Bad Girl Gone Good

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Hey this is the first chapter to my newest book hope you like it! It's a change from the usual Bad boy and good girl love stories there are twists and changes in this book and i hope you like it!(:

To the right are pictures of Trinity West!! ------------------------->

Song: The Good Life by TripLee


“Pass me a cigarette,” I slurred, taking another sip of my beer. I could see to of Carter, that wasn’t good but oh well. I held my hand out waiting for the cigarette, when a voice came into earshot. I groaned knowing I was going to get the lecture now.

“What do you think you’re doing?” my mom asked, placing her hands on her hips.

“I think I am drinking and smoking… what do you think you’re doing?”

“Get up now Trinity. You are going home!”

“No! You can’t make me do anything!” I slurred again awkwardly getting to my feet. I lost my balance and began to fall when my mother reached out and grabbed me. I would have fought her but I wasn’t feeling to well.

“That’s it, I can’t handle this! You are going to live with your father.” She yelled while dragging me across the parking lot to the car.

I stumbled to a stop, yanking my arm away from her. “You can’t make me go anywhere!”

“Oh yes I can and you are leaving tomorrow morning! I have your bags packed and everything.”

“Why are you doing this to me?” I asked, starting to tear up. I have lived here my whole life, when my parents got in a divorce I was given the choice to live with my mom or my dad. Of course I chose my mom because I loved this place and didn’t want to leave.

She sighed and turned to face me, “Trinity this is the tenth time I had to come and find you, every time you were drunk! I had to bail you out of jail five times already and I am not doing it again. I think it’s about time you went and spend some time with your father.”

“I don’t want to leave! I will change, I promise…” I lied, I couldn’t change this was my life I was the ultimate bad girl. I got drunk, I am a shop lifter, and I party like no tomorrow. I didn’t want to live with my dad because well he is apparently high up in the military and uses only military to enforce rules.

“You said that last time Trinity… its time you learned something besides getting drunk and dropping out of school,” she snapped while opening the door to the driver’s side. I glared at her for the longest amount of time hoping she would just change her mind. Sadly it didn’t and she only looked like she was going to pull a gun out if I didn’t get in the car.

I let out a long groan and opened the passenger side door.  I slid in easily and crossed my arms over my chest. I couldn’t believe she was going to make me move with my dad! This is so unfair!


“Do you have everything honey?” my mom asked checking over my bags before I got on the plane.

“Yes mom I do…” I replied sarcastically.

“Look I am sorry I have to do this but Trinity you have left me no choice.”

“Whatever,” I said while rolling my eyes. The intercom came on and called my flight to start loading. I looked over at my mom to see tears in her eyes. Why was she crying? She is the one sending me away!

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