Chapter 2

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Hey i made this chapter a little longer hope you like it! this chapter is just a filler chapter by the way things get better i promise!!(:

To the right are pictures of Brett Hilton and Trinity's Bike! ------>

Song: Boasting by Lecrae



Trinity's point of view

“Excuse me sir… ma’am” they flight attendant ask lightly shaking my shoulder. I opened my eyes and noticed that I somehow ended up on Brett’s shoulder. I smiled at that moment before something dawned on me, snapping my head up I collided with Brett’s head.

“Ouch! Can you kindly tell me why you hit me in the head!?” He demanded while rubbing his head. Apparently this guy was grumpy when he first wakes up. I mean I would if I just got wacked in the head by someone else. Shoot I would likely punch them in the face…

“Well excuse me!” I snapped in reply, rolling my eyes. Ugh this boy infuriated me, why in the world would I actually hold a conversation with this goody two shoes. I crossed my arms over my chest and began to glare at the seat when a throat clearing made me turn my head.

“Um we have landed… could you kindly get off now?” the attendant asked putting on a fake smile. I knew she had better things to do then sit here and watch us argue.

Getting up from my seat I stepped on Brett’s foot and continued to walk by the attendant. “Whatever,” I muttered to the attendant who gave me a mean glare. Like I cared anyways, no one scares me… I scare people.

“Wait hold up!” I heard Brett call from the seat. His footsteps got closer until they were in step with mine. “Not even a goodbye?”

I let out a long sigh before turning to face him. “Look Brett, whatever friendship we had on the plane has to stop. We are two totally different people, I am a bad person you wouldn’t want to hang out with me,” I said turning away to continue walking before I continued. “Why don’t you just stick to your little cheerleaders and football jocks.”

“What if I said I don’t really care if we are to totally different people?” He asked jumping in front of me so I couldn’t walk. “Trinity I enjoyed talking to you on the plane. Why can’t we just be friends?”

“Because Brett! I am not a good person! You should be disgusted with me, I mean I steal, I was put in jail, I get into fight, and much much more!” I yelled. “You are quarterback of the football team, you make straight A’s, you are popular, and you are rich! Not to mention you haven’t gotten in any trouble! Why do you want to be friends someone like me!?” I asked pushing him a little. This threw him off guard and he reached for my wrists. I was much smarter than that and quickly pulled my hands back.

“Why do you think I care about that stuff?” He asked growing angry, taking a step towards me. There was a glint in his eyes that looked dangerous and for the first time in my life I actually felt afraid. Not really afraid but just enough to make me take a step backwards.

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