hotel....."

listening this zach's eyes widened in disbelief.....he couldn't help but internally scream.....how can his boss ask him a mafia person , the best of his batch specialized in hacking and head of the dark shades which is a renowned mafia organization under her to actually personally bring some one's luggage.....how did his reputation degrade to this degree......

even though his eyes screamed of the injustice done to him... nandini could care less as she got busy in the file given to her.........

seeing her zach could only shake his head and leave quietly..........

8 pm......

dining area........

manik was already seated on the right side of akash oberoi and making small talks with him even though his eyes were continuously roaming around searching for a certain someone..the last time he saw her was obviously the time of their confrontation after that he dint even get to see her shadow ...

initially he wanted to step out of his room and search for her as he couldn't bear to feel her absence but owing to the fact that he dint know the directions....and also that it would be extremely uncomfortable wandering in someone's house with all those servants looking at him ....scrutinizing his every footstep he decided against it...........

thanks to aiyappa he dint go around venturing the mansion otherwise the servants may have had the wrong idea that he was snooping around.........

akash who was sitting on the head chair was grinning cheekily seeing the impatience on manik's face.......he saw the time and thought that she should have been here by now.....and right on cue, nandini walked down the stairs towards them........

he saw the man's face light up like a kid who got his candy while nandini's face was neutral but still he could see faint amusement dancing in her eyes as she too was gazing at manik's face.......

nandini walked towards them and settled on akash's left side.....seeing manik still looking at her akash became a little unhappy and quickly cleared his throat....manik  came out of his daze and concentrated on eating......

nandini looked at akash with a knowing look in her eyes.....while akash huffed...what he may be playing cupid in their love story but that doesn't mean he will allow manik to stare like a lovesick puppy at his beloved niece...he can only flirt with her when he makes the opportunity.....how dare he look at her in his presence.........

nandini shook her head as if reading his mind......

the dinner took place way too quietly.....after the dinner akash retired to his room to take some rest........now that only manik and nandini were in the room the atmosphere was again tense........

nandini wordlessly picked up a file that she earlier brought with her and handed it to manik......manik took it with questioning eyes.........

" Earlier you told me that you could do anything for my forgiveness right......."

manik nodded earnestly asking her to continue.......

" then for that, all you have to do is be my spot......before that, let me warn you mr.malhotra i wont go as easy as you......remember that before you agree to this......."

hearing her manik froze for a second before he quickly composed himself......right......he deserves it.......he actually made her his spot before......it's only right for her to do the same..........

manik nodded agreeing to her.......

nandini was surprised for a second seeing him agreeing instantly but she masked it " so i prepared a contract for you.....abide by this contract and you will gain my forgiveness......."

" contract," he said........

Nandini smile coldly " what.....surprised.....knowing your trust issues with me it is only right for me to prepare a contract......moreover what if you backout from it later.....after all I too don't trust you that much to take your word for it.........."

hearing her manik felt as if someone was stabbing his heart with a thousand knives.......he gulped his pain and muttered " i trust you....i really do....."

he glanced at the contract and took out a pen from his coat pocket and spoke looking at her " if this is what it takes to earn back your trust then i don't mind signing it........."

with that said he signed the contract and handed it to her.......she glanced at his signature before turning around saying " have a good sleep today since you will be on duty tomorrow....there is no time limit on the contract so you will continue to be my spot until I am satisfied or you drop dead due to exhaustion......good luck manik..."


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