Chapter 49

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Erika's POV
As I was drinking my third drink someone approached me someone I thought I never thought I'd ever see again.

E: Jake?

J: hey Erika

E: um h-hi how are you

J: I'm good you?

E: I'm doing great, I just moved here yesterday. I'm sorry please sit down.

J: did you ever pursue modeling?

E: well I now own two of the biggest modeling companies.

J: wow congrats on that, that's like a really big deal and stuff. Sorry I'm drunk *laughs*

E: that makes two of us.

J: who are you here with?

E: well I initially intended to come alone but sunny set up a kind of blind date and he dipped on me so yeah.

J: oh I'm sorry

E: but he was drunk so he straight up admitted he was only going to date me because he knew I had money.

J: you know you shouldn't come to places like this alone it could be dangerous.

E: I'm a big girl Jake.

J: I know but still

E: anyways how's your love life, you now know about mine and how sad it is soo spill.

J: um excuse me bartender can I get like 4 shots of your strongest liquor.

E: come on Jake tell me

J: I'm engaged but she's in um I can't remember right now

E: it's because your drunk she's not in New York or something orrrr

J: yess right

??: here you go

J: thank you

??: anything for you?

E: another vodka tonic please and a shot of Hennessy I'm feeling risky.

The bartender walked away to get my drink and I looked back to see Jakes shots gone.

E: you took those down fast for them being the strongest liquor, you stressed?

J: you remember when we got married?

E: how could one forget

J: I was terrified

E: and why was that

??: here's your drinks

E: thank you

I took my shot and continued listening to Jake

J: I was scared people would find out why you were marrying me and judge you to the point you couldn't take it and you would do something you would regret because I didn't think you wanted the baby like you said in the car the day of the school shooting and I was scared. I have that same feeling right now.

E: why?

J: because last time I was married it didn't work out so well.

E: that was my fault though but everything worked out in the end you have a fiancée who I'm sure loves you and you love her very much or else you wouldn't have purposed. Right?

J: did it? I mean you know you're so perfect and I used to tell you that all the time and you're sitting here single.

E: well one you had to tell me that because we were married and two people either want to use me or don't like the fact that I was once pregnant and married.

J: oh god Erika I'm so sorry Erika I'm so sorry I got you pregnant.

E: remember Jake it takes two to tango we both took place in that.

J: yeah I guess

E: anyways who did you come with?

J: um my friend Blue and Tony who is wasted but their both going home soon.

E: no Rocky?

J: nope they broke up she didn't like Tony's busy schedule

E: I really thought they were in it for the long run.

J: me too

E: Tony's a very very good guy he'll find someone I'm sure of it plus we're in NYC there's a bunch of kinky girls here.

J: how's Sunny? Sorry for the abrupt change of subject

E: it's fine, and she's good too her and Noah still going strong we all live together. Noah owns two big restaurants here and Sunny got signed to a record label but won't be starting anything until next year.

J: so basically you three will be running New York

E: besides the sports team I haven't been to any games in forever I work non stop and I love it but Sunny and Noah hate it if I'm not in the office at one of my companies I'm in my office at home.

J: I practice non stop I always want to better myself Anthony and Blue always come to support me.

E: Blue I used to want name my daughter Blue like two years back but know I can only imagine a guy named Blue.

J: sorry to ruin it for you.

E: it's not like I'm gonna have a kid anytime soon.

J: It's gonna happen for you Rik you can't force love. Like Blind dates or those stupid dating apps, like maybe run into someone one day at a grocery store or maybe you have a friend that you realized you liked all along.

There he goes being all inspirational and sh!t just like the night we first did it.

E: well I definitely don't like Sunny or Noah so maybe the run in thing is my only option.

J: maybe you should make more friends

E: can I ask you something?

J: anything.

E: I texted you everyday and one day you just stopped responding you read my messages but stopped responding why?

Jake just looked at me..

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