Proffesor Dumb - as - a - door

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I frown. "You knew my mother?" "Oh yes. She was one of my favorite students. Although it was your father who was a true prodigy at transfiguration." She smiles kindly at me. "And you're right, of course, it just seems like second nature to take you into my office and reprimand you for some stupid thing. Merlin knows I spent most of your Father's Hogwarts years doing it." She frowned. "Now, you said that Mr. Weasley was giving you trouble, and then claimed that it was you tormenting him?" I nod. "Yes, professor. I was only defending myself and my friends. And I would never make fun of someone's financial situation, especially since I spent my own childhood wearing hand-me-downs and eating scraps," I say, still slightly resentful about that. She frowns at me. "What? We were told that you and your brother were sent to a pure blood family to learn of your heritage." I snort. If only that were true. "Who told you that?" She frowns at me. "Professor Dumbledore." "What? Why did the headmaster of a school that Harry and I might go to have the authority to decide who we lived with? Especially since they placed us with Muggels who hate magic, and us? They weren't exactly kind and loving."

"Perhaps we should all be asking that question."

* with book covering my face* Helllooooo my dudes! *lowers book slowly and cautiously* Now, before you kill me for being late updating, please consider the following: if you kill me than there will be no more updates. Also, you don't know where I live! HA! Also just pls don't murder me. Hope you enjoy the chapter, yes I know that it's short and weird.

Melia Potter  ~ first yearKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat