Doc sighed, realizing he wasn't getting anywhere.

Crossing my arms, I tried to calm down, "could you just go get my uncle, please?" I asked with a huff and he left. I hated the hospital.

I leaned my head back, letting out a sigh of exhaustion. This was not how I saw moving to Forks being like. I thought it would be boring. We'd be yelled at most days, ignored at school and lead terrible lives. And sure, most of that is true but there's also that family that seems to follow us, a new sister we found. It's nice in some ways.

The door creaked open and I looked up to see Charlie in the doorway, he looked both awkward and concerned. I knew it.

"How're ya doing, Kiddo?" He asks, a frown permanently plastered on his face.

I smile slightly and give a shrug, "better." I lie.

Charlie walks further into the room, "good. Everyone's worried about you, ya know."

I nod, "you didn't tell Bella, did you?" I wonder.

He shook his head, "no, I knew you wouldn't want her to know." He tells me and I sigh in relief. The last thing that girl needed was to know her older cousin is a failure in life.

"Thank you."

"Look Hills," Charlie starts, " I know I'm not the best person to tell you this but . . . you can't just not eat forever." It wasn't an order and it caught my attention, "your sister needs you, as well as that friend of yours out there, she seems like a really good kid."

I turn my head down. Coming from the only adult I actually respected this was hard to hear, it was true obviously. I've been told this so many times it just wasn't getting to me anymore, but Charlie had never uttered a word about my condition.

"I know, she is, they both are."

"And I think they both look up to you. You're a role model, Hills, start acting like it." He told me softly, placing a hand on my shoulder. A tear slipped from my eye and I quickly brushed it away.

"I should, shouldn't I?" I whispered, my voice shaking slightly.

Charlie brought me in for a hug and I gladly accepted it. This was much less awkward than I thought it was going to be.

I needed this, I needed to hear this from him. I'm just happy he choose to tell me at the right time before anything else could happen.

Martha's POV

We were back to sitting in the waiting area, but we had two more people to keep us company in this horrible place.

It had been an hour and a half, I knew because I couldn't help looking at the time every two minutes. I annoyed myself with this constant action but I could stop it, even if I tried.

Hillary had woken up and asked for Charlie first, I was slightly upset about that but I soon let it go. She probably knew I would chew her ear off as soon as I stepped foot into that room. And she probably knew Angela would instantly break down in her arms and cry for at least an hour.

I sighed and rubbed my temple as if it would make the pain in my head go away. This headache had been going on for hours, getting worse by the minute.

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