Chapter 10

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hellloooooo! sorry for such the long wait! here is the newest chapter to this story! ENJOY!!


No this couldn’t be true… he couldn’t be dead. Everything went blank as I sat there staring at the computerized picture of the man on the other end. Pity was the only thing I saw, never the strength I need from a person just that dang pity. “Please tell me you’re lying.” I choked out, holding back my tears in hope of it being a sick joke.

“I am very sorry young man it’s not a lie,” his deep voice echoed through the speakers. “I wish this was only a dream, I really do. He was a brave man…”

I couldn’t stand it anymore, losing three important people in my life was just killing me inside. I began to stare at the ground before it popped in my head; I wanted to know how he died. What sick twisted person could just take someone’s life? “Ho-how did he die?” I asked in a hushed tone.

The man was silent for a moment, wondering whether he should tell me or not. He glanced around, with begging eyes trying to find someone else to tell the dead man’s son how he died. Finally he gave up with a long sigh. “Gunshot to the back of the skull…”

The tears began to fall by then, nothing can top this horrible event. Falling to the floor I screamed out, feeling the pain swell up in my chest. My heart beat quickened as I coughed and cried banging on the hard wood floor of my room. “NO! WHY HIM!” I shouted at the ceiling. “Anyone else but why him!”

Footsteps climbing the stairs came into earshot but it was faint because of my screaming. The pain was intense now and I clutched my chest as I continued to cry my eyes out. “Honey talk to me!” My mother shouted in my ear, shaking me violently. “Brett talk to me please! What happened?!”

“Dad…” I silently said. “H-he is go-gone.” My head was pounding as I laid my head in my mother’s lap trying to find at least a little bit of comfort.  Her hand was running through my hair like she did when I was little and got upset when I thought about my brother.

“Shh, honey its ok.” my mother cooed in my ear, failing her attempts to be strong for me. Soon she was in tears clutching onto me like I was going to disappear.

“Mom please don’t say that…”

“Why not?” She asked clearly confused.

I glanced at the computer screen not wanting to meet her sad eyes. Letting out a cough and a weep put together I pulled myself from her clutches. “We both know now we are messed up for life, traumatized at the events that have happened over the years.”

Her eyes fell to the floor before she let out a long sigh. The facial expression she had hardened as she slowly lifted herself from the ground. “You’re absolutely right Brett…” She murmured running her hands through her dark hair.

I glanced at her confused. “I am?”

“Yes,” was all she said before turning from my sight and out the room.

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