chapter four

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"Aurelia!" Her eyes fluttered open at the sound of her name, "Time to get up for school!" Hannah continued until the lazy teenager finally rolled out of bed.

"Fuck, I really don't wanna go back," the princess grumbled.

"Nonsense," Hannah exclaimed, "school is the only time you're surrounded by average teens and I know you want that! Hop in now, the water is just about right."

After about forty-five minutes Aurelia was ready. She wore a simple navy tee and distressed boyfriend jeans paired with black boots. (picture above) Her hair was in her iconic ponytail and a royal blue Kånken backpack hung over her right shoulder.

"Wait, all five of them are coming?" Aurelia asked her mother in a low whisper.
Her five bodyguards were at the door and dressed like high schoolers - graphic tees, black jeans, sweatpants, Nike shoes. They each looked so different people would most likely have thought they were her best friends instead of her bodyguards - they even each had a backpack!

"Of course," Geneva chimed with a smile.

Corbyn was wearing glasses with a thick black rim, khaki pants, a tight black shirt, and red flannel. He was going as the "nerd" of the group and was definitely the cutest nerd he could've been. Jack was going as the "Billie Eilish stan" and wore black jeans and a neon green tee. His pants were decorated with chains, he wore several rings, and several chains around his neck. Jonah wore a baseball jersey and black jeans and carried a duffle bag for his "baseball equipment" - really it was full of weapons. Zach was going as the average student with jeans and a t-shirt, while Daniel was going in sweats and a t-shirt to get the "I-don't-give-a-fuck" vibe.

"Why do they look like students?" Aurelia asked.

"Well, you see-" Geneva paused, she had wished she told her daughter earlier but better late than never she figured, "you're going to a new school. No one knows you're a princess except for a couple of people who run the place."

"Wait, I can tell people, right?" Aurelia asked hesitantly.

"Of course not, dear, no one can know - you have to be just like everyone else." Geneva's statement hit Aurelia hard. Sure, she didn't like bragging but she liked the praise and respect she would get.


"We have a new student today!" The teacher exclaimed, "Why don't you stand and introduce yourself."

"Hi my name is Au-" Fuck what was she supposed to say? Her real name? No, that would give away her identity. But she couldn't just lie to everyone about her name! Or could she? What if it blew up in her face later? "Aurelia?" she replied, raising her tone at the end so it sounded more like a question than an answer.

With that, she sat back down. Daniel glared at her with a look of disappointment, causing her to slouch slightly in a lame attempt to hide. Why is he mad? Was all she could think about.

"Well, we're happy to have you, Aurelia." The teacher smiled

"Aurelia!" She turned to see the blonde boy sitting behind her. He was definitely cute, but definitely a fuck boy. "My name's Tony, but you can call me daddy." He winked and she curled up her nose in disgust.

"Don't you dare speak to me like that." She hissed but he only smirked.

"Whatever you say babygirl," He whispered mockingly.  Tony then noticed the five boys who were now glaring at him.

"Who the fuck are they?" He laughed.

"I'm her boyfriend, these other guys are our best friends," Daniel said, "n' if you don't get the fuck away I will personally make sure you don't make it home tonight."

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