Chapter 39

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Jakes POV
I woke up and went downstairs to wake up Sunny which of course woke up Noah.

J: Sunny wake up

S: what?

J: I need you to go upstairs with Erika so she doesn't freak out when she wakes up and I'm gone.

N: what's going on?

J: I'm just going to work and Sunny is going upstairs with Erika.

S: just go back to sleep babe.

Noah went back to sleep and Sunny went to the stairs.

J: if she needs anything call me and I'll come home seriously.

S: don't worry Jake I'll keep her busy 2:00 on the dot she'll call you and at 4:00 she'll be here waiting for you here happy maybe we can look at apartments or plan her birthday party.

J: no I already did both of those things.

S: what I'm the best friend

J: I'm the husband.

S: fine I'll figure something out.

J: thank you so much.

S: what you get her for her birthday?

J: I just told you I already looked for an apartment and planned her birthday, put two and two together Sunny I thought you were smarter than this.

S: wha- holy fvcking shit Jake. You got an apartment? When? How you just started working for Mr. Bianchi like 4 months ago and I know you, you don't want some shabby small apartment after living in this you want something nice. So how?

J: To answer your first question I got it right after we got back from Bora Bora. And your second question, when I was younger I used to babysit, do extra chores, do the dishes at the pizzeria, etc. I was saving up money because I wanted to be able to buy my dream car but instead I got the apartment. And I still have some left over so we don't have save up more to get all of the furniture and kitchen utensils.

S: wow maybe I need to get pregnant.

J: no you don't you need to go upstairs so I can go to work so I'm not late.

S: bye Jake

J: bye Sunny

I left.


Erika's POV
I woke up and saw long brown hair.

E: um Sunny?

S: *groans* yeah?

E: why are you in my bed

S: Jake went to work and didn't want you freaking out when you woke up. I set an alarm for 2 o'clock so you can call him on his lunch break and he'll be home at 4

E: oh okay is everyone still downstairs?

S: yeah

E: okay let's go

S: Erika let's not, you know how they are. They're gonna be all quiet and awkward and constantly ask you if you're okay and pity you and it's only gonna make you feel worse so let's just give it until tomorrow. I can bring you food and stuff.

E: and your not pitying me because? Every other time I was sad you asked me if I was okay and stuff.

S: well it was never this bad and it seems really the only person who can actually make you feel better, no matter how much it hurts me to admit this, is Jake.

E: I love you Sunshine

S: I love you too Riky

*knock knock*

Sunny got up and answered the door.

R: hello girly, don't worry I'm not here to ask how you're doing I just cannot stay down there with those boys and listen to them talk about basketball. And I brought you guys smoothies so boom here you go.

Rocky gave us our smoothies and sat down on the bed.

It was quiet for awhile.

E: you guys I don't wanna play baseball anymore.

S: why you're like the best player I've ever seen. My dad even agrees and he's the biggest critic I've ever met.

R: seriously that guy is harsh.

E: yeah but I thought maybe modeling would be better for me. If you haven't noticed I've always loved baseball and I'm great at it but I've never tried out for a team.

S: and you do take really good modeling photos

R: imagine the money you and Jake would make. Baseball player and model holy sh!t

E: what about you guys?

S: I was gonna surprise you guys but someone saw my YouTube video I put up singing "My heart will go on" by Celine Dion and I got an email from NYADA (fake college from Glee) saying that they wanted to give me a full scholarship to their school next year after we graduate and I accepted.

E: Sunny they only accept like 25 people a year and they wanted you a year early

R: oh my god congratulations.

S: what about you Rocky?

R: Teacher and in New York imagine how much they pay.

E: you guys what if the Yankees don't want Jake I can't just bring him to New York and him have nothing to do he's gonna have to pick another team.

S: Erika, Jake is right under you in playing skills. Plus he still has college to improve. Famous baseball scouts don't come to high school games only college. Maybe HOPEFULLY a college scout will pick him at the big game. But when they do see him play remember me saying this, "Jake Paul will be on the New York Yankees baseball team".

E: thank you Sunny

S: what am I here for

R: ugh you guys are so cute. Sunny what's Noah gonna do?

S: his dad owns two of the biggest Asian restaurants in New York luckily for us and he's just gonna sign one of them off to Noah. He's been down there a couple of times he already s knows how to run it and stuff. What about Tony?

R: oh my god you'll never guess

E: adult toy maker?

R: no he wants to be a pediatrician. Oddly enough it's been this dream of his for like years.

E: aw that's so sweet he'll take care of little cute babies a-all the t-time *sniffs*


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