Chapter 39 - The Lost Souls

Começar do início

So I went to buy food supplies, having the idea of what I wanted Chae to cook for me later at night; Salmon steak, which was one of my favourites that my Chae cooked for me in the past.

Handling those grocery bags, I saw a jewellery shop from afar once I entered the shopping area. I should have gone straight to the exit but I decided to walk around the whole shopping mall to kill the time and I found my legs stopping in front of the display glass.

"Good afternoon. How can I assist you, miss?"

The promoter greeted me in a way that was so welcoming and somehow, attracting me to buy something.

"I'm looking for something for her"

And I walked out from the shop an hour later with the culprit Lisa's credit card charged for a £6400 price tag of a diamond ring, wrapped and presented in a maroon coloured box that was tied with cute little ribbon.

I had always wanted to buy my Chae a ring before, or bracelet, or any jewellery that had its own price and sentimental value to it. But I waited for the right time, thinking of proposing her to marry me. I didn't get the chance to buy it at the end.

At this moment, in this universe, I didn't want to wait anymore. I would buy anything I wanted for Chae with this fucker's money. I would spoil the woman I loved with gifts that might bring a smile on her face just to express how much I loved her in my own ways; without any love spell, without any demon's help.

Chae would know how much I loved her, tonight.

I heard the electronic bell rang at 7:15p.m., signaling someone was at my door. I knew straight away that it was Chae since she would always reach my place around this hour after work. Having so many different feelings at the time; sad, disappointment, heartache and also love, excitement, eagerness, all mixing in the same mould, I made my way to invite her in.


She did it first right after I opened the door, giving me her sweet, warmed smile that greeted my soul from the eye down to the heart.

"Hey!" I unlocked the door grill for her. "You made it!"

She chuckled. "Actually I went to a different floor"

"What?!" I forced an interest into my chest since my eyes began to water, filling up the sadness again when I remembered about what my Chae did in the past. "No way!"

"I went to the floor you brought me at first!"

"The 10th floor?"

"Yeah!" She giggled as we walked towards the kitchen. "A guy opened the door for me and I was so embarrassed!"

I tried so hard to laugh with her and I guessed it was slowly working.

You can do this, Lisa. Hang in there.

"Would you mind if we cook first?" She turned around, tying her hair into a bun as she asked.

"You don't want to shower first?"

"I guess not? Or I might need to shower twice" She grinned. "Only if you don't mind though"

She rested her body against the kitchen counter while her eyes were penetrating my already weak heart.

How can you still look beautiful with that messy hair?

"Yeah, sure"

She was just like my Chae. My girlfriend would always cook for me first as soon as she arrived from work. She would take off her uniform and place it over the bar stool, cooking and walking around with her singlet on.

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